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cosmetic surgery for pets?!?

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by mattbone, May 8, 2005.

  1. mattbone

    mattbone New Member

    saw it on the news last night. one owner had his dobie clipped then had a pair of artificial nads surgically added for his ( the owners) satisfaction. cropping ears is supposedly on the way out and yet this can happen? wtf?another had a lip reduction done to their pet and yet another had a tummy/ nipple tuck done on a post pregnancy female. i am dumbfounded. apparently its all the rage right now.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I used to work in Beverly Hills at a vets, the 'Nuticals' (artificial testicles) were pretty popular about 7 years ago there....came in 3 sizes....I found that 'some' people requested much bigger replacements than the ones we were removing :shock: , your right, its nuts (no pun intended), Im just not into the cosmetically altered practices. Weve done a few surgeries to remove pounds of fat but it was for the dogs health not just to slim them down a little....I do recall though a certain 'fad diet' personality bringing their dog in to have a whole bunch of fat removed surgically....kind of lost faith in the new diet they were charging a fortune for :)
  3. mattbone

    mattbone New Member

    its crazy...i recently decide to stop cropping because we lost a pup after the surgery ( autopsy is still pending although its been about 4 months, we think the vet may be holding up the results to prevent legal action) but when i saw this it totally tripped me out.
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Was it you that lost the Boxer?...sorry... I remember a post about that a while ago.

    With the Nuticals, we didnt do too many of them (although we were only a small hospital) but the ones that we did do were done at the time of the neuter so there wasnt an additional risk but some of the other surgeries were, like you said, requests for 'tummy tucks etc, just not necesary, a good diet and some exercise usually takes care of it without putting the pet at risk.
  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I have never understood why people have cosmetic surgery on there pets, I was watching cosmetic surgery live here in the uk and they showed over in america a woman was having botox so she sent her dog in to have botox put in her eye lids to make her eyes look wider sick if you ask me.

    I think i have seen the one where the man had artificial testicles put in after his dog had the snip did he say something like a male dog is no longer male without testicles or something along the lines to that.

    I am sure its going to have some ill effects later on for these poor animals.

  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I dont recall any problems with the fake ones, the hospital I worked at in BH was only a small one so we didnt do that many, there were a couple of larger hospitals around that were doing them but once I left there I never saw any hospitals using them outside of Bev Hills, I thought the 'craze' was over with them.....kind of like the 'glue on' claw covers for cats.

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