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help with green water

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by ma2pac105, Apr 21, 2005.

  1. ma2pac105

    ma2pac105 New Member

    i have had green water for a while now i cleand99 percent of my 55 gal tank and it went clear then came back wht is it and what do i do

    please help
  2. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    sounds like an algae bloom.......is the tank in direct sunlight?
  3. ma2pac105

    ma2pac105 New Member

    a little bit ileave the tank lights on 24/7
    i also just bought from wal wart a pack of plant root bulbs if that does anything
  4. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    well for 1: the sunlight is bringing out the bloom partially
    2: 24/7 lighting is also helping to contribute
    3: 24/7 lighting isnt helathy for fish (if there are any fish in the tank)
  5. ma2pac105

    ma2pac105 New Member

    how do i get rid of the green water!

    i leave my air pump on 24/7 to is that ok
  6. hooterhead

    hooterhead New Member

    CUT BACK ON THE LIGHTING! this is going to keep causing your algea until youdo so. go to wal-mart and buy a timer in the lighting dpt. i think they are like 2 bucks. set it so that your lights are on no more than 8 hrs a day. and put a blind or curtain over the window so that minimal sunlight gets to the tank. you'll keep having green water and start getting sick fish until you correct these problems.
  7. Hooben

    Hooben New Member

    Okay, it's a 55 gallon tank. What type of filtration and airation do you have running. These systems should be on 24 hours a day. What's the room and lighting like? Do you gravel vacuum and how often. What are the water parameters for ammonia, nitrite...
  8. ma2pac105

    ma2pac105 New Member

    i dont gravel vacum yet i dont check the tests

    i did do a water change and its ok now

    i have a whisper 60 filter i usually wash the filters once a weak to help keep them clog free

    i still get water leaking out from under my intake tube

    should i get another filter? what kind?
    how far should the bottom of the tube be from the gravel
  9. M_wm

    M_wm New Member

    If you can afford it go for an aqua clear 500.
  10. big-pig-666

    big-pig-666 New Member

    whats the price of the aqua clear???
  11. pocketpoesie

    pocketpoesie New Member

    The aqua clears run around the same cost or a little less than the whispers. I have one (used to have a whisper) on my 20gal, and I really like it.

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