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Hello...which dog would fit my situation more?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by ~Angelcakes~, May 12, 2005.

  1. ~Angelcakes~

    ~Angelcakes~ New Member

    Hello all first I am SOOO happy to find this forum. It's extremly educational to me. I ran across it during my "puppy search". I'm a 20 yr old college student that wants a shihpoo or maltipoo. I want a puppy that doesn't shed and one that's not extremly intergetic 24 7. Um this would also be my 1st puppy so I was wondering if ya'll would PLEASE give me advice & opinons on EVERYTHING. I've done alot or research but I MUST be sure I know 100% what i want before I buy it.
  2. Mockingcat

    Mockingcat New Member

    Honestly, I would stay away from the -poo fad if I were you. I'm not saying that these dogs are bad dogs, but you're essentially going to be paying big bucks for a mutt. Why not check out the local animal shelter and meet some of the dogs there? They'll already be grown, so you'll know what type of personality they have, and you'll be able to see if they set off your allergies. (The poos cannot be guaranteed hypoallergenic, since they can be a mix of either of the parents)
  3. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    I have a maltipoo......and she is the joy of our lives!!!! THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH A POO MIX. How do you think pure bred dogs came about (they had to start out as mutts, if you breed poos long enough they could be considered purebred some day)Some can be alot of money, but there are breeders out there who charge a resonable fee for them. I hope you find the poo your looking for. I LOVE THE MALTIPOO
  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    There is nothing wrong with any mixes, but it is still a mixed dog, no matter if it has a name (ie shihpoo, maltipoo, labradoodle or like my dog a "Spix", you know an American Emiximo Spitz), there a so many dogs in shelters on death row maybe they are chowpits or or St. Shepherds, but no they are just mixed mutts bc no one wants them bc they don't get the cute names.
    Anyway, I think if you are a college student you should not get a dog. You don't know where you'll be in the next 10 years. What if you can't find a place who will allow dogs? Or the extra expenses of having a dog? You will probably love the dog alot and you said you have put alot of research into it. But think about thigns like that, they have been people who come here bc they got a dog in college and had lots of time for it but then they graduated had to move then maybe they can't find a place to live that allows the dog or the are too busy with work and the dog is destroying everything, the list goes on.
    But if you want a mixed dog look at rescues online or go to your local shelter, check out petfinder.com But there are no sure ways to know if a mixed dog will tend to be more like the mother/ father or this breed or that one.
    Good Luck and I hope you eventually find the perfect dog for you.
    And remember that if you buy a mixed puppy you are promoting backyard breeding practices, once all dogs have actual homes and not in the shelters, with fosters or running around stray, then I think that it would be ok to buy a mixed dog.
    Good Luck!! :D
  5. MyDixie

    MyDixie New Member

    A dog is a great idea!

    I am also a 20 year old college student and I have a one year old pekeapoo. I got her when she was two months old and we have been joined at the hip ever since. I think that having a dog in college is the best thing that ever happened to me. She makes me get up in the morning and get outside every day instead of being stuck at my computer desk. Also she really relieves me of the stress of being in college. All of my friends love her and she is never alone or bored. I love the pekeapoo breed. She is very calm and actually enjoys sleeping most of the day, she gets a little cranky when I wake her up coming home from class. She sheds very little as long as I keep her groomed and brush her every couple of days. I agree with the others about not paying a huge amount for a poo mix. I got mine from a farm for $80. (I got a great deal) However, there are so many cute dogs at the pound. Every time I go to buy their homemade treats I want to take them all home with me. So, get excited and find a great dog that has all the qualities that you want. Congratulations! :eek:
  6. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I might suggest an adult dog too. Especially since you said you didn't want a highly energetic dog! (But I'm not knocking your choice of breeds.)A puppy is like a baby--lots and lots of work.

    BTW, a friend of mine's 20 year old-college student-daughter got a puppy and now my friend has it. But my friend knew that was a possibility when her daughter got it.
  7. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    I don't mean to step on anyones toes, but there IS something wrong with a Poo mix, or any other intentionally crossed bred dog. It's called not using the very best stock to breed from, thus producing puppies that are unsound, unhealthy and genetic disasters waiting to happen.

    No one with exceptional blood stock is going to waste all the work that went into producing that exceptional animal by intentionally crossing it with another breed. And if you aren't breeding only the very best, most healthy and sound animals, you shouldn't be breeding.

    That's why so many dogs suffer from genetic health problems, pure or mixed breed. People are breeding inferior animals for the wrong reason. Contrary to popular belief, cross bred dogs do not have hybrid vigor, simply because they are not really hybrids. They're 100% dog, still subject to the same geneitc disorders as any dog.

    Every day I see little Shih-poos, Malti-poos, This-a-poo and That-a-poo. Most of them have eye problems, horrible teeth, knee problems, hip problems, kidney disease, and some of the worst skin and coat problems due to hypothyroidism or Cushings disease. Most if not all of this is genetic, and should have been avoided by not breeding the parents.

    And even though you're little Poo mix puppy is the light of your life, the chances are good you've already had experience with one or more health problems listed above. If not, hold on. Your turns coming.

    Please don't perpetuate the problem by paying for a mixed breed dog. Get one from a shelter, rescue, or the pound. Every puppy you buy from these sort of 'breeders' simply means another litter of poorly bred puppies will be produced from parents who should never have been bred at all.
  8. ~Angelcakes~

    ~Angelcakes~ New Member

    Thank You All for the Responses

    Thank you all for replying it has been extremly helpful it's giving me things to think about. I was sacred no one was going to respond but thanks for responding. Some of the things posted i had never thought about while other things i'm contemplating over. Thanks again!! If anyone wants to add anything please fell free.
  9. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member

    just be sure you are prepared

    for the expense that goes along with making any pup or adult dog a part of your family.A shelter or rescue will usually be neutered before you bring him'or her home or you will return to have it done. In my city the shelter will neuter and microchip any dog or cat for a very nominal fee whether you got them there or not. Also the first year can be expensive with the cost of shots and dewormings and such. Pet insurance is always a good idea whether you have a purebred dog or a mutt. Accidents and illness do not discriminate. You'll want to get supplies for your pet, collar, lease, toys, eating utensils, sleeping equioment and I would suggest a crate for training and safety when you are not home until the pup is older. I hope this has helped you a little bit. We have two pups, jack a maltimutt and luki a shimutt. They are our second set of kids!

    this is jack


    and this is our baby luki

  10. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

  11. Mockingcat

    Mockingcat New Member

    No one is saying that the -poo mixes are bad dogs, we're simply pointing out that there are ALREADY LOTS of poo mixes in the shelters, and they'll cost a good bit less than the ones that you buy from irresponsible breeders.

    Heck, I got my purebred Aussweiler from the shelter... ;) (Australian Shepherd/Rottweiler muttie dog)
  12. IHeartShihPoo

    IHeartShihPoo New Member

    I think it's wonderful that you're thinking of getting a poo mix. I have a poo mix myself and he's great! I think this certain mix would be just fine for your college life. In fact, they are probably one of the better choices because if you were to rent an apartment, most only allow small dogs and it makes it even better that they don't shed or shed very little. Good luck in whatever you choose!
  13. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Personally I love all kinds of dogs. There are thousands of dogs in shelters, not just city and county shelters but private rescues, all different breeds, colours, sizes and personalities....some of them will allow you (or even encourage you) to make a few visits, take a few of the dogs out for walks, get to know them a little bit to see if you get along, find out a little about their personality before you commit to one, some also have a 'return' policy so if you do adopt one of their dogs and it doesnt work out you can take the dog back to them....a rescue I used to work with, there were a couple of cases were the dogs were returned after 5 or 6 years due to unexpected family problems, living situations etc, one family moved back to the middle east and could not take their dog with them.
    I know youve said youve done some research but I dont know if its more on breeds or 'everything'. Its good to have a look around a good pet store and pick up a few books just on the basics, like housetraining, basic manners, behavioural problems and how to correct them, you would possibly/probably have to do some of this with any dog you get, whether its a puppy or adult.
  14. LadyT

    LadyT New Member

    I have a yorkiepoo and he is a joy to have around. I will say that my dog is very energetic so your going to have to spend a lot of time with him/her. Basically any dog is a lot of work. I dont know if you work or just go to school but really think about that responsibilty of a dog.

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