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2 Cats 1 Dog What To do!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Brebs, May 5, 2005.

  1. Brebs

    Brebs New Member

    Hello hello!!!

    I have a Question concerning my cat...s, I have one siamese that i found outside last winter and she was basically dead I found her outside laying under a heating vent (from a Washing machine or Dryer) she was huddled up and smelled very strong of Downy (Laundry detergent)
    i nursed her back to health she is now happy(We're Guessing the family didnt want her we looked every were for them. She has a little Brain damage from abuse.anyway my question is ... We say a cat at petsmart that we all fell in love with(my family)and put our application in to adopt him. Now if we get the ok what is the best way to go about introducing the 2 cats, Downy isn't to thrilled bout have a dog in the house either, She ignores the dog the dog bites her she ,Screams, hisses ,runs away.

    So wat can i do both cats are very loving but i dont know bout them being together! :shock:
  2. vene

    vene New Member

  3. Brebs

    Brebs New Member

    Thanks For all the links!!!

    Thanks Alot !!! :eek:

    I wish i could put up pics but i dont have a camera, just a picture phone and i cant figure out how to import them!!!

    Sorry i'll keep trying to figure it out tho. :mrgreen:
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    as a rule with Siamese cats - females...it's best to adopt a male cat approx. the same age.
    Female Siamese tend to rule the roost so to speak and they aren't as accepting of other cats.
    They will tolerate other pets but it can take awhile.
    Both of my meezers were older when I brought in my Little Fella Zeus and although they all tolerate each other they aren't best of buds. My sealpoint, Missy, hates Zeus.
    Do a slow introduction....slow slow slow. Keep them isolated from each other for the first 2 weeks and then introduce them slowly and for short periods of time - perferably through a barrier such as a baby gate. In the beginning you can swap bedding so they will get familar w/each other's scent.
    But don't just toss them together or you might end up with 2 cats that will never get along.
    And get your dog to stop biting the meezer!!!!
  5. Brebs

    Brebs New Member

    t h a n k s!

    My siamese is 6 and the new cat will be around 3,
    The dog has stopped biting , the dog now just tries to rough house with Downy...
    my idea was keep them in seperate rooms and slowly let the scent work through the house... The changing bedding is a good idea but Downy hasnt gone by a day without sleeping with me in my bed so i dont know what to do there! thanks for the help tho.!!! :y_the_best:
  6. Brebs

    Brebs New Member

    one more thing

    The other cat i'm getting is a Male Longhaired Domestic i think.
    they are both spayed or nuetered and Downy was declawed Bobbie is not.

    i just wish thier age was a litle closer to each other.
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    if you're interested I have TONS of stuff (at work) regarding integrating cats. I foster for Siamese Rescue so I have the stuff we give out to adopters when our kitties go home....good stuff. I can email it to you if you'd like to PM me your email address.
    I'm strongly anti-declaw (just thought I'd mention that) one of my Siamese cats was declawed by her former owner :x and she lives quite fine w/2 clawed cats (one siamese, one not). That shouldn't be a factor.

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