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some advice needed please??

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by merlin and caspers owner, Apr 12, 2005.

  1. hi
    ive got 2 young budgies in a big cage,not avery,both males
    what i want to know is....if i wanted to get more,what is the ratio of budgies in a large cage usually/?/
    also if u get another budgie and u dont know sex of them(i didnt know what mine were originally)......will they either fight with new one.....or breed if cage not set up as breeding cage??

    ive seen averies full of birds just wondered the logistics of it all working out..but in my case my large cage(like a big cocky cage,not flat top)

    also just out of curiosity is thers any other samll birds that u can put in with budgies??
    i let my cockatiel go and say hello to my boys once and they tormented her1!and shes bigger lol

    any advice appreciated thanks :D
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    If say you wanted to get another 2 birds you would need a cage that is large anough for them to fly from perch to perch and spread there wings out from side to side without touching the sides.

    Also if you only plan getting the one you will need to make sure it is of the same sex as your other birds otherwise you will have problems.

    Example have to males in 1 cage then introduce a female the males will fight for the females attention and will kill either the other male or both fight so baly both die especially when they are wanting to breed as budgies are very agressive during breeding season.

    Aviaries full of birds always have more females than males as this keeps a calm balance.

    I would not suggest putting any other type of bird in with the budgies as they are very dominant birds they will kill smaller birds and pick on larger birds

  3. thANKU for ur wise words of wisdom and advice :D
    if i was to get another male ,how would i tell,should i get one older so i can seeif its chere is blue for sure??
    as when i got my 2 boys,they were tan at that stage..they r now a blue definate colour
    id hate to get a female and they lkill each other over her : :(
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    If buying from a breeder he/she will be able to tell you the sex. Otherwise its best to get an older bird so you can see the colour of the cere.

  5. armandndeb

    armandndeb New Member

    I have 4 budgies in my cage

    I started with one shes 1 year old, then we got a male we thought, but he also will be female by the looks of her cere, them two got along great, so we got 2 more which we were told were males, we kept them in a separate cage beside the other cage for 2 weeks, they now live together in the big cage and all is going well, it does appear we may have one boy, his cere was really blue when we got him, the last two are very young, the other ones cere is a purple color. Sky the year old one is the boss, she takes care of the others like mothering. They all just love dandelion greens, I pick the flower heads and buds off and wash them really good and hang them dripping wet and they just think its the greatest, I don,t know if we have to take the flowers and buds off, thats a question for the experts but just letting you know I haven,t had any problems with introducing new birds to the others, but I do think keeping them separate for awhile, but close by to the others so they can get use to each other helps.
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Introduction is not the problem its when the females come into breeding condition and there is more males than females this is when the problems start.

    If not planning on breeding never put a male and female pair together as the chances of the female laying eggs is high, Females will lay eggs without a male but these will not be fertile.

    If planning on breeding then the best and safest way to do this is by putting 1 male 1 female in a cage of there own together for about 6-12months this gives them time to bond closely before the nest box is introduced.

    A close bonded pair are more likely to successfully raise a clutch of chicks than an unbonded pair.

    Also budgies become very aggressive during the breeding season and females have been known to fight to the death for a nest box or mate.

    Male birds learn things alot quicker than the females and are the most docile so makin training alot easier.

    Females on the other hand are not so docile and will attack if they feel threatened since there only weapon is there beak they learn how to use it.

    All birds will bite hands but this is to learn wether the hand it bites will hurt it or wether its gentle and caring birds will remember the taste and scent of good and bad things.

    Good luck on whichever sex you decide.


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