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Can a rabbit dig it's way out?

Discussion in 'All other pets' started by Bente, May 5, 2005.

  1. Bente

    Bente New Member

    My rabbit loves to have the top of his cage standing on the ground so he can eat grass. Like this:


    But I'm worried he might escape by digging his way out if I leave him like that for too long... Can he do that? I know rabbits dig alot in the wild, and I've seen him trying to dig in the lawn (??). (He will actually "dig" in everything that's not hard, like blankets and clothes :roll: )
  2. BeatrixMom

    BeatrixMom New Member

    Yes, your bun could dig out under his cage. Rabbits can dig quite a hole in a short time when they put their bunny brains to it. I have a large dog crate as a cage for my bun (she lives indoors). When I am out doing some stuff in the yard, I bring it out and take the pan out of the bottom so she can feel and nibble the grass, but not dig out.
  3. cateyes1184

    cateyes1184 New Member

    my bunnie lives out side uder all the shade in my yard, there is no grass in the dog run where he is kept, so yes he does dig..... i just put bricks around the edges, and that has seemed to deture him for now.......he's been around 3 years, never had a problem since that!

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