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Up date on Mystical and a New Baby :)

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by StormyMoon, Apr 26, 2005.

  1. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member


    Mysticals brother and sister have arived they are so cute
    We should get them in 5 more weeks. Then they will be 8 weeks old.
    I asked for 1 which is the boy We named him Casador he is the black one.
    This is his sister we didnt name her cause she isnt ours lol
  2. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Didn't Mystical have mange? If so she looks good now. But why get from the same byb again and support such a thing, and from a back to back breeding! :x I never understand how one can support such breeders producing sick dogs and not caring for their own sorry sub standard "breeding stock".
  3. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    yea its all gone the mange is, She looks great and even happier.
    It worried me to death knowing she could get like what I had seen on the net so I got her treated as soon as realized what it was.

    Yea I feel bad they dont have a place to go its sad thinking these babies will end up either in the pound or in the streets.

    I did report the lady for doing this it just broke my heart and I am a sucker I guess for a cute face.

    I was looking at the black male he seems to have deformed legs look very bow legged and he walks very low to the ground.
    I just have a big heart when it comes to animals.
    I asked the city how we could help to get the mother fixed and they basicly shut the door in my face said they cant do anything if the owner isnt willing to do it.
    I was willing to donate money to stop them from breeding her any more.

    Mystical in a few weeks has an apointment with Vet to be fixed.
    My Rotty Mix is fixed thanks to the Texas humane society who donated me a cupon so I could get it done for less.

    I guess I feel they have been born now they too deserve a chance to live as long as they can.

    It just tears me up inside to know most of these puppies will not make it to a full life, and I can't take them all but I can save 1.
  4. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Oh yeah I understand. They are already here and NEED homes, you can't make them disappear and be unborn by not getting one. I was just very shocked at first to hear that you were getting another one from her and that she was doing back to back breedings but now I understand why you made the discision. It is very sad the poor quality of dogs she is producing the dogs have to live like this and owners have to deal with these problems. The bitch has to suffer being bred all the time. And all the pups won't get a good home or live that long and if they do most owners probably won't be like you, they will probably breed their dog repeated just like her.
  5. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    Yea see that is what i was thinking that this has to wear hard on the mom dog and isnt fare to her. And why they wouldnt take my offer to have her fixed I don't know. Yea they probably will breed them, I was just told today that they are seeling them with out papers on the streets and I didn't know that was legal.
    I thought in order to sell a dog they had to come with papers. But I guess not. I don't want a bunch of unwanted puppies running around or just knowing that people wont love them for the dogs they are.
    I have done so much researching and still know so little about these dogs I know that getting my dog fixed wont stop them from wantingto see the other side of the fence my rotty mix she is fixed she will jump the fence still marks her place and sniffs every single person and dog that she can.

    She is very dosile though and I think that is a pluss.
    I am very proud Mystical is my pet she is my baby and she is the best, i can play with her in the yard and let go of her leash for a second and she wont leave my side I have found her to my most loyal dog so far.
    Since texas has a leash law though I have to keep her on leash at all times.
    My dogs are indoor pets I don't leave them out side Texas weather can be so bad some times and I wouldn't want to be out in heat or cold so I don't put them out in it! They are like family to me.
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    They wont have her fixed because that would mean they cant make any easy money from her. The fact that this person does not have papers for the dogs should tell you she is not breeding dogs to 'preserve' the breed. She doesnt care, she just wants the money. How much is she selling them for?
    I totally understand why you feel bad for these pups but that is exactly why there needs to be laws brought in to stop people like this woman breeding dogs.
  7. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    they arent getting money for these dogs they are giving them out to every tom dick and harry.
    If little kids come up this lady she gives them out to small children that was why i was worried mostly cause kid comes home with a puppy parents didnt want the dog or give permission for the kid to get it and then the dogs are homeless.
  8. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Yeah I've heard of those kinds too, people think ALL bybs are out for money, well to me she is definatly a byb and she isn't getting money. Maybe you should take as many as you can and rehome them if they are free or find a foster home/rescue person to do the same to insure the best home. People like this lady are just clueless, they just like having puppies its really weird.
  9. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    I was thinking of taking a few I have been saving some money up daughter told me the lady was giving them away and they are only just a few weeks old I can't imagine them being healthy with out moms milk.
    It is just really worrying me about the future of these babies now.

    Well I have called and called all the people I know to call.
    And its like walking into a brick wall. Just really makes me so mad I feel they deserve better all living things deserve a chance at life.

    I just don't have dog housing for them.

    I have 1 dog house which is under a big tree for extra shade cause it gets so hot here, I do have a large back yard though. But I only let them out there long enough to get their business done. I really dont like my dogs being out side with out me there to watch them. All my dogs have been crate trained and do well I dont even have to close the door at nite we have a routine when I go to bed they go in lay down and I even bought them each a wool padding for the crates.

    I feel they deserve the best of life whether they are full blood breed or not.
    If I could run a foster home for animals I would end up over run.

    When I was a child I was the kid that always would come home with something and swear it followed me home lol.
    From snakes to squirls to dogs and cats you name it I have picked it up and brought it home I drove my mother nuts.
    Its just my nature , my heart goes out to them if they are in need.

    I don't know where else to turn I can take 1 more dog but I can't take any more than that with city codes the way they are.

    Maybe as puppies I can take them but I know you can't have any more than 3 adult dogs per home.
    So any suggestions is great!
  10. Jas

    Jas New Member

    While understandable to think of ones self as "saving" the puppies from a life of poor quality, neglect or mistreatment etc., taking them off this breeder's (and I use the term loosely) hands so easily, only permits this vicious cycle of unscrupulous breeding to continue. I suspect some of these dogs ARE being sold, but for money or not this is wrong. The reality is, supporting this breeder in any means other than educating them about responsible breeding IS detrimental to the breed and the dogs in general. You can bet once finished breeding this one another dog or puppy heaven forbid will come along..... Are you going to be able to come along to "rescue" them all? Heartbreaking, yes, understand about that but even more heartbreaking is the thought of dozens more puppies coming from this sort of operation especially when she remembers how easy it was to get "rid" of them all.

    Please, please rethink this, educate this person and any people you know she knows and resist the temptation to support her improper breeding practices - instead consult with PB rescue, although hard now will be better in the long run....

    How sad for all :(
  11. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    I tried educating them even called around and reported this lady.
    City don't seem to care. And she did refuse me when I offered to pay for her dog to get fixed she said she would keep them apart but she didn't want her dog cut on.
    None as I stated before are being sold.
    There was 9 puppies 6 were given away to 6 children who are friends with my daughter and I took 3. I suport life Not the breeder. I am to close not to do anything about this. I did my job made the phone calls and people hung up on me no one seemed to care. There is 1 dog house in the back yard and I have been in this womans home there is no dog door but there is a back porch that isnt screened in or even warm enough for a pet to stay when it is cold and when it rains the patio gets wet.
    I went got the 3 puppies and have had them for a few days now.
    4 of the puppies still live on same block as I am on others went to other children on the other street.
    My nephew said when I get them well he will come and get one they need to be be dewormed and are very under weight.
    Except one of the female puppies. She is huge dont know if she was the first to be born but she is double the size of the 2 others I got.
    We do not have a pit bull rescue in my area but I have talked to a few people who said they would get back to me , I have not heard from them so far. But I am still hopefull. That someone will call me back.

    This is the black/white male

    Another male

    The female
  12. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    I know just how hard it is to want to help out and get a puppy from a back yard breeder. I too made that awful mistake once before!

    I felt bad for the puppies and thought of the awful life they would probably all have if I did not help out and take one to love. Plus they were all soooo darn cute!

    We were so happy to have our little Jasmine.

    Copy and paste url to share Jasmine~ God Rest your soul:

    Anyway, we did everything possible in order to give her a great life. She went to puppy obedience classes and had a wonderful life.

    Until she got sick and died by the time she was three years old. She had kidney failure and it got the best of her. She was the runt of the litter and maybe it was poor breeding or maybe it was sh _t luck. However,

    So much for my supporting back yard breeders EVER AGAIN. It cost me thousands of dollars to try to make her better. Only to have the end result of having to put her to sleep anyway.
    Supporting back yard breeders only makes them want to breed for a quick buck more and more.
    I promised myself I will NEVER EVER BUY FROM Back yard breeders AGAIN!!!!!!!
    Please do the same. Unfortunatly, its the only way they will get the message!
  13. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    I am sorry for your loss

    I made a place for my dogs here below you can go look

    I have had Queeny who is a mix rotty and never had any health problems yet other than the neighbor has shot her, he no longer lives there but yea cause she was protecting my kids and she didnt go near the fence but she did bark to let us know something was going on. He shot her, he poisoned her 3 times and cops told us only way we could prove it was to put up a cam by that time he was moving out! So he never got busted for it.
    But she is a trooper she is a great dog and I would never turn my back on her as she has never turned hers on me.
    I trained Queeny my self, she was very very easy to train she doesn't listen to my husband as much his voice scares her when he speaks out.
    And I use a more calm voice so she comes when I call her and does what she is told.
    Dogs are like kids like a 3 year old you have to watch them always.

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