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Need help grooming BIG dog

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by regi2894, May 1, 2005.

  1. regi2894

    regi2894 New Member

    I recently aquired a great pyrenees puppy. I think my trying to bath her...traumatized her. I picked her up, put her in, she freaked out, I tryed to continue, she freaked out, got out of the tub, and I tryed to put her back in twice and it freaked he rout more. Shes around 20-50 pounds, so its gonna be hard to do it again. She positivley nasty. She NEEDS a bath but I have no idea how to get her to let me do it.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Did you have something on the bottom of the tub to stop her slipping? Taking into account how big she is going to get it might be easier to bath her outside, you could start with a bucket (or one of those baby baths) with luke warm water in, use a jug to slowly pour the water on her, any quick blasts of water will freak her out, when youve got her completely wet put the shampoo on, most dogs love being massaged which you can do while spreading the shampoo around, then if shes still small enough use the jug again to get the shampoo off, or use a hose on her but have the pressure on low and keep the nozzle very close to her, again dont blast her with it, sometimes it helps if you have someone else hold her, they can talk to her, give her little treats, distract her with a squeaky toy, while all this is going on, just something to take the entire focus of the bathing, if she struggles and gets away from you, which she already has done, she's already learned that she doesnt have to put up with this, if you get stressed out she'll pick up on this also. Just go slow with her but be 'definite' with everything you do, let her know that you wont put up with her fighting but stay calm.
    I used to tie them to something, had one dog that would fight like crazy until I wedged his bone into the fence, he was quite happy to nibble on the bone while he was being bathed.
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yes, tying her to something while you attempt DeLaUK's suggestions is a good idea. That way she can't totally get away from you. I find wrapping a tie-out line around a tree is helpful. :) Then I stand on the line near the dog so she can only really rotate.

    But do try to desensitize her rather than just bullying her through it. It is nicer for the dog and there's no way you will succeed once she is full grown.
  4. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    If bathing outside is not an option, start desensitizing her to the tub by putting a toy or treat in the tub and encouraging her to retrieve it. Let her get into the tub for her toy, and praise her, play with her, even run a comb through her coat a couple of times. Make the tub a good place to be, not something scarey. Once she's comfortable with jumping in and out of the tub, bring her into the bathroom and turn the water on, but don't place her in the tub. Just praise her if she remains calm. If she panics, turn the water off and calm her down. Go back to treats and toys in the tub for a few days, then try turning the water on again.

    Once she's calm about having the water on, you can try putting her in the tub, and turn the water on. But no bath. Just turn the water on, then turn it off. Dry her paws with a towel, and let her get out. Once you can do that without a panic, she's ready for a bath.

    Get a bucket and put in about a cup of shampoo, a cup of baking soda, and enough warm water to fill it. Apply this to dry coat with a bath scrunchy, and give her a good scrub. You'll notice you don't get a lot of lather this way, but that's a good thing. All those frothy bubbles actually choke the cleaning action of the shampoo. Shampoo breaks up dirt and oil on her coat and skin, and suspends it in the water. The more water you have, the more dirt can be suspended. And the less lather you have, the easier it is to rinse out the shampoo, and at the same time, the dirt.

    Use a cup of white vinegar per gallon of warm water as a final rinse. This will remove any trace of shampoo that may be lingering on her skin and coat. Shampoo residue will not only make her coat look dull, it will cause itching and dandruff.

    Now, apply a good coat conditioner and rinse again, or use a leave in spray, like Show Sheen or Glow Coat. Brush and comb while she dries. You can cut down on drying time if you use a Moisture Magnet type towel, wringing it out repeatedly as you towel her off.

    In the meantime, you can use a waterless shampoo to clean her up. I like Self Rinse or Bio Groom waterless spray. Simply apply it while you comb, then towel her off.
  5. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    after reading those posts, i feel like giving Luther a bath, I never knew that stuff about the vinegar and baking soda (but make sure not to mix those, that is how we made "volcanoes") Butmy old dog loved water (she was part lab) and she loved to follow me everywhere, so it wasn't uncoomon for her to be in the bathroom while I took a shower, So this one day, I am relaxing in the bathtub with bbubles and all, I snapped out of it quickly when Sentry got in the bathtub with me! after that Ionnly let her in when she needed a bath.
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :lol: My cat was walking along the edge of the bath one time while I was having a nice hot bubby soak, I went to shoo him off and he slipped in.....have you ever noticed how a cat ´really uses ALL its claws, digs as far in as possible and kind of leaves deep scratches as it catapults itself away'......I cant even begin to describe the pain....the wounds across both my legs healed up nicely after a few weeks :shock:
  7. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    :D That's funny Delauk. Copper fell in my bath once too. Funny how they can leap straight up and bounce/slide off of walls. Needless to say he doesn't watch me anymore. He waits a respectfull distance away.
  8. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

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