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Who has the oldest dog

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dukesdad, May 6, 2005.

  1. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Duke is 3 /12 and Freckles is a year younger, I think. Just teenagers. My old black Lab Jake lived to be 14 years, 11 months, and 21 days.
    Was wondering who here has the "seniorest" citizen.
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Jake just turned 8 and I think Wylie is about 7 1/2, I sure hope jake lives to the ripe old age of 14 too. I see Wylie a lot longer than that

  3. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Luther was born in 2001 (or at least that is the conclusion I came to) I got him Jan 2002 Well from the vet, the pound guy and the humane society peoples average, He was around 1.5 years old. The vet said his teeth looked like he was about 7,years old but his sexual deveelopment was bettween 8-18 months! I think that is a huge difference! I wish I know Luthers past! His is such a well behaved dog most of the time) When I got him he could already do the basics sit stay shake... and he was pretty much already trained to go outside, he is great with kids and people in general, but he was found running down a back road with 2 puppies and the pound guy thought he was a girl (dumb guy, I guess he never looked underneath!) bc he would keep these 2 puppies under his leg like a mama dog would. the 2 pups were nearly as big as Luther, they looked like lab puppies! they weren't white and fluffy like Luther at all. But anyway, that is how old Luther could be between 4 and 11! and sometimes he acts like he is 4 and sometimes 11.
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Well my dogs are both young (2 years old). My sister's dogs must be around 14 or 15, and I have two 14-year-old cats...
  5. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Zoey is 9 1/2 and Brie is 8 1/2. Middle aged--I hope! :D
  6. DingoMum

    DingoMum New Member

    Georgie my English Cocker Spaniel is 13 and still moving like a 3 year old surprisingly enough.
  7. nern

    nern New Member

    Sebastian will be 9yrs old in July. Natalie will be 5yrs old in September.
  8. yogi

    yogi New Member

    oldest dog in this house is Jack

    Jack is now 14 1/2 Abbey just turned 13 on 4/15. These are 2 of my 10 Min Pins.
  9. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    my Shepherd turned 11 this past March
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    My step fathers labrador mix "Porkey" lived to be 21. he died last November.

    My first horse Super Star lived to be 34 which is very old for a horse....

    other than that. Smokey is now 5 and Red Dog is 3.
  11. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    My Malamute is 12, my dachshund is 2 1/2. I lost 2 dachshunds at 15 and one at 17. But I think the oldest dog I ever had was a poodle mix, who lived to be 26.

    I also have an 18 year old cat who is feluek positive. Or at least he was as a kitten; we tested 3 times from 8 weeks to 6 months. We retested when he was 5 years old and still healthy, and it was negative!

    I also had several horses that lived well into their 30s. I think the oldest, a Morgan/QH crossbred, lived to be 38.
  12. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    My Whippet Bonnie who was PTS last November due to cancer was 16, she would have been 17 in February just gone, she was still bouncing around like a puppy up until about a week before she was PTS.
  13. LadyT

    LadyT New Member

    oh my I hope Dreamer lives a long time he is only :lol: 9 months
  14. nessa1880

    nessa1880 New Member

    Angel turned 2 in January. I hope she lives as long as I do. I know it wont happen but its a nice thought. Does anyone know how long poodles normally live? Is it different for different breeds?
  15. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Only rule of thumb that I know of is the smaller the dog the longer the life expectancy. Giant breeds like Danes have a life span expectancy of about 8 or 9 years.
    A lot depends of course on the level of health care provided. Here are some averages according to the AKC

    Breed Average Life Span (Years)

    Beagle 13

    Boston Terrier 12

    Boxer 10

    Bulldog 9

    Chihuahua 15

    Cocker Spaniel 12

    Dachshund 12

    German Shepherd 11

    Golden Retriever 12

    Labrador Retriever 11

    Maltese 13

    Miniature Pinscher 14

    Miniature Schnauzer 13

    Pomeranian 14

    Pug 13

    Rottweiler 9

    Shetland Sheepdog 13

    Shih Tzu 13

    Yorkshire Terrier 14
  16. Rene

    Rene New Member

    thanks dukesdad i hope my yorkies live to be 14 sebastain will be 3 in aug. and jasmine was 2 in dec
  17. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Pepsi is 13. She is a English/American Stafordshire Terrier. Born dead, and had Parvo and Canine caronavirus (? not sure if that is the correct name) She was not expected to live from the parvo alone. But she is a tough little girl.
  18. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member


    She had both?? Where you living up in BB when she had corona? Just curious, the only time I really saw it was when I worked in Arcadia, and maybe it was coincidence but 'every' dog that was diagnosed with it either had been dumped as a stray at the SA racetrack or the owners of the dogs worked there. Shes one lucky dog to have survived all that. How old was Pepsi with each disease?
  19. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    She was a year old at the time she contracted Parvo, during the treatment she contracted caronavirus while in the care of the Vet. She had almost recovered from the parvo when she got hit by the carona. The vets took responsibility for the carona as 2 other dogs in shop were also infected at that time. Here is the kicker to all of it. Pepsi started to get satalite histameines all over her body the day after she came home (will post pic later). So we rushed her back to the vets and it turned out she was reacting to a contaminated batch of penicillan. The vets again took responsability, so in all she was sick and in the vets for almost 20 days and had dropped to about 20 pounds. The techs told me she was the most stubborn dog they ever saw and 3 times we calling me to say she had passed on because she would either stop breathing or her heart beat would stop. But then she would just start right back up.
    Poor girl also suffered from a 5 pound intrauteran tumor when she was 9 that we had removed. Thats 10% of her body weight! She really is a tough one and a real sweet girl.
  20. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Thats amazing that she pulled through all that, more so that she is in the 'high risk' group of breeds that generally dont do well with Parvo,

    That is sooo scary when that happens.....we had a problem with an iguana similar to this only it that case it was the owner who gave him to the vet and had asked for a necropsy, (owner was a friend of the vet), it had 'died' the day before, was in a fridge all night then left in a paper bag in the treatment room on the wet sink awaiting the necropsy....it walked out of the bag and proceeded to walk around the table...I informed the vet, I told him he couldnt do the necropsy as the iguana was moving around, I had a bit of a rep as being a little paranoid about making triple sure the pets were deceased before taking bodies out (a couple of other stories there) so the vet, slightly irritated at me, said "Ive told you before, its just rigamortis", I just grabbed his arm and led him into the treatment room....his jaw almost hit the floor, he called the owner to tell him his pet was alive...and looking remarkebly well considering, we took some blood, x-rays, started him on drugs and put him in a cage, a couple of hours later he 'died' all 4 vets checked him to make sure....as did 6 techs....but we still werent completely sure!!! He was actually deceased this time but the vet was reluctant to do a necropsy on him....just in case.

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