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Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by pcolachic, Apr 29, 2005.

  1. pcolachic

    pcolachic New Member

    southern pyde pitbulls
    o.k I like big dogs too but this is a little excessive dont you think [-X
    can we say mastiff
  2. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    No I dont think so. You can't post the link to the site, its not allowed but you could post images I believe. I think I've seen the site before though the name sounds familiar and they are not purebred APBTs. But hey who are you to speak, not to be rude but since you have mastiffs too that makes you kind of like a hypocrit doesn't it? If you want to point out that other kennels have bandogs don't own them yourself and you got a bitch pg too. Thats like a cocka poo breeder saying wow look at this kennel with crossbreds, man can we say mutts.
  3. pcolachic

    pcolachic New Member

    damn its like that, that was a little rude
    my dogs are not mastiffs they don't look anything like that their just fattys none of them were that big until I switched to Iams food then they started gaining a bunch of weight and I wasnt planning on breeding I had my bitch seperated by a six foot privacy
    fence pen and 3 rows of electric fence and she got across it(slut) and atleast 8 of the pups alreadys have homes and the rest will only go to close friends and family i'm not even selling them and as soon as she has this litter shes getting spayed didnt mean to make myself seem like a byb cause thats not what I am I just love pitbulls and THATS WHAT MY DOGS ARE I wish i could post some pics and i would show you but i cant
  4. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    What do you mean its like that, not rude just the truth handle the facts or don't make a point to attack others over this fault. I wasn't trying to be rude in the least, yours dogs they ARE mixed with mastiff not all of them but even just one or two means you bought a dog like this, even if you arne't breeding.

    Calling your dog a slut just because she got bred is really non sense, things of this nature happen. Its great that you are responsible, that your not trying to make a quick buck and have homes, that is wonderful and I comend you on that note. But buying from bybs is supporting them, so even if you aren't a byb yourself you still support them with your purchase.

    But don't try to sit here and BS me and tell me what you have and don't have like I'm some dummy, because I'm not I've researche dogs, pedigrees and bloodlines and its common knowledge by now on Whopper except for the people like you who are in denial which is fine with me.

    This is a direct quote from your post.

    Chevy is a son of Whopper, Whopper is a mastiff bandog so what does that make your dogs? You've got what 4 of them? So at least 2 of them are bandog blood but yet You love APBTs and thats what your dogs are, well if "Pit Bulls" is just a generic word for bulldog/mastiff molloser breed then you and Southern Pryde both have Pit Bulls.

    I hope you see what I'm saying, its not about me being rude, its about you pointing out these people have bandogs when you yourself have them. Your dog not showing the more mastiff traits doesn't mean he has magically been purified besides that he's crossed with boudreaux blood so he has some of those genes, however phenotype doesn't designate a dogs genotype.

    For anyone who wants to see look at the similarities.


    Chevy's son at 134lbs Him and Southern Pryde's big evil sure look a lot alike, but then they are mixed with the same breeds.

    Bandog, not bad looking pretty! But still a mutt.

    Southern Pryde dog who could be mistaken for a Chevy dog, only thing is his elbows are pretty bad, a major fault and weakness running in the Camelot line, which yes is mixed as well.

    Another southern pride dog
  5. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    damn True what dont you know.. ?? you really jus cant get anythin passed you.. i know some people research... but you, lol you RESERACH thats cool tho.. i swear i learn somethin new from you all the time
  6. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    oh oops maybe I'm an obsessed freak, I'll admit it.
  7. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    You know I like you being obsessed lol

    if it wasn't for you I wouldn't know jack except what I read on the net.
    I would really rather take advice from someone who loved their pets and not only seen them as money making machines.

    People tend to forget these are living animals and not just a way to get to the big bucks.

    Sorry I get mushy when it comes to my babies.

    But I want to know more, I want to really preserve ABPT they deserve that much.
    If I could pass on what I have learned here at the forum to just one person that is one more person who knows what I didn't at one time.
    BYB is wrong, but killing is also.
    Whopper or APBT no matter the name some times we get caught up in labels and forget that these are living beings and there is a great responsibility behind taking on one of these dogs.
    Vet bills,food cost,preparing the yard making sure there are no holes and so on. Bedding and much more... list goes on.
    Mystical and my others have been blessed with good health this far! And I am greatful. Other than her mange issue but that has been taken care of and only cost me 35.00 to be treated.
    But these things left untreated get bad I know this is off subject so I will stop here. LOL
    I love all animals lol im a sucker for a sweet face.
  8. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I'm glad that I was able to help you, in what ever way it was. While I agree it doesn't matter what breed of dog anyone has, lab, pug, anything they are all dog and need to be taken care of I was only pointing out because of thier own dog. I got the its like that, and I was rude response but I didn't understand how someone with the same type of dog could cast stones and for some reason it wasn't rude to poke those peoples dogs and kennels (why because we can communicate on the forum?) and these people can't defend their dogs because their kennel name was thrown out. I'm glad (I assume anyway) that pcolachic is a pretty responsible owner, loves their dogs, cares for them, tries to do their best by them and even wants to start them in something like weight pull which is fun for the dog/handler and bonding time. I think they are a good person at heart and a good pet owner, I know these breeders are breeding impure dogs and they were only pointing that out (or rather asking the question) but at the same time they bought dogs from a breeder just like this breeding the same type of crossbred. There are all types of pits with hung papers, pure ones, mixed ones, dogs with no papers, rescue mutts, crossbreds, numoroues other purebreeds, and all derserve a loving home, no matter what they are, they are living beings as you said and they themselves shouldn't be faulted for what they are bybs and careless owners who let their females have accidental litters (discluding pcolachic as their are always exceptioned, I'm speaking of the ones who let their females get pg numerous times by a stray every heat left on a chain) are to blame. And there is so much in owning a dog and sometimes this is what causes all these pound puppies, owners don't realize the finacial and time strains of a new puppy or a dog period. Or they don't plan ahead of what may happen. Or they go in half hearted, we will try the dog thing and see if it works out not fully prepared don't really care or a gift the child is expected to take care of and when it doens't its dumped. Or has a possession that is practically forgotten about unless it becomes too much of a nuesense then its dumped. I mostly deal with placing APBTs, but I can never turn down any dog, no matter the breed or situation.

    The following is a picture I took of Chevy, really not too bad looking, I've always liked his face. This is what runs through their dog he's just not a pure APBT. This all pit bull, thats all he is as they put it. Camelot and Chevy blood have basically the same impurities I've learned. So I didn't see it fair to stab at a camelot breeder if you have chevy blood.

  9. pcolachic

    pcolachic New Member

    I can see how it sounded hypacritical but i'm still learning although iv owned pitbulls my whole life the whole bloodline thing is still kinda new to me and im not defending the breeders i got my dogs from sable came to me completely unsocialized as you can see in one of my other posts I was just shocked at the fact that this person who claims to be a reputibal breeder is advertizing merle pitbulls and it doesnt take anyone who is obessed to know that merles arent true pitbulls as for bloodline's etc like I said im still learning :m24:
  10. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    You know I didn't see it as rude at all, was just one more new thing I found taught me something I didn't know about pit and a name ...
    I dont know how you keep it all together lol I have had to take notes.

    I find educating my self also helps me better prepare my self for people like my neighbor who seen mysticals hair loss once and asked me did I fight my pit! I said does she look like a fighter to you? Cause I really didnt see that in my dog! I also know we are always supose to remind our selves these are just dogs, and I am so close with them it is like we are all of one family. I find this forum very helpful because even if you didnt know something someone else might and if no one knew it would be looked up and someone on the forum would try their best to help out!
    Some things just come accross wrong ....
  11. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    When I tried to reply a sec ago it got stuck!!!
    There is always more to learn about and its good to research :y_the_best: Thats how I took it as hypacritical, but if you don't know they you don't know, you would just think I was attacking you because you had larger dogs. There are larger APBTs, but most people just take short cuts and mix other breeds in and those aren't the only dogs with hung papers. A guy here hung papers for the sire when his female got pg by a mutt (who is like lab/shep and god knows what else). They don't look pure and they act really fearful like the sire, they seem to take after him a lot. One bit the landlord of one of the buyers. Which is really great, these "pure pits" with their papers and all. Who can really dispute that when all people see is a dog someone is calling a pit bull and even has papers. You know who gets blamed for it. Shady breeders will always be there but at least some are luckly enough to have a home as good as yours! Sometimes thats all it takes, it can make all the difference its what really matters in the end for the dogs.

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