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Cooling my kitty down?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by OnixRevolution, May 15, 2005.

  1. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    Summer is finally here in the desert aka Southern California. Its been a balmy 75 all week, and suddenly we've gotten a heat wave for about 3 days. Its almost broken 100.
    My new kittens have never gone through this heat before, and I've noticed they're very...blah during the day. They dont seem so up to playing with eachother and just kind of lay around all stretched out on the bed or under it. I have fans going and the AC doesn't work for anything. Also, ever since its gotten super hot, one of my kittens Sierra has been throwing up about 10 minutes after she eats.
    Any advice on how to cool them down and make Sierra feel better?
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    If your AC isnt working is it possible for you to get one of those portable swamp coolers? Ive used them before, they did the job.
    Also, keep curtains or blinds closed itll reduce the amount of heat in ther (I used to live near Victorville so I know what your going through), if the vomiting is actually down to the heat thats really not good. You can wet them down if your there, use a wet towel, get the groin area, pads and ears wet, cats are better than dogs at finding cool places so if your cats are just laying there and start panting I would get them to a vet if you cant cool them down within a few minutes.
    There are 'cooling pads' (I dont recall the exact name) that Ive seen for dogs, I know a couple of people that have them and they seem to work well, I think you can get them from places like Petsmart or Petco.

    I looked on line but cant find a specific cat one, heres a link though for dogs.
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I think they are called Canine Coolers...I had one for my dog but she wouldn't use it.
    Do they drink enough water? You could also add ice cubes to their drinking water to help. Be sure they drink plenty so they don't dehydrate...the ice cubes might help also to encourage drinking cause they'll be curious about the "toys" clinking around in their water....just replace them when they get to the size of being chockable
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    I don't know what a portable swamp cooler is but some old fashioned people wouldl place large chunks of ice in a room to cool it off.
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    I also bought a canine cooler for my dog but she hardly ever used it. The cats on the other hand were on it all the time. :mrgreen:
  6. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    Thanks for the advice and sorry that I couldn't respond right away. Just as I was about to go and respond, the little darlings jumped on the desk and knocked over a nice huge glass of water. It spilling over my keyboard, me, and the back of the computer, frying some of the componants. Luckily I have a secondary computer at college.

    Anyway, I gave them a nice cool bath and let them dry off near a fan. Then just kind of kept the blinds shut in my room and had a fun running, and put some ice in their water. They seem to get alittle energy back, and Sierra stopped vomiting. Now it's 60 degrees :x
    Thanks everyone!
  7. luna

    luna New Member

    i started using ice cubes for my animals and now shadow refuses to drink anything with out ice cubes and she has to watch you put it down. my mom gave her water without ice cubes and she sniffed it and walked away. i put ice cubes in it and she went over and drank. :lol:
  8. vene

    vene New Member

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