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My German Shepard won't eat or drink

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by pnewberr, Apr 19, 2005.

  1. pnewberr

    pnewberr New Member

    Last Sunday she was drooling and did not feel well. We took her to the vet on Monday and he kept her and gave her antibotics and observed her. We picked up up on Thursday and she ate a few bites and that was it. She won't drink water nor will she eat. I have been force feeding her baby food/meat and water for the last few days. The vet said her tonsillis were swollen. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Can you try a different vet?
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    If she was there for 4 days did the vet not give you a diagnosis, suspected cause etc? Did they do x-rays, blood work?
    How old is she?
  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I think it sounds serious and I would take her to another vet or stay in that vets lobby u ntil he figured out what was really wrong and treated her, but that is just me! I once had a sick dog and the vet pretty much did nothing, he said it was a cold and kept giving her amoxicillin, it wasn't a cold and she ended up dying from it
  5. petsareawesome

    petsareawesome New Member

    find a new vet!!!!

    My dog died and my vet did nothing but say that she'd get better soon they gave her a bunch of medicine, and we were annoyed. don't let that vet give you a lame story like that! go to another one or hold a sit in or something!!!

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