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Where Do you dogs sleep?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by CattleDogLover, Mar 5, 2005.

  1. CattleDogLover

    CattleDogLover New Member

    Slicker still being a young dog sleeps in his crate at night until he mellows out a bit and learns his manners lol. If we did'nt crate him he would run laps around the house all night trust me.

    Ember, Ginger, Vox, Signal, and Sassy sleep in variouse places. Ember sleeps on the rug in front of my husbands and mines bed being the protector of all lol gotta love him. We have a King size Bed and Vox, Sassy, and Ginger share the bed with us most nights. Ginger cuddles me like a baby and keeps me warm lol. Signal sleeps on the clothes pile usually and sometimes jumps up on the bed lol.

    So what does everyone else do crate or leg their dogs sleep wherever?
  2. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Well my 3 girls use to all sleep on my bed with me, but two of them have been waking me up really early for many months now so I put those two in their own room at night(I feel guilty about that still but i need sleep), and Sydney sleeps on my bed with me. The cat sleeps in my room too but latley has been trying to wake me up with love nibbles which i havnt been enjoying much.

    Cattledoglover...dont all those dogs wake u up earlier then u would like, or do they wake when u do. Thats great u have a king size bed, i only have a full!!!! I need a new bed!
  3. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    My girls used to sleep with me...but sadly they now sleep in an adjoining room separated by yet another baby gate. I had to put them out because they would jump off of the bed even though I made them a ramp.
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    Natalie sleeps in my bed with me...under the covers and all. Sebastian only sleeps in my bed once in a while...most of the time he sleeps with my roommate instead.
  5. Sara

    Sara New Member

    The Boerboels sleep outside and guard the place...but when it's cold they sleep in crates in the heated garage... Honijade my pit sleeps with us... Since moving she seems to have become very restless and if she's crated...she wakes me up moving around...and I've become accustomed to her sleeping by my side... to the BF's dismay... I need them both...LOL... Monty used to sleep in bed with us but has a habit of LEAPING from the bed at the tiniest nudge and then leaps back on to sleep... wakes me up every time I move...so he is crated till we can get a gate for the bedroom... THEN he'll be back on the living room sofa to sleep.
  6. pomlover

    pomlover New Member

    My puppy is still crated until he can settle down some. My older dog is right in the bed with us. Along with the cats. My hubby has his own side of the bed and on my side are: myself, Lacie (Pom) curled up at my side, Harley (cat) sleeping on my head and Simba (cat) inbetween my knees. I can't even move throughout the night. :wink:
  7. HereinDecatur

    HereinDecatur New Member

    Cw sleeps in his crate at night because he is losing his baby teeth and getting his permanent teeth and is trying to chew on everything! As for Tramp at 110 pounds he sleeps where ever he wants too...lol :wink:
  8. CattleDogLover

    CattleDogLover New Member

    Not really Sassy sleeps in with my husband (she's supposed to be my dog :roll: ). Vox usually hops off the bed pretty early in the morning to do his rounds looking out the windows checking on everything on the farm same as Ember who sits at the front window staring at the pasture lol. And Ginger sleeps in with me we get up as a family at 5:30am lol.
  9. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Luther sleeps under my bed andI think that is because the first bed I had with him was really high and so he just decided to sleep under neath. It was funny in Munich when we had a really low bed and he had to slide under it!
    PS I just realized this is my 1000th post! Now I officially have spent too much time here!
  10. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    My dogs sleep in crates in the garage. I don't let them sleep in my room cause they snore and seem to be VERY gassy at night, lol!
  11. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    All three either on my bed or in my room with me unless I have company. Duncan usually gets down after I fall asleep and sleeps on the pet bed next to my bed. Dowser sleeps with his head on my body somewhere if he can, and Pepsi always leans against me and trys to push me either off the bed or to the center.
  12. yogi

    yogi New Member

    first come first serve

    With 10 MinPins all knowing what time bed time is, it comes down to who can get to the King Size bed first and lay claim to a spot. Fortunately being I am the alpha I have option of sleeping with them or on the couch.
    Usually 5 or 6 will want into bed along with at least 4 of the 11 cats. The others like the peace and quiet in the living room whether it be the couch, love seat or recliner. There are doggie beds that I will sometimes find them using but if you can lay out on a king size bed, heck with the doggie beds.

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