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Why did my betta die?

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Nameless, May 14, 2005.

  1. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    When my two bettas died within a two month period I was going to give up betta care forever, but now I feel like giving it one last and final try. However, for some reason everything i put in that bowl dies. The ghost shrimp died, the feeder guppies died and even the rosey minnows died, may be because it is not allowing enough oxygen. I dunno what to do, what do you think is my problem with bettas, any advice would be helpful!
  2. tski22

    tski22 New Member

    Whata re the dimensions of the bowl. what is its presentation is a bowl or a small tank? How is it set up? Where do you have it in your house? -tl
  3. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    did you test You water ?
  4. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    Did u even add water conditioner? what water you use to fill the bowl?
    My only guess would be not conditioning the water if u had to much die......
  5. Mockingcat

    Mockingcat New Member

    You said that you kept them in a bowl? To me, this sounds like the problem. All fish need a large amount of water, filtration, and (most of them) a heater. Even betta fish will benefit from filtration systems.

    The rule of thumb for fish is 1 gallon of water to 1 inch of fish. This is to be based on when the fish is full grown. Again, that's rule of thumb, and I'd certainly check the needs of individual fish before buying them. For example, goldfish are very popular, but need at LEAST 10 gallons of water, most people reccomend 29 because of the amount of ammonia they produce. :)
  6. M_wm

    M_wm New Member

    Sounds like alot of your fish have died. Maybe you city has bad water?
  7. Nameless

    Nameless New Member


    I had the bowl in my hallway one of my bettas and also in my room for the second one. It is out of direct sunlight, but still gets light.

    I believe if I remember clearly the bowl was either a 2 or 3 gallon, I think it was a 3 gallon thought.

    It is a bowl.

    It has the gravel, water, live plant a small rock and fish.

    Fish Addict:

    I did test my water before I put my betta in. I do not remember the exact the results but my water was fine before the betta was put in.


    Yes, I used water conditioner and I did test it. I used water from my tap.

    Mocking Cat:

    I definetly know that bigger tanks are better than smaller ones, however, I thought that a 3 gallon bowl would be sufficient based on the experience and advice I from this forum. So I am not going to fully doubt their knowledge.


    I don't think that its because of the water I get here. I have used the same water in my other tanks and it does not other the other fish. Also, I have yet to hear any of my friends complain about water from the tap. In addition, no, not a lot of my fish in general died, but in the case of bettas I over the period of time I have kept fish recently have 3 of them from different times and all three have died.
  8. Mockingcat

    Mockingcat New Member

    Ah, I wasn't sure how big your bowl was. :) I've seen a lot of places selling "betta bowls" that certainly aren't that big! 3 gallons is definitely plenty of water for a betta (IMHO). My only guess would be that either the store you're getting the bettas from tends to get in sickly stock, or that as someone else mentioned, the city water may have something in it that's killing them. Try a water conditioner, if you haven't already? :)
  9. A*F*O

    A*F*O New Member

    tell yeah the truth i odnt think fish should be kept in bowls you should get liek a 5g tank and get a aquaclear mini on that bad boy and do weekly water changes you should do fine make sure youa rnt over feedin you could add some lil loaches to make sure all of the food is eatten and there is none left over form previous feedings. try out a bigger aquarium.
  10. Nameless

    Nameless New Member


    That is what I thought too but that idea when away because I bought them from a separate lfs from the others. However, it could be that both have bad stock.


    I know they would like a tank, but I wanted something small for my room and I didn't really at the time, want to take up space in my room for a fish tank with only one betta. However, I am considering to get a 4-50 gallon aquarium for my room, even though I don't want to put a betta in there when I do finally get it.
  11. 3_second_memory

    3_second_memory New Member

    I never seem to do too well with bettas. i replicated their natural habitat by using stale water in a bowl, but he died after a while, so i added a small bowl filter, but the flow was too strong and it killed another one.

    I dont think theyre all that hardy, but why your other fish in their died couldbe the lack of a small filtration unit and lack of oxygen. i cant know for sure, but i get people complaining at work that their betta died. I always reccoment a small filter with fish bowls at work, but bettas do live in stagnent water.

    Hope this helps,

    Take care,
  12. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    I keep 3 bettas, i put my female in my 20 g so she aient a worry no more, my 2 males are both in seperate 1/2 gallon countrainers, im getting rid of 1 betta, and moving the other to about a 5g. Now mine survive in the 1/2 gal, waiting for the water to be "Stale" is not as effective as adding water conditioner! so i highly recommend using water conditioner,
    I use special betta conditioner which helps ALOT! u should try it, and make sure u got a plant in their, bettas like plants!

    Hope this helpes :) Try 1 more betta, hope it lives! (Just take my advice and it will do fine)
  13. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    I did use a conditioner and I did have a plant in there with him. Still, I will try that again.

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