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new pom-a-poo owner questions

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by dog_lover, Apr 23, 2005.

  1. dog_lover

    dog_lover New Member

    Hi I am new here. I have aquired a pom-a-poo. I have some questions that maybe someone could answer for me.

    1) She weighed 1lb 10.5 oz at 11 weeks. Anyone know how big I can expect her to get?

    2.) Her mother is a pom, her dad a poodle. She has a pom shaped body, her ears kind of stand up, her hair is longish and wavy. I was wondering what kind of coat type I should expect of her as an adult. Will she be double coated? Curly like a poodle? What if I want to keep her hair long? What kind of grooming will be required - I already own a poodle, and I wanted a dog with longer fur. (I heard that if you never have a poodle groomed the first time, their coat won't look like a typical poodle)

    3.) Odd as it sounds, her mom was a brown pom, dad a white poodle - but my puppy is jet black - think her color will stay the same?

    Anybody else here that has a pom-a-poo? I'd really be interested to hear about your experiences.

  2. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    as with any mixed breed dog, you will never really know. It doesn't have to be one way or another. She can be like either one of them. Sorry I don't think there is any real way to know how it will turn out. It is probably black either bc those dogs are like labs, which a yellow lab (even if both parents are yellow) could still have a black puppy bc it is in their genes, from what i have heard about labs is that there is no way of knowing which color it will be (although this is just heresay, I have never actually researched it) or it is black for the simple fact the you really don't know what this dogs background is like, because it is a mixed dog. I think that anyone breeding 2 different breeds together can not be trusted, the parents may or may not have papers.
    Anyway the moral of the story is: the dog will be the best dog it can be and try to make you happy, but you will never know its future.
    Ps maybe try on the small dogs forum, they have lots of different mixes.
  3. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I think the coat type could be almost anything. My Mom has 2 poms--both with papers--and their coats are totally different. One has a coat like a sheltie and almost never mats. The other keeps mats and never looks that great even after grooming. A groomer could probably answer that question by looking at her--Mom's groomer called Reuben's matty coat right off and knew it was going to be trouble.

    Could you post a picture?? We have a few groomers on this site and we all love to see pictures :mrgreen: !
  4. dog_lover

    dog_lover New Member

    Right now the only pictures I have are on my 35mm camera, and the roll isn't finished yet. Also, when I get pictures, not sure I'd be able to post them as I am technically challenged..haha.
  5. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I am technically challenged too, but I learned how to post pictures. We love pictures and would love to see your dogs!! There are instructions somewhere on here...
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    You MUST post photos of this dog. If you have to, you can mail me the prints and I will scan and post them and send them back. :)
  7. dog_lover

    dog_lover New Member

    I will, but first have to finish the roll of film and get it developed.
    She will be 13 weeks this Friday - and she is a real character! Deliberately sits at the head of my bed and barks up at me till I wake up. Same thing if I want to take a nap, I can't even try to pretend to be sleeping. - She insists on having it her way.
  8. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    OMG that sounds like my Mom's pom Reuben! He will stare at her when she's sleeping and touch her on the nose with one of his paws--ever so gently. He is soooooo rotten.

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