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  5. Live Spirulina

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  6. Daphnia - Live Aquarium Foods

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Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by ilovemycockatiel, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. ilovemycockatiel

    ilovemycockatiel New Member

    Hi, I'm Kayla from Texas.....I just wanted to brag about about my wonderful bird named Esther May. We have a special bond no one could break. Being a teen, I like to hang out with my friends. When they come over I show her off. She loves attention from people. I love my Esther sooooo much I built her a 6 ft tall 5 ft wide cage for herself. I 've also been thinking about getting her a friend. Perticularly a male. I love cockatiels, as you can see by my screen name. Animals are a big part of our life, and we should start thinking more about them when we cut down their homes, destroy there nests, spoil their water, and pollute their air. ARE YOU WITH ME??????????????!!!!!!!!!! Ye yah!! :y_the_best: :D
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I totally agree with you.
    I love all animals thats why i got into veterinary work.
    I have done animal adoption, I have worked for the RSPCA here in the uk
    Animal training.

    I have delivered manybaby animals from kittens to foals.
    I breed german shepherd dogs.
    Zebra finch's

    My animals are important to me and i am always telling people about them.
    I say if you have something your proud of and love share it with everyone.
  3. ilovemycockatiel

    ilovemycockatiel New Member

    Hey charmedagain..What kind of animals do you have?
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    HI i have

    German shepherd dogs
    Peach faced lovebird
    Guinea pigs

  5. mumofmany

    mumofmany New Member

    Hi Ilovemycockatiel. :D It's great to see that you take such good care of Esther May. She's a very lucky bird to have a dedicated mom.

    I'm right with you with concidering the animals welfare when people destroy their habitat. Some people don't even try to see that the animals are totally dependent on us, as humans, and therefore we need to take some responsibility for them. The animals can't do it for themselves.

    I have 6 cockatiels, 9 budgies, 3 quails, and 1 lovebird. They are such beautiful birds, and give so much love and enjoyment to me.

    Please keep us updated on your lovely Esther May.
    Maggie :)

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