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A pitbull made the news again

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by daddyfs, May 2, 2005.

  1. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I saw the video, thats sad, I hate to hear about kids being bitten.....and its a tough one, some people will say that the dog should be euthanized but from what Ive read and what both the little boys mother and the owner of the dog said it sounds like the dog knew the boy and was more likely attempting to protect him against the one he was fighting with. I think the dog would have done a lot more damage had the 'attack' been intentional. It seemed like a bad situation, the fight, the owner of the dog went out to break up the fight and the dog got out (also shortly after having a litter could make her more protective).
    A Dane mix I had years ago, I had gone to my friends house, her son who my dog knew well had come into the back yard, another kid jumped over the fence and started to beat him up, my dog ran out of the back door and jumped at both of them, in this case he caught the other kid and bit his face, he was protecting my friends son and there is no way I would have had him put to sleep for that....so I would have to say no on this one also, on the video it shows (I assume) the owners kids outside with the dog on a leash, she said the dog wont be playing out with them anymore.
    The fact that AC has released the dog back to the owner and as of now are not pressing charges (the owner was charged with vaccines not being up to date) makes me think that they are also looking at this as a bad situation and not an all out vicious attack.
  3. blueshish

    blueshish New Member

    It didn't sound like a attack but just that the dog was being protective and maybe got a little confused. If AC released her I don't see any problems.

    I also took a moment to vote on their should pits be banned. The no vote is only slightly ahead right now.
  4. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    i didnt see the stream.. cant download at work.. was he a pit or pit-mix
  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    You want me to answer that and risk being publicly slammed if Im wrong :lol:
    Okay well for what its worth she looks like a not so muscular Pit Bull, but Im not an expert and have got it wrong a couple of times, her head looks a little slender but....what do I know.
    If she's a mix I would say that there is a lot of Pit Bull in there.

    Im sure someone will 'correct' me if Im wrong :p
  6. someday

    someday New Member

    I agree that the dog should be released to the family...to be honest, if a pit was attacking the child, a lot more damage would have been done. To me it seemed like she was simply seperating the two kids fighting in her front yard and happened to grab a lip. She should, however, have been tied or on a leash, and this all would have been prevented.
    I also think it looks like not quite a pure pit...definetely a big pit influence though..
    Just don't read the discussion board attached to that article...I'm in a bad mood now. I should know better than to even look, but oh people get me fired up when they are so darned ignorant.
  7. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    i cant see the video stream.. i wish i could.. but i dont know about this one.. i dont have any kids, but i hat to think about my child's bottom lip being bitten off, then the dog is aloud to go free.. i know im in the minority on this.. maybe not put the dog to sleep, but the family needs a stricter punishment than that..
  8. blueshish

    blueshish New Member

    I look at it as accidents happen when you own any kind of animals. The dog obviously wasn't attacking she was just being protective of her area probably because of her puppies. Also, the boys were fighting so maybe the lip was already damaged and the dog just got a "lucky" shot. I agree she didn't look full blooded but as always in these situations everyone screams pit bull and it will go on the record as another pit bull "attack" instead of just as a dog bite.
  9. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I hear ya...it is a hard one to call, to be honest only for the fact that similar has happend with my dog, and it was right in front of me, obvioulsy if I could have done anything to prevent it I would have but it happened so fast, my dog had never so much as curled his lip at a kid before this, he was always surrounded by kids (my daughter was 4 at the time). He was doing what dogs do, protecting his pack. That said, Im not one that tolerates aggresion near kids either and have euthanized another dog I had because out of the blue he 'attacked' my daughter, this was after we'd had him for 2 years with no problems (he didnt like people he didnt know and was sketchy around them).
    I really do feel bad for the boy that was bitten, it just seems to me that it was one of those 'one off' incidents that sometimes happen, very sad.
  10. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    i wish i could open the dicussion board on that page
  11. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I dont know if this helps:This is from the front page on the article.

    http://forums.ibsys.com/viewmessages.cf ... opic=10559

    Its not a discussion about this particular dog though, its about Pit bulls in general, I havent read too much of it, the bad stuff is nothing new and just as frustrating and annoying as usual.

    Hope thats the right link.
  12. blueshish

    blueshish New Member

    I actually registered on that board and posted a reply. There was one person who was offering to shoot your pits for free. That guy was a real winner. :x You're right. Just the same old pit bashing for the most part. It was good to see that there are several advocates standing up though.

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