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Hail! Hail! Is the gang all here? Also, microchip?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Blessed, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. Blessed

    Blessed New Member

    Hi guys! Long time no visit. (sorry)

    How is everyone? How are all the little darlings out there?

    Barkley's doing good. Well, easy for me to say. He just got "fixed" this morning...and had a micro chip put in. They let me bring him home tonight, but oh, what that anesthesia does. He's just snapping out of it a little (11pm). Tomorrow will be better.

    Have any of you had a microchip put in your dog? Just wondering.

    Hope this finds you all well!

    Blessings! (Barkley sends his hugs!)
  2. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Welcome back!

    My first dog wasn't microchipped but Rocky is microchipped.
  3. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Well nice to see you. How is Barkly doing? We have not gotten to see him in such a long time it seems. Don't forget to say hi at the other place too Blessed.
  4. LadyT

    LadyT New Member

    Hello, I was thinking about the micro chip thing, but is it worth it? And you had him neutered and put the chip in all in one procedure?
  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    The microchips Ive seen are in bigger hyperdermic needles, can be a little painful for some dogs although Ive injected a few without the dog so much as flinching. Thats why a lot are done when they are already under anaesthesia. As to whether its worth it, Id have to say yes BUT I can tell you from experience there are different chips, different companies, not every scanner used to be able to identify every chip (may have changed over the last year or 2) the other thing is I know for a fact that there are some animal control and hospitals that do not have scanners, I think most of the AC's have access to them during the day but if its night time or weekends, none of the 4 local AC's were I worked had them out of hours, neither did the ER clinic have one so if your dog is missing and is injured at night and needs immediate medical attention but has no tags on there is a chance that if the injuries are bad (life or death) the dog will be treated as a stray and probably euthanized as the city or county cannot authorize a large medical procedure due to the funding.
  6. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    My dog is microchipped, for him it was like getting any other shot (except the needle looked a bit bigger). He got it bc dogs (and cats too I think) are required to have one when entering Germany (which is where I lived and moving back to) so I know that there are different types and stuff, so I figured it was better to get it done in germany instead of waiting til I go back. I have heard one story about a dog (a pit bull) who had been lost for a while and it was microchipped, but the place that found him had a different reader, so he was PTS! But there are so many more happy ending stories. I think it is better to have it than to not. It wasn't that expensive, maybe 20 euros or so?
  7. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I agree, its always better to have it than not have it, all my dogs in the last few years, including my fosters have had one put in except my diabetic Rott.
    I only brought that up because I have heard people saying that "if their dog ever goes missing now they are gauranteed to get the dog back", while it is about the best thing available now for identification it gives a lot of people a false sense of security.
    I dont have a dog yet (Im in Germany) just working with rescues but when Im a bit more organized and settled and I do get one it'll probably be travelling to UK and back with me so it will have to have its own passport :shock: that includes a microchip......wonder if they have to have a photograph and a paw print on there....a nose print maybe :)
  8. LadyT

    LadyT New Member

    Thank you guys for all the info regarding the microchip. Dreamer is going to get one now. :eek:
  9. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I'm going to get mine done, the pet supply place I go to does it for around 20 or $25 per dog, on Saturdays.
  10. Blessed

    Blessed New Member

    Nice to hear from you all. I actually had him "chipped" (as I have called it) b/c he was going to be under anesthesia for surgery (he got "fixed"). They told me it can really hurt small dogs, so I waited for his surgery when he'd be under.

    But it sounds like most of you have done fine with the microchips. I'm glad. (Hi Puttin! I'll see you there, also).

  11. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Luther and Dale have a passports, but pretty much the same thing I got from the vet when Luther was a puppy, it just has his shots listed in it, and his chip number, it asks for color/breed, no pictures or anything. I was sort of disapointed in it.
  12. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    We had Winnie "fixed" just last month, instead of the micro chip we opted for the tatoo. It was a little more money (micro chip $35 tatoo $58), but so many people have taken to stealing dogs that we thought the tatoo was more visable than a micro chip that if it ever did happen to us, Winnie had a better chance to be passed by. Then if she ever got lost, someone would know right away she is registared and bring her to a vet's office or spca to locate us.
  13. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Ive seen some dogs tattoed on the inner thigh area but I was wondering is there some kind of 'registry' when they get tattooed? Of the ones Ive seen, while they have a number I would have no idea what to do with that number, like where to start looking. How does it work?
  14. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    Winnie's tatoo is on the inner thigh, you have the letters NDR and 4 numbers (we picked our own numbers or you could opt to have them assigned). The NDR stands for National Dog Registry. The vet did the regristration for us. If Winnie ever got lost, her tatoo could be looked up by any vet or spca and our name and other infomation could be accessed through the NDR database.
  15. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    See for us, with going back and forth, we thought the tattooing wouldn't be a good idea, bc ihave only heard of people who get soc security numbers done and that would mean nothing to a german (just as Ndr, probably wouldn't either) but I thought that tatoo would be better because it is visible. I have a friend who has had their dog for 10 years or so and he got it from the pound or humane society (I forget) and it had been tattoed already, so he got an "extension" put on his tatto! with his name (the owners)
  16. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Thanks, interesting, Ill find out if its available over here, I cant remember if it was done in UK (its been a long time since I lived there) but definitely worth checking into.
  17. LadyT

    LadyT New Member

    Where? :lol:

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