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  2. Microworms - Live Aquarium Foods

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  3. Australian Blackworms - Live Fish Food

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  4. Live Spirulina

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fish to accompany .........

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by dougie_090, Apr 23, 2005.

  1. dougie_090

    dougie_090 New Member

    could any1 possibli help me with their ideas on stocking a new tank that is fairly small but stil a decent size. It has 2 inhabitants at the moment and they are a kuhli loach and a golden algae eater (i got these free off of a friend and i am using a spare tank that i have) so would anybody have some good opinions 4 stoking eg. if i should have another kuhli/ algae eater in with them 4 company??

    thanks in advance

  2. Hooben

    Hooben New Member

    How many gallons is this tank or how long and wide is it in inches or cm?
    Another factor will be the size and type of filter that you are using.
    Let us know...
  3. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    Answer all the questions the moderator asked and Kuhli loaches do best in groups, if u want an active set i recommend 3+ kuhlis. But it all depends on ur tank size, if its 10 gal or less 3 kuhlis is ur maximum with a algea eater aswell, Kuhlis grow about 4"
  4. dougie_090

    dougie_090 New Member

    yer sorry aout the delay.....

    the tanks is only a 10gall and i am using it onli 4 a display tank reali... i have another tank that i am hoping on making into a reef aquarium so this small one is my onli one at th moment as i had got rid of my tropical tank 4 my reef 1....

    but anyway the tank is a 10 gall and its has only a kuhli loach (always hiding) and a very active algea eater who always seems to be playin games with itself...(its making me want to buy it another 1 to play with is this th rite thing to do??? to keep it company?)

    thanks in advance

  5. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Golden algae eaters can get over 10" so you really should find a new home for it (at least 45 - 50 gallons).

    As for stocking the 10 gallon, a school of neons would be nice, active, and colorful.


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