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New Persian - Explosive Dirreaha/Several Baths Daily HELP

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by eitak666, May 10, 2005.

  1. eitak666

    eitak666 New Member

    my new kitten i just got today, she is 8 weeks old and she has really bad dirreaha with blood, ive had to give her several baths in the three hours she has been home.. even when shes in the little box she gets poop all over her and i have to wash her! i know its not her fault and shes adoreable but im also concearned about why she wont eat or drink, she also shakes really badly after baths.. please help if you know whats wrong with her.. thanks for your time
  2. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    VET, VET, VET! Please take that baby to the vet.
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Absolutely agree with coppersmom, vet....
  4. eitak666

    eitak666 New Member

    i made my fur baby an appointment for the vet tomorrow at 5 so i can take her after i get home from school.. any ideas on what could be wrong?.. also my older cat (1 1/2 year old) CONSTANTLY hisses and growls at the baby. the baby just ignores her and keeps purring.. how can i make the older cat stop??
  5. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member

    not to be mean but~~~~~~~~~

    all your problems will most likely be solved by tomorrow because an 8 week old kitten in the condition you describe probably will not survive until tomorrow.Explosive diarrhea with blood and the vet told you to wait until tomorrow? Oh Brother :roll:

    Ps exposing your other cat to this sick kitten will most likely result in your older cat becoming ill. I would isolate the sick kitten. PSS where did you get this kitten, maybe you should return it!
  6. eitak666

    eitak666 New Member

    the older cat is hideing now.. and the kitten came with some type of 'health gaurentee' but my aunt has it (she purchased the kitten as my graduation present).. i will ask her to see it when she gets home... its strange... i hold the kitten, and ill hear a little noise and smell something foul, ill look under her little tail and shes just dripped poop and blood : (
  7. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Absolutely keep the kitten away from your other cat and get her to the vet asap. Take her to an emergency animal clinic if you have to. What you are describing sounds very serious and your kitten is probably already dehydrated, especially if you are saying she has no appetite or interest in drinking. If you absolutely must wait til your appointment, then get some Pedialyte like they have for children and give it to her thru a dropper or needless syringe and mix in some Nutrical. Lift up the scruff of her neck and see if the skin bounces back quickly or stays in a pinched position. If it stays pinched she is severely dehydrated and i urge you to rush her to a emergency vet clinic right away. There are a number of factors that could be causing the diarrhea, but the most imminent danger right now is high risk of severel dehydration. Please take this seriously and act quickly or your poor kitten may not wait for you to get home from work.
  8. eitak666

    eitak666 New Member

    i spoke to the breeder from which i purchased the kitten today, she tells me 'oh dont worry its nothing serious, just a little stress'.. could stress possibly begin to explain no thirst, hunger and dirreha with blood?!
  9. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    A BREEDER told you that? Geez. That's ridiculous that a "breeder" would let a kitten go that's having those symptoms. Geez. And ditto to all faeriedust said.

    Poor, poor baby.
  10. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    geez...some people shouldn't have animals never mind breed. This kitten, in all likelihood was sick before you got her. I would carefully read your contract as if you have a health guarantee the breeder should be responsible for the bills.
    Doesn't sound good whatever it is...did she have any vaccines? Some states require by law certain vaccines be given prior to kittens being sold.
    I'd do some research on distemper or coccadia (I probably spelled that wrong). FIP is another concern...is this kitten bloated at all?
    Wet (effusive) FIP is not a good thing.
    Either way this kitten probably shouldn't wait until 5pm tomorrow.
  11. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    a breeder also wouldnt let the kitten leave before the age of 12 weeks..sounds like what my Jazzy had as a kitten...she had internal parasites..caused lots of blood in the litter box...she was given a dose of dewormer and was okay after 2 doses..

    Good luck keep us informed
  12. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    I can bull**** on this "breeder". I'd be damned if a real breeder would tell you "Oh, its nothing." A moron would know there's a problem. You needed to take her to Emergency, not make an appointment. Each time she has a bout of diarrhea, a huge amount of water is sucked from her body, and is she's not drinking, it could be fatal. It sounds like Gerdia(sp?) or some other internal parasite for sure. But I hope your appointment goes well and they take good care of her and she gets better soon.
  13. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    well...i got my maxie cat, who is a bengal, from a breeder at EIGHT WEEKS of age. i didnt even know they should not sell until 12 weeks. max has had diarrhea all his life. he is now a year and a half almost. it started with giardia, then clostridium, now tritrichomonas foetus...which is a flagelette parasite. he had bloody diarrhea, dribbling, etc. parasites can do that. i worried every day he would dehydrate and die. he went to the vet on the average of two times a week for months....

    i would get the kitty in asap. they can dehydrate in eight hours....and die.
  14. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Im hoping by now youve already taken the kitten to a vet so this will be irrelevant. While any pet under certain circumstances can get a stress related colitis in which case you would see blood in the stool, sometimes you may just see blood, that does not mean that this is not an emergency.
    Personally I dont think it sounds like that, at least not by iteslf (it can be secondary to an illness).
    More likely it will be, as a couple of people already said, intestinal parasites or coccidia....or worse.
    As lynhaz said, dehydration is fatal if not treated, this in itself needs to be treated as well as finding and treating the cause.
    Do not wait until after school today to have this kitten seen by a vet.

    Good luck.
  15. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I think it's all been said above, but I just wanted to add a good luck. I hope you take the kitten to the vet asap, ant that she makes it [-o<
  16. eitak666

    eitak666 New Member

    thanks everyone, my aunts taking her this morning while im at school.. i appreciate your suggestions and concearn <3 she slept with me all last night while my big cat tore up my room and growled : (
  17. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Keep us updated if you can....hope shes okay.

  18. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I hope your baby turns out to be ok. I'm concerned with the lack of drinking...that is VERY bad, than compounded with projectile pooping and especially with the blood in it. That is nothing normal. And if a so called 'breeder' is telling you it's related to stress, they are flat our lying.

    If you were suffering these symptoms, would you believe it was just stress causing it? Also consider that if you were pooping that much and not eating or taking in water, how long do you think you'd last if you weighed only about 3 or 4 lbs?

    If it turns out to be a major problem, I urge you to report this breeder to your local SPCA as they are not only selling ill kittys, they are breeding them and spreading the problem. I'm afraid that this may be a much larger problem than just one sick kitty.

    I also wanted to chime what was said above, don't wait, RUN to a vet. Batheing several times a day may make the problem worse so quit batheing the poor thing.
  19. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member

    I see you started a new thread

    but don't you think it would be fair to follow up on this thread considering all the concern the other posters extended to you?
  20. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I keep checking to see if there has been any update...please let us know

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