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today's Annie outdoor pictures

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by someday, May 13, 2005.

  1. someday

    someday New Member

    Ok...here's some pics of Annie today..ya gotta love Missouri..the weather changes constantly...it's now in the 80s and bright and sunny..later..it's supposed to storm again...oh well..we got our fun in...
    I actually broke the camera out early today since in the other post True mentioned that Annie was off leash a lot...which I realized through my pictures it must seem like it. It seems I just don;t take pictures until I have the leash off, it's on far more than it's off...and only is designated off leash areas where she is under complete voice control.. and i mean good control..she's been called off chasing birds and deer. We always run through some obedience work on leash before she's ever allowed off leash to make sure she listening. Just wanted to clarify since I never even thought about that...I think pit bulls should always be under control and leash laws should always be obeyed. Don't want to send the wrong message!

    Here we are finishing our on leash work in the parking lot..

    Sit-stay before she's released.

    first recall.."here i come!!"

    same recall...much closer.."yeah yeah..i'm coming..it's hot"

    Walking to another field...leashed because I can't see through the trees and know what's ahead..

    Wee!..high grass!

    so high she has to close her eyes while running!


    hehe...mud..always fun

    "Mom always says I look good in green!"

    Waiting on mom to put the backseat down for her muddy paws...all worn out..
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    those ears are just great, love the action pics of her in the grass, as for off leash,

    "I always run through some obedience work on leash before she's ever allowed off leash to make sure she listening"
    thats good, especially since something you dont know can send her in chase mode, I have become too complacent with Wylie off leash and now doesnt listen to most of the time when I do recall :? so I have to work extra hard with her now
  3. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Great pics! With as much as she gets out and runs I'm surprised she's not fit and toned. I pretty much assumed most of what you said your post, that you have her under verbal control and in certain areas not all the time. She always turns out some great pictures.
  4. someday

    someday New Member

    I know why she isn't fit and toned...it's because of this obedience class, we treat with hot dogs.. :lol:
  5. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Haha that could do it....I'm totally against the treat rewards now, I can't believe how much of a difference treats can make in their diets. I heard a suggestion that said to count treats in as part of their meal so that way it balances out, but thats kind of hard.
  6. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Awwwww Annie is so beautiful! I love the shots of her running in the tall grass.
  7. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    She is such a pretty dog. I love your pics. You are sooo lucky to have a spot to let her run off leash.
    I hear ya about the hot dog treats. Gotta love the calories. But
    She looks great to me.

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