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  2. Microworms - Live Aquarium Foods

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  4. Live Spirulina

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my kuhli loach is always hiding!!

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by dougie_090, Apr 21, 2005.

  1. dougie_090

    dougie_090 New Member

    My kuhli loach is always hiding and i have had it for several months now and evey time i clean the tank in full it always comes out from hiding! i can never see where it could be hinding as ther are alot of hiding places! .. i have tried to block entrances to some of them but futher help would be very very helpful!!

    thanks in advance

  2. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

  3. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    I was also planning on getting Coolie loaches. Its good now that i know they like being in groups. i was only gonna get 2, and its good to know they like dark places so i will set up a little cave for em. That article is very usefull.
  4. Hooben

    Hooben New Member

    Watch out if you are using regular pea sized gravel, as they like to dig themselves in. Look for scratches on their slime coat, they like sand substrate better. As for hiding, they are usually very active. Unfortunately the local stores around here don't carry them anymore. Try feeding them some sinking carnivore or bottom feeder food. Maybe that will get them out. What other types of fishes do you have them with and how many gallons is the tank?

    DUCKLE-BUM New Member

    I inherited 2 loaches about 2 years ago and have barely seen them at all.
    They aren't fond of bright light and tend only to come out at night to feed.
  6. dougie_090

    dougie_090 New Member

    thanks 4 that!!......

    but i would also like to no wot i use 4 feeding the kuhli loach as som1 sed in an earlia ppost that i should use a sinkin food or live food for the kuhli loach! wot would i use is the basic question!! lol



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