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help with dog smell

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by thatonegirl84, Apr 21, 2005.

  1. thatonegirl84

    thatonegirl84 New Member

    I need some help from the dog owners out there. My brother used to have a mother dog and her pups living in his garage. They lived in there for I don't know how long.

    Now the garage smells very much like dog. I'm sure it's into the cement and the wood on the walls and everything. We have washed the cement floor and cloroxed it. The smell is still there. Is there anything we can do to get rid of the smell?

    Please help. Thank you.
  2. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I have a tart burner at my house and it always smells really good, but I don't know about getting rid of "dog smell" there is stuff called Natures miracle which gets the pee smell out.
    Baking soda
    ionizer!! those are what people use who rent cars and stuff to get bad smells ouit
  3. thatonegirl84

    thatonegirl84 New Member

    Thanks. I didn't mention that they did pee and poop all over the place, but you probably figured that out. Hmm.. I'll try some of that stuff.
  4. blueshish

    blueshish New Member

    You could always try a product called OUT. It works wonders on carpet and furniture. I have never tried it on concrete but I would think that it would be absorbed much as the urine was so it should be effective. My husband works in the concrete business and suggested having the concrete sealed. That is a job best done by a professinal and can be pricey.
  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I never use bleach to clean up urine, it contains amonia so does urine so you end up with twice the smell. Personally I like Natures Miracle, keep soaking the floor and walls with it for about 24 hours (you might have to cover large areas if you cant pinpoint where the urine is) then let it dry and then seal it, a home improvement store should tell you whats best for wood and concrete, Ive usually just used paint.
  6. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    If the Nature's Miracle doesn't do the trick, you can use borax, which is available in the laundry products section at your supermarket. Wash the area with a borax and water solution, then spread powdered borax over the areas where the odor still remains. Let it set overnight and vacuum. Then you should probably seal the concrete.
  7. thatonegirl84

    thatonegirl84 New Member

    Thanks for the help, everyone! I will pass it on to my parents because, well, I'm not going to do the work!

    My dad actually bought some OUT today and said so far it is working.
  8. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Could you pressure-wash the garage? That would help.

    I personally love bleach and especially clorox clean-up to clean anything it won't ruin. Bleach doesn't contain ammonia. If you mix bleach and ammonia, it produces a toxic gas. And it will knock you out--literally. Don't ask me how I know that... :oops: .
  9. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :p that explains a lot then, the label says bleach and when Ive used it to clean up urine Ive had to evacuate the house for a couple of hours, :shock: without the urine there its okay.
  10. Maisey

    Maisey New Member

    I have accidently produced that wonderous gas...it was not a fun experience. I did pass out and it felt like my eyes and breathing passages had been burned. However the look on my husbands face was much worse to endure ...that "what the hell were you thinking?" look. Men! produce a little toxic fumes and they get all "Mr. know it all" on you.
  11. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    working in a real estate office we once had a home where the owners had been evicted. They bred Rotties and the dogs were kept in the basement. The poor girl we hired to clean the place thought the basment had only 5' ceilings...ended up being a layer of dog poop with a layer of carpet over that, another layer of dog poop with another layer of carpet - about 6 layers deep. You can imagine the smell.
    she used gallons of out on the floor and it worked. She also had to use it on the subfloor of the upstairs of the house
    She did wear a HazMat suit to clean this place
  12. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    OMG Mary! What a testiment to OUT, huh?
  13. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    once my aunt was cleaning her bathroom and using ammonia and bleach. She passed out from wasn't found for a while and nearly died! She had to stay in the hospital for a while, but while there, they discovered some cancer in her lungs, she prayed to God, that it wasn't malignent, she said if it was benign she would never smoke again. It ended up being benign and she hasn't smoked since then and that was 15 years ago! So it ended up being best for her and her health that she did that. Probably the only time mixing bleach and ammonia turned out to be good!
  14. pebblesmom

    pebblesmom New Member

    Where can I buy OUT? I was just about to order something called "bad dog" from drycarpet.com. Anyone ever use it?
  15. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I got some OUT for cats at Wal-Mart. I think they have it for dogs too. Never heard of the stuff you mentioned and I thought I had tried it all!

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