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What interests other than dogs does everyone have?

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by MyPetTherapyDog, Apr 11, 2005.

  1. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    Hey, I was thinking we all know that everyone loves pit bulls.
    However, we really don't know much more about other posters.
    Just wondering, what does everyone enjoy besides their dogs? What are their hobbies and what about their family and work life?
    Well, here is the bio on me:
    I am 42 going on 43. I am a female. I am married, I have three children ages 23, 20, and 17. My favorite things to do besides care for my pit bulls and my cats are:
    riding my bicycles (mountain and hybrid), gardening, and walking. I work in a hospital as a medical secretary in the intensive care unit, I also obedience train shelter pit bull dogs.
    Ok, NEXT???
  2. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    I am female, and I'm not telling my age. I have 2 daughters; 28 and 23, and I wasn't all that young when I had them. I'm divorced. I currently work as a pet groomer, but I have worked at a variety of jobs, including vet tech, chiropractic assistant, truck driver and (shamefully hanging head) I did one summer as a shill in a carnival. I read voraciously, enjoy gardening, needle work, and science fiction/fantasy films. I also enjoy writing, and am currently working on a novel and a collection of essays and short stories.
  3. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    im into sports.. basketball the most
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Female, early 40's (still telling people Im 38 though :) ) Divorced once and now engaged to great guy. Have a 21 year old daughter who got married just over a year ago. Im from Liverpool UK but lived in Germany when I was a small kid, lived in California for over 15 years (daughter still lives there) and now Im back in Germany, family in UK, US, Canada; Australia, New Zealand, Germany and Temerife, so vacations are great, I havent been to all these countries but love to travel. Love music of all kinds, anything from country-rap and everything inbetween, execpt for jazz, play keyboards a little (not very good though). Ive worked mostly in training or as a vet tech, dj'd for a year or 2 and done other jobs at different times. Currently volunteering at a rescue and doing some training.
  5. someday

    someday New Member

    I'm female, I'm 22 years old. I am majoring in Equestrian Science(I'm on the five year plan :? ) I have a year left. I also work on a Trakehner breeding farm, which owns the Olympic bronze medalist Windfall 2. As you can guess, horses are my main interest. I ride and show Dressage. I'm engaged to a great guy, who is a dialysis nurse. I really enjoy being outdoors; camping, hiking, canoeing. Love to read, cook, and garden. I also love to travel. We try to take one big trip a year, but it's gotten to every 2 years now. So far in Europe we've knocked out Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium together. I listen to hard rock. My favorite band is Pearl Jam. Last tour I took a 2300 mile road trip to see five shows. Some people I'm sure would consider this insane...i prefer adventurous :D
  6. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    Female here, 22, stay at home mom, married to a 25 year old Chemical Engineer. We have a 5 year old son. I love working out in the yard. I like working on my car. Working out. Reading. Playing with my son. My husband and I try to go to Six Flags at least once a year. We like to take our son to a local amusement park. We love to go to concerts! My husband and I have seen Metallica (several times), Korn (2x), Limp Bizkit (3x), Kiss, Ozzfest (watched Judas Priest and Black Sabbath), Kid Rock, Snoop Dog, Mudvain, System of a Down, and others I just can't think of. We usually get pit tickets and end up right up front. I can't express just how much fun we have! :mrgreen: We also like renting movies. We just signed up for Blockbuster's online rental thing. Um, lets see...When I did work, it was management in fast food (Pizza Hut and then Taco Bell). I spend WAY too much time online. LOL. My dogs really do take up a lot of my day to day time.
  7. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    27 male, natural sales man, have custody of my son, now married to great girl... paid off my house, Love to paint, Impression, surreal and abstract or a mixture of the three... Build and ride custom bicycles, work in the yard, excel at anything with my hands, Love sci fi, favorite author now is Jonatahn Lethem. Favorite band is Ween, seen em 6x. Mostly my family gets my attention. everything else gets a bad juggling act...
  8. blueshish

    blueshish New Member

    Female, early thirties (will be turning 21 agin next birthday) remarried with 3 kids, 1 boy 4 yrs, 2 girls 2yrs and 9 months. We have 3 cats, 3 dogs, and 1 gecko. When I was married to my first husband, we managed a purebred Beefmaster cattle ranch and raised Blue Heelers. After I remarried I worked as a police dispatcher/911 operater. I have been a stay at home mom since the birth of our second child. We have been involved with rescue groups and the humane society as foster parents for pits but have been taking some time off since the birth of our third baby. We plan to start again next month. I enjoy horror flicks and those terrible 1950 & '60s B movies although I mainly watch Scooby-Doo and the like now days.I studied theology and comparitive religion in college. My friends like to joke that I know more about nothing than some people do about something.I also enjoy watching baseball and hockey. Buffalo Sabre's are my team but don't tell anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. pcolachic

    pcolachic New Member

    I am a female age 20 I work at the front desk at a vacation resort condo
    don't have any kids but I do have a new niece (jasmine) she's 2 months
    and thats pretty much it I do have a b/f of 4 years but other than that im just into my dogs :kiss_puppy:
  10. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    I just began playing tennis yesterday. I SUCK!!!!!!!
  11. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    Hi Max:
    I have to sit here and laugh at myself.
    I just returned home from a friends 40th birthday party. I was reading the new posts on this thread and I had to double read yours! I thought it said male, neutered 27 years old!!!!!!!!! LOL. I guess I had too many beers tonight!!!!!!
    Sounds like you have it all together for yourself though!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!
  12. yogi

    yogi New Member

    other interests are varied and many

    one heart attack and even though into my 50's refuse to slow down.
    I raise Min Pins, Manx cats. I have 5 birds that also take time. Primary in addtion to 40 hours a week at regular job I still paint homes on the side. I am remodeling 1929 farm house little by little room by room. I am into classic cars and performance muscle cars. Whew, ok I have tuckered myself out so best I take a breather.
  13. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    i jus figured i add more about myself.. 24 yr old male, married and in the military (AF) from clarksville tn but im stationed in tampa (hotter than a mutha) florida!! i have been stationed in alaska and korea.. been to the desert twice.. i like sports, and i am kareoke champion!! especially after a few bud lights..
  14. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Aah! yes....kareoke, Ive noticed that 'more I drink the better I sing' :shock:
    (at least thats what it seems like :D )
  15. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    and dance!!
  16. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Of course..... :lol:
  17. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    I can't sing but I think I can after a few beers LOL. Another one of my hobbies is sitting around a bonfire in my yard near my pool drinking a few beers with some old friends.
    I can't wait for summer!!!
  18. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    :shock: Im all intact! LOL The neighbors keep get mad at me for peeing on their bushes though........
    I dont really have it anymore together than anyone else, im just making things up as I go along, ive been blessed, its nothing ive really done...

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