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Something is wrong with Eve :(

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by Angie, Apr 28, 2005.

  1. Angie

    Angie New Member

    She was fine and then yesterday morning it was like she couldnt get up.
    Then my brother let the other dogs out and she jumped up and went outside with them like nothing was wrong.
    Then she sat down by the steps and couldnt get up, my brother picked her up and took her inside.
    They took her to the vet and the vet found nothing wrong. Even though she wasn't acting herself.
    So went home and still acting funny and like she couldnt move her legs and her gums starting looking white.

    Took her back to the vet and they kept her overnight to do blood work.


    Have to call around 4

    Anybody heard of these symptoms before?
  2. Angie

    Angie New Member

    My brother talked to them this morning and said that she is acting normal.
    But how do they know normal? Eve is a very hyper dog, she is always on the go and always goes in circles really fast because she is blind. She always wants to play and wants attention and barks and jumps.
    So to them ...Eve acting normal (like any other dog)...WOULDN"T be normal. Because she doesn't act like that. Shes different.

    They also said that she didnt want to eat but thats only because she is used to eating around 4:30 everyday. Thats when she normally eats everyday.

    But my brother's girlfriend told me that yesterday, Eve didn't want a treat. Which is not normal.

    I just hope they can fix whatever is wrong with her and that its nothing serious.
  3. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Well I don't want to scare you but it could be a number of serious problems and vets don't always know. Also how old is Eve?

    Here is something that happened to a friend her dog died in lae feb. It had some similar symptoms, they did blood work and tons of stuff like that and couldn't find anything wrong. They check for all types of illness, infections, dietbities (sp?) and also tried to check for cancers and all this and couldn't find anyting wrong with her except something is obviously wrong with a dog who won't eat and then she eventually wouldn't drink. She tried 2 vets and one kept the dog for 7 days and still couldn't find anything. She started out with light symptoms and was sick for months by the time she finally died in her sleep.

    But it could be something not so serious, it could be something genetic too.

    Its hard to say and it makes it even harder when the vets either are stupid or really try their hardest find a problem but can't.

    It could be arthritis

    Kidney infection, problems, or failure.
    Could be hereditary kidney problems or caused by something else. Boxer acted the same way, the male who drank antifreeze, he LIVED afterward but it alredy did damage to his kidneys. He also had arthritis. But months and months like years after the incident he was still slowly dying as his kidneys were weak since he almost died from the antifreeze. He acted similar to Eve is now, but later on like I said sometimes he couldn't get up and he was on special medication for his kidneys.

    pneumonia (its probably warm down there though) or a simply lung/respritory infection.

    Also don't always listen to your vet that they act normal. First you are right they dont know what is normal for your dog, and secondly dogs are creatures of survival this is why some fail to show pain even around you if they are getting sick and injured. In a different environment they will bear this even more without showing signs or symptons and they are also being stimiluted.

    Here is my experience which I posted on this board when my female (Santana) was acting somewhat like Eve. She was acting in pain, like she couldn't walk or get up. when she would get up she couldn't walk that well. She also didn't want to eat. I called the vet explained the symptoms and took her in. Well luckily it was the gentleman instead of the air head lady vet. So he said its probably just a chest cold like people get, it could even be pnumonia and the thing is it wasn't that cold and she had only been outside for awhile while the other dogs were outside all day all the time mostly, but this could be why she got it, whatever it was her immunity is lower because she wasn't used to the cooler whether living inside a house thats 75-80 degrees (I like it very warm inside). Even though it wasn't a freezing winter day it was still pretty cool and the next day is when she had the symptoms. I took her in he said we could do x rays to see if it was pnumonia or not, but he would treat it the same as any other chest infection so I didn't have to do the x rays so I didn't. Also when I took her she acted FINE and NORMAL, this is because she was in a differnt environment and stimulated. He said well she doesn't act that sick. No kidding she is trying to get to the strange cats, watching the birds in their cages, wanting to get attention from strangers and seeing all the other dogs around. But anyway he just gave us some antibiotics and she was fine within a weak, had to give her fluid subcutaneously for a couple days b/c she wouldn't drink and I wanted to keep her hydrated and also added water to her feed after she started eating.

    It might also be the beginning signs of hip dysplsia, I was told that my female might have had it when she had the infection because the symptoms can be similar. Sometimes its mild and you start to notice like arthritis and sometimes they hide the pain and disability for awhile and then they will start showing some signs. And they will act like that, they can't get up and then be fine one minute and then show signs. If it is mild now it can get worse as they age. And some stay mildy displastic most of their lives where its not a big deal, its an issue yet but not anything like a very displastic dog which requires many expensive surgeries or in worse case being put down.
  4. Angie

    Angie New Member

    True_Pits, thanks for your reply.

    Eve is either 4 or 5... or about to make 5. I'm not sure.
    I went with my brother to pick Eve up yesterday and the vet said that the blood work is all normal. There are two things that were a little bit high but nothing really to worry about. He said that the two things that were high could mean an inflammatory (sp?) infection or he said something about cancer. But the way he was talking like it wasn't anything to worry about.

    When we got there Eve was acting like herself but she wouldn't eat. I said well maybe its because she is around all these people and dogs that she doesn't know. Sure enough, 2 mins after we got in the truck I gave her a treat and she ate it. ..... She ate several of them! lol

    So as of right now she is ok and he said if she starts acting like that again then he maybe he should get some kind of muscle test done where they take a piece of muscle and send it to LSU for testing.

    Also..while Eve was there the first time, my brother asked him why she was blind ...
    When he checked her out and her eyes he said that she doesn't have a ....(I can't remember what its called :-/ ) He said it never developed. She has the veins there but they are not connected to the (whatever it was) that didn't develop.
  5. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Oh, he also said that she doesn't have heart worms. They checked for that and checked her physically and blood work.

    I will tell my brother to check her for a tick (as someone was saying) anyway even though shes an inside dog.
    I haven't seen any ticks around here before. None of his dogs ever had one. The vet looked her over but it doesn't hurt to check twice.
  6. Angie

    Angie New Member

    My brother's girlfriend came in to work today and said that Eve is acting funny again.
    Like she couldn't get up.. her legs were shaking.
    But she did eat her food yesterday.

    I don't know what hes going to do.
  7. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I think your vet needs to come to a conclusion. He said it could be an infection or cancer? He needs to find out what it is. If its an infection he should be giving you antibiotics. I don't think she is old enough to be suffering from arthritis thats why I asked her age, usually not very serious and can be cured with a little pain reliever/meds. If its cancer then he needs to decide how to treat it. The tick disease is a good idea too, I never thought about that but those symptoms also fit illnesses caused by ticks, although his dogs have never had any that you have found it is always possible they picked one up on a walk or even someone came over and one fell off their clothing or a stray dog or cat could have left a couple guess you never know. Its great that she doesn't have heartworms! Heartworms are a pain and terrible for the dog. There is also something I learned about called "Coondog Paralyses" but I'm not sure if that is it, it has a different name thats just the slang name and some of these symptoms are the same. I was told about it when I was trying to find help from my friend, so if their is wildlife around your dog may have been exposed to this, from racoons but I believe skunks or possums can carry it too if the dog comes in contact with their feces or saliva they can become afflicted. It could still be something genetic, the eys would be a birth defect then probably genetic and maybe she is developing something else? I heard of something that may have been similar but its hard when many things have the same symptoms but I know the dog had trouble getting up, legs would shake and then eventually their backend would be paralyzed for moments at a time and then they would be just fine about even for awhile and the episodes would start again, it took the vets forever to come up with what the problem was (which they still don't know very much about) they even thought it could have been coondog paralyses, but it was a genetic development like dobermans who get wobbles. You can go over some of this with your vet, not all are familair with everything (unfortunatly) and some just don't think of it like doctors who do all these test for the common things forgetting about things we rarely see. I hope she gets well and returns to her healthy self, please keep us updated on her.
  8. Angie

    Angie New Member

    He told us all of that was fine. (From the blood test.)

    Would they have checked for hip dysplsia (sp?) when they checked her out?

    I wrote down your and others idea of what it could be and I will get my brother to ask the vet about them...
    ticks (lyme disease)
    Addison's disease
    Neurological problem?
    hip dysplsia...

    if I missed any, please let me know!

  9. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    They probably wouldn't have checked for HD or anything of that nature.

    Looks like a good list to me! Hopefully they can find something out.
  10. Angie

    Angie New Member

    My brother's girlfriend told me that she was doing it again yesterday morning...
    I went over there during the day and she was fine...being her same old self...
    I called my brother last night to see how she was doing and he said that she was fine this morning and so I told him what his gf said and he said that she got up fine when he called her.
    So Im not really sure what happened.
    But I am going to ask her when I see her in about and hour.
  11. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Coondog Paralysis is a neurological disorder, the medical term is polyradiculoneuritis. The cause is unknown, but it seems to be an overstimulation of the dogs immune system by exposure to something in a raccoons saliva. It's not carried carried by skunks or other critters. Polyradiculoneuritis has also been seen after vaccination or viral/bacterial respiratory or gastrointestinal disease. The early symptoms are stiffness in all four legs, and possibly change in the dogs voice. This is followed by progressive paralysis while the disease runs it's course. There is no cure, but most dogs will completely recover with supportive care.

    But this doesn't really sound like Coondog Paralysis. With something that's occurring intermittently like this, I'd be more suspicious of a seizure disorder or neuromuscular disease, especially since the blood work that's already been done has been fairly normal.
  12. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Eve is blind. Her eyes are black. There is just a little white around them.
    And she did say the veins were more red.
    Yes she responded, wagged tail, moved head, and tried to get up but couldn't.
    It was like she was scared or just couldn't do it.
    It seems like the front legs.

    The vet tested her muscle strength (pulled on her legs) and said that he put extra tension on her legs and saw no sign of muscle weakness.

    Eve was fine this morning.
    They also checked her for a tick but didn't find anything.
  13. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Eve has been fine since that day after she came home from the vet.
  14. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Im really happy shes okay now, hope it doesnt happen again....I would watch her over the next month or so though.
    Thanks for the update.
  15. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Thanks...Im glad she is ok too.
    I hope it was nothing that will come back.
  16. Killerbee2

    Killerbee2 New Member

    I am glad your dog is better! 8)


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