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animal control who do they think they are

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by maxkicker, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. maxkicker

    maxkicker New Member

    animal control left a note on my door today saying that they recieved a call that my two dogs didnt have food/water or shelter but the food/water thing was in complience however i have two dogs and one dog house and have 10 days to get another house and register my dogs or they will take them ...this pisses me off to no end yes i only have one dog house but and i wouldnt have that one but my male doesnt like the house the female is always in the house we have a doggy door.
    who are they to tell me i need two houses..what do u guys think of this?

    also is it possible to find out who it was that called it i see this as harassment even if it was my neighbor that called they wouldnt be able to see the dog house food or anything im surprised anyone knew i even had dogs
  2. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Well first off since this is the pitbull specific forum I'm assuming they are pits. So I would say keep them seperated at ALL times when you are not home to supervise them. Also they are just doing their job, there is supposed to be a dog house per dog. I wouldn't get bent out of shape, its not like they are harrassing you like they have been my friend for the past several months. But you need to explain to them that you have a doggy door and I think this would change the dog house rule, because they have SHELTER its your house and they don't need a dog house because they can go inside the home. People call they come, even if the people are lying they have to check it out and they can't tell you who called.
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I agree with truepits, AC just doing their job, because no shelter and food is a very serious complaint so they have to investigate. But what gets me is they determined the dog house thing without fully investigating. I would write a letter to the complaint (so you have handwritten acknowledgement and hand deliver it and go to animal control and discuss it personally responding that you have a dog door into your house that they have access to. I would also take a picture of of the door and explain they have free roam to go and out as they please and you would be more than happy to have ethem come out and check it out. I would think your dog door supercedes having to 2 dog dog houses, as for the no food/water thing, that is weird. what possible provoked someone to complain. Probably one of your neighbors just trying to stir things up because they are pits.

  4. maxkicker

    maxkicker New Member

    what really bothers me is that animal control can just say that they had a Anonymous phone call and just walk on your property imo that shouldnt be allowed if someone was (worried) about my dogs they should be man enough to atleast say who they are. somehow animal control gets away with the no trespassing law. i dont expect everyone to share my point of view but this whole thing is burning at me so i think im going to be calling the animal control and send them to the govs house id bet elrich would love that i mean what if i called and said someone had a cat in the house being tortured would they break someones door down? the animal control is out of hand
  5. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    but someone has to look after the animals.. im not sayin you didnt have food or water, but what if you didnt?? isnt it good to know someone is out there lookin out for the animals best interest?? im sure they wont come kickin down your door, but if a cat is bein tortured.. to some people thats just means for doin so. i know it burns you to be accused.. i know i do.. but if your doin the right thing.. you should thank the AC for carin and let them go on their way
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I know how frustrating this is for you, Ive been in similar situations, if the person reporting you to them continues they'll come out a couple of times but they will wise up to it, as much as you dont want to do this I would comply with them, be 'friendly' and invite them in to see that they have no reason to be concerned, let them see your dogs and let them see everything is fine, they will probably leave you alone.
    What Ive done is try and put myself in their position, if someone phoned me and told me that a dog was being neglected and/or abused I know I would do whatever it takes to make sure that the dog was okay, even if that meant upsetting the dogs owner.
    I know its not an ideal situation and I think some AC officers could really use some training on how to be tactful but the bottom line is if they get a report they have to follow it up. They dont know you personally so try not to take it as a personal attack (I know....easier said than done....I hear ya!)
  7. Killerbee2

    Killerbee2 New Member

    WOW! :shock: its must be really hard. You might want to research! 8)


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