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anyone have an Italian Greyhound?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by daisy0802, Apr 14, 2005.

  1. daisy0802

    daisy0802 New Member

    I have one named Daisy. she is almost 4 years old on august 2. She's pure white with a couple freckles on her ears. She weighs about 11 pounds and is 15 inches at the withers.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :D I love Italian Greyhounds. I dont have one but I had a Whippet, bit on the small side and weighed between 17-25#. (Was on medication a couple of times that 'made her gain weight' and she got a little chunky in her last few years) Great personalities. Ive had a lot of people ask me over the years to recommend a breed that is least likely to show aggression, theres 3 that in over 30 years I have never seen agression in (not saying it doesnt happen, Ive just never seen it) and they are Shelties, Whippets and Italian Greyhounds. Awesome dogs. :D
  3. daisy0802

    daisy0802 New Member

    I know. she is the sweetest little thing. She's only bit me ONCE. and that was when she broke her leg. I would bite too if I was a dog that broke their leg. even though she bit, it wasn't hard. it was more of a OW! PAIN! bite. :mrgreen:
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :D Nahhhh! I dont count those bites as agressive ones. Hope it wasnt too bad for either of you, is her leg all healed up now?. Is your bite wound healed up.?
  5. daisy0802

    daisy0802 New Member

    It was a long time ago. She's fine. she jumped out of my 11 year old sister's arms. she had to get a plate and screws in her leg, and a cast. It was about a year ago. their legs are very fragile. actually their whole body is fragile! :mrgreen:

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