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I'm baaack....and with a new addition!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Kathy74, Apr 28, 2005.

  1. Kathy74

    Kathy74 New Member

    Hey guys! I've been away since forever and a day. We've been renovating our home, and apparently that didn't have us busy enough...We adopted Marlee at the beginning of Apr. She is a six mth old rottweiler who was left at our local animal hospital mid Feb. starving, and very ill with parvo. Long story short, we fell in love with her and she's our new baby! All has been going fairly well. She gets along famously with the rest of the zoo, and it feels like she's been a part of our family forever!
    The only problem we've been having is overnight accidents. I don't want to crate her b/c all 3 girls sleep curled up in a big ball, and I don't want to take that from her. She wakes me up immediately after her accident, and sits by me and licks my face while I clean up. If caught in the act, she stops and finishes outside. Are my only options crating or waiting it out till she grows out of it or does anyone have any other suggestions?
  2. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    maybe you could keep the 3 of them confined to the kitchen or a smaller place (kitchen is easier to clean :D ) then it would be like she wouldn't want to go where she sleeps, as oppposed to a kennel.
    PS yay for adopting!
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    congrats on our new girl :D Have you taught her to "go potty" during the day" this would probably really help, that way at ngiht she knows she has to tell you she needs to go. if you dont want ot try to crate train

    I would train her just as if you got at her 10/12 weeks I would also at first get up in the middle of the night, let her out and do the go potty and praise) ( iknow its a pain) before she goes in bed
    I dont know what your routine is so far, as soon as you get up take her out and say go potty, stay with her while she goes, and praise the heck out of her and dothis continually, make sure she goes out before you go to bed, and stop all drinking

  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    and one other thing, I mentioned, but it is ver important for her to go before she goes to bed, I used to have this problem occasionaly with Wylie, her problem was she played so hard, then just crashed and I couldnt get her outside, she was so tired I dont think she ever woke up, but just peed in her sleep
  5. Kathy74

    Kathy74 New Member

    We've got her on a good day schedule, and we go out with them when they go, and I praise all 3 of them like crazy. I think I am going to have to get up in the night. It seems like the only option for us. Where they stay for the night is all linoleum, so it's not nasty clean up. She's getting spayed tommorrow, so the weekend will be messed up anyway.
    Here's her dogster page:
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    What a cutie! I would also check with the vet who fostered her and see if she did this with them, even though she was at a vets she could have a UTI, that can cause urinating at night, so thats a possibility
  7. Kathy74

    Kathy74 New Member

    She was in a crate at the vets, and didn't mess it. I know I should have crated her when she first came to us, but the girls bonding is most important to me. I can always nap!
    Yes, she is a beautiful girl! Her tail was docked improperly (probably a home job considering how well her first so-called family cared for her) and the vet said she would fix it while she was under for her spay, but I think it gives her character. She has a little curly tuft of hair off the end of he "bob-tail". All of my furkids were perfect just the way they came!
  8. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    LOL, I know how you feel, we had a crate for Jake and guess hat the lasted 2 nights and my husband pulled him and put him on our bed, 8 years later, that is where he sleeps most of the time.

    Marlee is just probably confused then, but you ay check about the UTI when she goes for spay, because even though seh is not crated I would not think she would have accident, but then it could be her new surroundings

    I would just keep the tail as-as, how sweet of you to give her a forever home
  9. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    She is really pretty--as are the rest of your babies!

    My Brie can't always go through the night either. As soon as I think she's doing really well, she has an accident. I put a wee-wee pad down for her now. And she usually hits it--lol. But I totally second the urinalysis. Brie has had UTIs off and on for a while now and if the next recheck isn't free from crystals, she has to have an ultrasound of her bladder. I still haven't figured out if the peeing at night is related or not because she has some separation issues too since I had to put them out of my bed. But it's worth a check on your girl.
  10. Rene

    Rene New Member

    congtats on your new addition i used to have a rottie and she had accidents at night as well and knew when she did something wrong as she got older she was able to hold it longer. i would get up once in the night like at 3am and take her out (pain i know) but i didnt have to do it for long when she was approx 1 she held it all night.
  11. Kathy74

    Kathy74 New Member

    Thanks guys! I will definately get them to check for UTI tommorow. I hadn't even thought of that. For tonite, we play and play, as I'm nervous about the surgery tommorow. I know it's routine, they do it a hundred times a week, but I'm a worrier!! Tonite will be messed up anyway b/c she can't eat after 6 pm, so she'll be so hungry by early morning! I'm sure I'll be up by 4, accident or not! I'll talk to you guys tommorow, when she's home safe and sound. Thanks for all the input and compliments!
  12. nern

    nern New Member

    Congrats Kathy74..she is adorable!

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