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Hiya guys

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by charmedagain, Apr 15, 2004.

  1. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi guys sorry i have not been on much but the puppies are now eating solids and its now a full time job lol.

    They getting big now and they have there teeth which is not nice when they are trying to chew my fingers off.
    Mitzy is doing great we found out what was making her ill, I was giving her substitute puppy formula like i do my other girls when lactating and guess what mitzy is allergic to it :(

    Now she is on top form not liking that she cant keep her babies in one place as they are all over now lol

    Will post more pics on the site soon.
    Again sorry i aint been on much.

    Love mike mitzy and the puppies and all the other pets lol :D
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    glad to hear they are all doing fine! :D do you hav ehomes lined up yet?

  3. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm glad to hear that you found out what was making Mitzy sick and that eveyone is doing well.
  4. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    :0020: So glad to hear everyone is doing well!! Please get us pictures as soon as you can, I bet those puppies are huge now!
  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

  6. winnie

    winnie New Member

    They are soooo cute!!!!!!
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Too cute!! I love their little round bodies and short little legs!

  8. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    They are so adorable!! Can I take them off your hands for you? LOL. :lol:
  9. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    nyaaaw! :kiss_heart:
  10. Hi Mike! Glad to hear from you :D So happy you figured out what was wrong with mitzy, poor thing probably misses the milk, even though she was allergic :( Those babies are tooooooo cute! So which one is yours? I know what you mean about being too busy, I remember it well :shock:

    Hugs all around :kiss_heart:

  11. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    HI guys the lightest sable pup is the one i am keeping and he is a terror he is always waking his litter mates up and trying to attack them as for mitzy i really dont know how much more she can take with them all trying to chew her ears off lol.

    Thet bark at the slightest little noise its so funny they think they guard dogs lol
    They know when its feed time as they will cry and bark and growl till they get there meal now they learnt i wont feed unless they quiet and they all just lay there staring at me lol too cute.

    The next pics i will be adding is when they are 6weeks old and sitting for the camera well atleast i hope they will lol

  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    How do you work with them to teach them to sit, Mike? Do you work with them one at a time?

  13. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi jamiya i dont work at the moment so my time is spent with the pups.
    They are all taught at the same time apart from the one i am keeping who i have to get on his own or he just wants to torment the others.

    So far they know my voice and have learnt that crying for attention does not get them it.
    Fedding time is the worst they have now go a high pitched howl and its ear piercing but they also learnt they dont get there food till they are quiet.

    They seem to be very quick learners which is a good thing they also know not to go toilet in there bed so when they need to go they get up and pee on the kitchen floor which is not too bad as its easliy cleaned and disinfectned.

    The female has took a shine to the brrom and mop and tries to attack them which is quiet funny especially when she tries to run and trips over she sits there and looks as if to say ok what just happened lol.

    I like to make sure the pups are as house trained and behaved as possible before they leave even though when going to the new homes they will have to be taught the new owner rules and where they can go potty.

  14. Hi Mike, It's amazing that they can learn anything at thier tender young age :0013: You're amazing! How old are they now? I just love how much they learn and how quick they learn! when they are so young......
    And watching thier little personalities develope is so much fun.....So the sable boy is yours, what did you name him?

    It sounds like you are having such a good time with them :D enjoy!

  15. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    They are now 3weeks old and i cant believe how much they are eating i have never known a pup to eat like these.

    I have taken to the name sabre and he seems to know who i am talking to.
    They all get cuddles and i even lay on the floor and the little terrors seem to like the taste of my ears and they dont half pull on my hair ouch lol.

    I have taken some more piccys and added them to the site you can see there little faces on these ones they dont look like the last litter there noses seem to be shorter mum says its normal as i never had a litter with noses like this but as they say no 2 pregnancies or baby is the same wll unless they are twins lol


  16. Hi Mike, They are so so cute! It's amazing how much they will change in such a short anount of time...


    So you're not completely bald yet? and you still have some of your ears left!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: little stinkers...

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