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found 3 newborn kittens

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by SweetpeasMama, Apr 12, 2005.

  1. SweetpeasMama

    SweetpeasMama New Member

    Hi everyone. This weekend we went to clean out our garage and found that one of the neighborhoood strays had a littler of 5 kittens. 2 of them were already dead however 3 were alive and well. The mom was there with them and very protective. We disposed of the dead kittens and temporarily moved the living ones (so we could clean the garage). The mom ran away scared. When we finished we put the kittens in a pet bed and left food and water for mom. This morning when we went to check on them she had moved them. They looked to be about 3 days old. Is there any chance she will bring them back? We want continue feeding all of them and catch all of them to get them all fixed. We want to give away the kittens if possible but know that we will need to socialize them. Does anyone have any advice. I am pretty sure she took them under the church next door since she often hides there in the rain. Thanks.
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    How sad. I'm not sure how you can catch them....you might have to wait until the babies are a bit bigger where they are crawling out of hiding on there own. The mother could then be caught with a live trap and the kittens too if you can't get them another way.
    In the meantime, maybe you can set up a comfy, safe spot for the mother in the garage and keep leaving the food out. Maybe she will eventually come back. I'm sure others will have more advice for you.
    Good luck and be sure to keep us posted.
  3. luna

    luna New Member

    poor babies... try leaving a trail of food that leads to your garage
  4. Cheryl

    Cheryl New Member

    The thing that worked the best this week - to pull my wild mama cat out from under the building she was hiding under... Was to warm up some canned food in the microwave, then hussle it out there before it cools... This makes the aroma travel to her... Warm milk brought her out every time too...

    You will get her to come out from under the building this way and show herself... And if you keep feeding her, by the time the kittens are old enough to come out, you will have her trust hopefully...

    This might also bring the kittens out - as they get big enough...

    A nice warm fluffy bed might make her move her kittens there... With perhaps a bit of catnip sprinkled on it... But I would start by putting the bed just inside the hole that she uses to go under the building... Then you can reach them if she moves them...

    Good Luck getting her out...
  5. SweetpeasMama

    SweetpeasMama New Member

    thanks for all of your advice. There is a bed in the garage as well as food. I don't really want to leave a trail because there are multiple strays and even pet cats around and I don't want ot encourage all of them to live in our garage. The Mama came to eat last night and we fed her. Hopefully when the kittens are old enough she will bring them too. We have been feeding mama for a few months anyway. I would love to be able to put the bed in the hole where I think she took the kittens but it is the saize of an air conditioning vent. There is not way I could get anything in there. I hope in a few weeks wen the kittens are walkingon their own we will see them again.
  6. Cheryl

    Cheryl New Member

    So... As long as you continue to feed Mama... You are feeding the kittens too...!!! Good for you...

  7. vene

    vene New Member

    I'd capture the kittens at 4-5 weeks for optimum socialization. By then the kittens would've gotten plenty of milk from mamma cat and they'd be old enough to litter train and eat wet/canned foods. From experience, I've fostered 3 kittens at 5 weeks old and they are very affectionate. Unfortunately I lost one of them, like you did, to congenital problems. The other 2 have thrived and are doing very well. Their names are Bacchus and Cosmo.



    As for the mamma cat, I'd try to capture her at the same time by borrowing a live trap from feral cat focus group or the spca and take her to be spayed around the same time. I've captured a feral cat once and it only cost me $15 for the neutering and Revolution, and dental care, and another $10 for testeing Feline AIDs and Leuk which unfortunately he tested postitive of and had to be put to sleep. Of course you may catch other strays as well. Are you supplimenting mamma's diet with vitamins and minerals? I think kitten food is wonderful for a nursing mamma cat. :mrgreen: When you do catch the kittens, please keep them away from your other furkids until they are 12 weeks and tested for kitty AIDS and Leuk, and have been vaccinated. Good luck!

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