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Repuslive and horrific...Legal cat hunting??!!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Cassie, Apr 13, 2005.

  1. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    You just won't believe this is even being considered:

    http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=s ... _wild_cats

    I just have to wonder how many of the people that voted FOR it ever adopted or neutered or spayed their own pets. grrrr

    :0010: :m13: :m9: :0021: :m14:

  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I have a friend from another cat board who actually went to this meeting (he helped get my previous 2 fosters to their forever home)...anyway he got up and spoke too. Even got threatened by some local yokels who are in favor of this law...shows the mentality of the people who want this to happen. They actually threatened him cause he opposes this!!!

    Anyway the voting was in favor of this legalized disgusting hunt BUT the Dept. of Natural Resources in Wisconsin has the final say and they don't thik it would be a good thing. They must be smarter than the idiots who want this to happen cause the DNR believe it'll be a dangerous thing if allowed. Imagine gun-toting idiots who hate cats shooting cats in a backyard. All it has to be is a cat w/out a collar and no person around...cat could be microchipped but it'll still be fair game.

    I understand the group that had the greatest impact at this meeting were farmers who depend on cats keeping their barns clear of rodents.
  3. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Mary, what's really got me sick about this is that since I first found this article, I've also found that So Dakota an Minnosota already allow this. And to top this off..another forum that I frequent that I crossed posted this to..2 out of 3 supports it!
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Another forum I go into has it posted also, its not a pet forum, just a local newspapers. I dont know whos for or against it but I know from whats been said in there that a lot of people are worried about rabies and cats breeding too much....I put those concerns right, Im not sure why rabies is an issue over it, I hadnt heard of any reports in cats (in California which is what people are worried about...the paper is in California) since 1987 and that was one cat that was illegally smuggled in from Mexico.
    I think a lot of people dont know much about it, all they see is 'ferrel cats/destroying the bird population(not saying cats dont kill birds, they do but I havent seen or heard of any fact based epidemic on this)/ and lets shoot them'. I think its the 'legal shooting' that unfortunatly attracts the rightly quoted 'gun toting idiots' that want them for target practice.
  5. Bente

    Bente New Member

    This is just sick... :(
    If there are so many feral cats that it's causing a problem, they should capture them and have them put to sleep by a vet. And spaying/neutering should be free....
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    There are a lot of groups and individual people that do set traps, catch them, have them spayed and neutered and tested for FIV/FeLV, if they test positive the cats are put to sleep, if negative they are sp/nt. and then released back to the place they were trapped at (if no sanctuaries or rescues can take them), re-releasing them is not ideal but I dont think just because a cat is ferrel warrants euthanasia. Unfortunately a lot of it is down to irresponsible owners not having their cats sp and nt. then letting them run free outside. It would be nice if spaying and neutering was free but the reality is hospitals and rescues also need to cover their costs, however most of the hospitals I know of do have low cost programmes for it.
  7. nern

    nern New Member

    That is exactly how I feel. If they must be killed it should at least be done humanely and shooting them is not humane IMO.
  8. luna

    luna New Member

    i agree... down with cat hunting :m3: :m3: :m3: :0021:

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