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Vet hasn't a clue. Do any of you?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by blueshish, May 3, 2005.

  1. blueshish

    blueshish New Member

    My son has a 6 year old Black Lab/Australian Shepard, Panther. He has a history of seizures. He usually has 1 a summer after playing outside so the vet and I figuered it was more heat related than anything. A couple of months ago Panther started getting stiff in the hip area. It looked like arthritis so I started him on asprin as needed and of course took him to the vet. Vet says no problems here. A couple of days ago Panther is out playing, jumping, running, etc. We bring in the dogs for the night, no problem, about 4 hours later he is stiff again. Later the same night I get up, pat him on the head and he can't even stand up. He acted like he was completely paralised from the shoulders back. He didn't seem to be in any pai, just couldn't hardly pull himself up on his front legs and even then you had to support him because his body was dead weight. Our vet said there is about 600 things it could be so we could start at test 1 and run down the list at $200 a pop. Has anyone had this sort of experience before? Any suggestions on what it could be. I am at a loss.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Have you had the basics done?, blood work and x-rays and a throrough physical exam? If Panther is acting fine inbetween the 'episodes' and the basics dont show anything then your vet will need to do further testing that could require anything from more extensive blood tests, a biopsy to an MRI or scans.
    Does your vet think its siezure related? Its going to be hard, maybe impossible for him to diagnose accurately if he cant examine Panther at the time of this happening and without some kind of tests.
    As to what it might be, could be anthying from arthritis to neurologic problems, bacterial or viral infections.
    Because of the cost involved with some of the more extensive tests people will often opt to treat symptomatically when the episodes occur never really finding out 100% what the cause is, then when or if the problem becomes worse with the medication will do further tests.
    You could always go to another vet though for a second opinion. Maybe your vet can refer you to a specialist.
  3. blueshish

    blueshish New Member

    Yes, we have had all his "basics" done. So far nothing has showed up. We were really worried about his hips. We thought he might have hip dysplasia (sp). He seems fine between episodes sometimes a little stiff but nothing serios. Some one suggested Valley Fever but his vet discounted this for now. He thought Panther had some symptons but didn't fit the criteria for the disease. We were conserned it might be contagious since we have 2 other dogs and vet isn't ruling that out since the paralysed instince has only happened once and came on so suddenly.
    We would like to find out 100% what it is. As I said it is our sons dog and he simply adores that animal. They are pretty much inseperial. They even sleep together in the same bed. We are taking Panther in to another vet that is highly recommended today so hopefully something comes out of it. Thanks for your reply. Any advice is appreciated. We have had a dog with diabeties and another with cancer but never something that hit this fast and out of the blue.
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Hip dysplasia should be easily seen on one view of an x-ray as long as the patient is co-operative and the positioning is correct, we've had to sedate dogs to get good views (they dont always want to 'go along' with what we need them to do) but the majority of dogs dont need sedation.
    Good luck with the specialist, keep us updated.
  5. Maisey

    Maisey New Member

    Your vet won't be thrilled with this thought...but you said about once a summer....did this happen to be after getting yearly vaccinations?
    There is a really good book available called Vaccine Guide for Dogs & Cats, What Every Pet Lover Should Know by Catherine J.M. Diodati, MA
    I recently read it and was dumbfounded by some of the information.
    It would be worth reading, I am not saying that vaccination has anything to do with what is going on with your dog..obviously, I don't know...but what you are describing sounds very much like many of the cases I read about in the book.
  6. blueshish

    blueshish New Member

    The vet is keeping Panther overnight and possibly longer for test. They have ruled out hip dyplasia. He was a very good boy and held still for his x-rays and having his blood drawn. This vet is confident that it is not Valley Fever. We live to far north for this to effect him. Our son is in a uproar because his dog is MIA this evening. When I last looked in on him, Blueshish, our Pit, was sleeping on the foot of his bed so maybe she will keep him company tonight. I will keep you updated on Panther's results. Thanks!!!
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yes, please look for a correlation with vaccinations. If there isn't one, at least you can rule it out for now.
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

  9. blueshish

    blueshish New Member

    I finally got a update on Panther!!! I just picked him up from the vet. He is confident that Panther has hypothyroidism ( thyroid disease). He is sending all of Panthers' test to the University to rule out anything else that may be wrong. He said this explains the seizures,stiffness and various other symptoms that he has had over several months. Little things like dry skin and itching that I just thought were weather or enviromental was actually caused by the disease. Panther is starting on T4. Soloxine is the RX name for his meds. I still have to read all the literature to see what I am dealing with but the vet said it will be a life long commitment as far as meds. I don't mind, the look on Jett's face when "his" dog came home was more than worth it!!
  10. yogi

    yogi New Member

    life long meds are really not a problem

    I have multiple animals and at any given time I have meds that must be given. Jack my 14 1/2 year Min Pin has elilepsy and arthritis. He gets meds every morning and afternoon. I keep extra Phenobarb and Prednisone just in case. Baby is my ten year old and has nerve issues in his neck. When they act up he gets buffered aspirin and this does not work than prednisone. Chutes my 9 year Pin suffered a mild seizure one nite, no prior history. I gave him a Pheno tab and within couple minutes he came out of it and was fine. I have more meds in my house for my animals including my cats than I do for me.
  11. Brenda

    Brenda New Member

    It couldl very well be Lyme Disease. I would take the dog for a blood test immediately. I had this same problem with one of my dogs. My first vet had no idea what was wrong. I went to another vet who figured it out right away. Brenda
  12. blueshish

    blueshish New Member

    Hey everyone. Update on Panther isn't looking to good. Vet is sure that it is Thyroid disease but this morning he has massive diarrea (sp) and is severely lame in the back legs. We are going back in later this morning. He has only been on his meds for a few days now but seemed to be responding now we are heading back to square one at light speed. I'll let you know what the Doc says.
  13. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I was thinking hypoactive thyroid wouldn't cause those symptons...my dog has hypoactive thyroid (2 years now) and she's never ever lost the use of her legs and she's extremely hip dsyplastic!!!!
    I wonder if it's neurological?
    Lyme Disease?
    I hope Panther improves...did they possibly put him on Rimadyl for the hip issue? That can also cause "dire-rear"
  14. blueshish

    blueshish New Member

    We brought Panther home this evening. The vet has found a small mass on his spinal area. We are having a biopsy done, should have the results tomorrow. He thinks the pressure is what is causing the paralisys. Hopefully everything comes back clear and it is something we can have removed. I really don't know what we would do without the old boy! He is still a little stiff but is getting around okay. The vet put him on Bute for pain. I thought that was a little heavy duty but I am dealing with "country docs" here. He seems like a very well informed person is working with the University on this case. I am asking him about all the meds and treatments that ya"ll have suggested. Thanks for all your help and support. He is my son's dog but I have become rather found of the lousy@!!@! over the years!
  15. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Hope everything goes okay for Panther and your family.
  16. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    It sounds promising that he has discovered the cause of the problems. I hope it can be removed and that will take care of it! Please keep us updated. It's amazing how these furry guys can really get into our hearts, isn't it?
  17. blueshish

    blueshish New Member

    We got good news on Panther. He doesn't have cancer. The bad news is that his doc doesn't think they can remove the mass safely due to its location. There is a strong possibility of permenent paralysis if they remove it. We decided just to leave it alone for the time being and see what happens. Panther is up and back to his old self. He and Jett are out back trying to tunnel to China. By the looks of things they should be there by lunch time! A couple of good things came out of all this. We were able to get Panther's Thyroid problem diagnoised so he has got to be feeling some better. I also ran into a friend from the shelter. She talked me into starting to foster again. It was a soft sell. I have 8 kennels out there setting idle. My new foster "kids" will be here tomorrow. We are taking 3 adult dogs from various backgrounds. 2 were abandonded together, 1 was seized after its owner was arrested. I have to go outside and get the kennels cleaned and sprayed. We had a unusually wet winter so I want to spray for fleas, etc. before they get here. I also need to check the fence in the exercise pens just to make sure.
  18. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Blueshish, well, I hope Panther does okay, at least you know the problem and can monitor him good for you for fostering, you will have your hands full. They showed on the news yesterday Arozizona is being overun by a bug, ( cant remember what it was) because they have had so much rain. these bugs are feasting on all the greenery thats not usually there

  19. duckling

    duckling New Member

    Good luck with Panther -- I know that hypothyroidism has been linked to lowering the seizure "threshold", so hopefully, taking thyroid meds will help that issue. My dog was diagnosed with hypothyroidism after a weird episode of seizure/collapse, too.

    Best of luck with the new fosters, too!
  20. blueshish

    blueshish New Member

    We are all very excited about getting the foster "kids". When we bought the house we had the choice of getting a couple of horses or building the kennels and segregating our yard into exercise pens. It of course was a no brainer!! We love animals and wanted to do what we could to help.IO am going to start slow since our youngest daughter is only 10 months old but our oldest is 4 years now so he can help out when possible.

    Panther is doing great so far. He even sat "pretty" for his bath tonight. He needed one after he and Jett were done digging their anti-tank ditch through the yard! It's going to take a month of Sundays to fill that in and I don't have any idea where half the dirt went. Oh well, it's just great to see them playing and having a ball together, I didn't even have the heart to say anything to them.

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