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I'm worried can anyone help????!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by iluvmychi, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. iluvmychi

    iluvmychi New Member

    Hello all...my name is Gina, I have a 1 year old Chihuahua named Mandi. This morning I noticed that she was swollen around her neck and she was itchin her self a lot so I took her in to the vet, they said her lymph node ...spelling? was inlarged and that 2 things could have happened. One, she could have been chewing on something like a stick (which i did catch her chewing on a clothes pin...ahhh) and it could have punchered something...(they also said there were cuts on her tongue. or she could have been fighting with the cat and had taken a bite to the neck....they put her on anti inflammatories and an antibiotic. When we got home this morning from the vet she seemed better, not itching as much and not red and the swelling had gone down a little. Now she itiching like crazy and very red and swollen again...they also said she had a 101.0 temp but she feels like she is warmer.....what could this be? I feel like its an allergic reaction...because of the itiching and redness...i dunno...i'm just scared and i can't wait to call the vet in the morning...can you help me in the mean time?
  2. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Is there any chance it could be an insect bite? Like a spider bite or tick bite, or even a bee sting? Spider bites can cause intense itching as well as redness and swelling. Tick bites can appear pretty much the same. If you think it's possible this could be an insect bite, you could try a warm compress made with meat tenderizer and water. The enzyme in the meat tenderizer helps to break down the venom in a bee sting or spider bite.

    I wouldn't be concerned about a temp of 101.0 in a small dog. That's within the range of normal temps for dogs, who have a higher body temp than humans. One thing I would keep an eye on though is her breathing. If this is an allergic reaction to something, her throat might swell, causing her to have difficulty breathing.
  3. iluvmychi

    iluvmychi New Member

    well that makes me think a little....we're in michigan so no mesquitos are out yet, but we have killed some spiders in the house latley. I just don't understand...she's red in her ears, around her elbows, and her neck and even her eyes a little....and she's itching like crazy on her back. but i don't see any bite or anything....well i'm talkin her in to the vet so i gotta get ready. They're gonna charge me another office visit of 25 because my doc is not in today...ahhhhhhh
  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    can little dogs get hot spots?
  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Since it is so sudden and the itching and redness, it does sound like an allergic reaction. anything you can think of change like jus tin the last few days? I also think of a bite, but Then you should see a mark somewhere. what about fleas? but then I dont think thin that would cause enlarged lymph nodes.

  7. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    When my girls have had allergic reactions to their shots or a bee sting, they reacted much like this. It was systemic and started in their ears and then spread. Soon they looked like little shar-pei's. They get welts in their ears first and then start shaking their heads and rubbing their faces on anything. My vote is on an insect bite....I guess we'll see. Oh and Brie's bee sting--or whatever didn't show up right away as it was under an armpit. When it got a head on it, you could see it but not right away.
  8. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    My Whippet used to resemble a bloated hedgehog whenever she got bit, it was just a this one house that we lived for about a year, there were hundreds of bugs around and I could never find a bite mark or locate the exact spot on her and never knew exactly what bug it was that she was allergic to, after we moved it stopped.

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