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American Animal Hospital (Fremont California)

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by thecoachman, Apr 22, 2005.

  1. thecoachman

    thecoachman New Member

    I was wondering if anyone has visited this "hack" of a vet?

    our first day:
    9:15 appt.
    Saw vet at 10:30am w/ two cats freaking out in that tiny room.

    both cats checked and taken back for cleaning. The vet said they would be first in first out for the wait. They would call at 2pm to get update.

    I call and get put on hold for 10min. I hang up.
    I call again and get put on hold for another 10 and hang up.
    I call again and finaly get someone telling my that my one cat is done and the other will be done by 6:45pm. (WHAT?????) They told my first in first out and was estimated 3pm done time.

    Met with the vet and cats were brought to us.
    Cat 1, Foster, had his neck shaven and leg shaven. He had some weird sludge all over the side of his face wrapping around all his wiskers.
    Cat 2, Chin shaven (for acne) and leg shaven. She looked ok but had goop all over her face.
    We asked the person why Foster's neck was shaven and we were told they just checked him out for acne????what????
    Then the vet came out an told us that they couldn't find his vein for blood testing.

    We were told that the extensive blood work would be sent out but when we picked them up they had the results already. The vet went on telling us he was dehydrated and that was the reasons for some of the results. He said it was cause they were not given any water since the night before. We did not take the water away and they drank water before they came. Also went on telling us things like their red blood cells are made by the liver and kideys/?????? WHAT????

    There were some others but by that time I was taking our cats into the car while my wife ( a biochemist) talked w/ him and schooling him, on blood work and how mammels work.

    I digress, while we waited in the beginning, the "nurse" told us she messed up and didn't tell the vet we (and another guy who waited over an hour) were there. Then the vet came in and told us that he was on the phone????

    Cat 2
    Her blood work was not extensive and would be done in house (but extensive would be sent out or not or whatever they feel like charging us for 75.00) and was written on a piece of paper. We questioned one of the figures later that night and called the vet. He called us back the next day telling us they don't have the number and they only write them down after the computer spits them out. I don't understand, would'nt that be good practive to keep all tests for future comparison? I am puzzled that we have a file there for our cats w/ nothing in them. Maybe they just have a file saying what we are willing to pay for our cats.

    That's another thing. The only reason we changed vets and went here is because I was quoted 125 for the basic dental. Then my wife called and they quoted her a different 165. Then when we got there they quoted us 250??? What the hell is going on? I feel like I am negotiating a used car!

    What do you all think about this? Should we be very concerned? My wife cried when we found all this out and started thinking about what they could have done to our cats. They would not let us see them while they were in the back waiting for the 8 hours or so. I am very concerned and waiting to here back from the senior vet to voice our complaints for the 3rd time.

    Please, anyone that could help us out or could give us some info on other experiences that might justify this, please contact me and my wife...



    Christopher and Mary and Foster and Yoda and Lucky...
  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Yikes! Sorry for all the trouble you went through. You should be very concerned! I'd say it's definitely time to seek out a new vet.

    I hope the kitties are doing okay.
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I sent you an e-mail, but my computer is having...technical difficulties (or rather I am) so you may receive the same mail twice...sorry :oops:
  4. i_love_my_ollie

    i_love_my_ollie New Member

    i dont know to much as im a bit new to all cat stuff (im gettin there with all the helpful advice from here) but that is no acceptable a vet is sum1 u gota trust and know ur kittes are in safe hands i agree u need to find another vet if i wasnt happy id never take my kitty back to them im sorry for the stress uv gone through :( i hope ur kitties r ok
  5. thecoachman

    thecoachman New Member

    Thanks for the responses everyone!!!!

    My wife, kitties and I all are touched by all the responces. I, if anyone still is watching this thread, will post an update when I hear from the vet (I am still waiting for him/her to call us and explain). I am going to go in on Monday if they don't call at all.

    I will update.

    Again, It feels good to know dogs and cats have such great people to care for them.

  6. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. Sorry you and your cats had to go through all of that. Often friends/family or neighbors (that live in the same town) can recommend a good vet that they use. :D
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    It sounds like a nightmare. How terrible for you and the kitties. Is there such a thing as a Better Business Bureau for vets? Also cat shelters and good pet stores can usually recommend good vets.

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