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how long before breeding

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by justinspencerdavis, May 17, 2005.

  1. justinspencerdavis

    justinspencerdavis New Member

    about how long should you wait before breeding a dog. I have a american pit, she is about 11 months old. she has been in heat once.
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Firstly what is your reason for breeding this should never be taken lightly and as others will agree if you do not know the answer to this simple question you should not be breeding.

    I am not jumping on you but there is so many people come onto pet boards with this same question they go ahead and breed anyway and end up coming back because there has been some complications.

  3. Mockingcat

    Mockingcat New Member

    I would not reccommend breeding without doing a LOT of research, health checking your dog, and then showing her to gain champion status.
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm going to go with never on this one. There are plenty of pit bulls in the shelters looking for homes and plenty who already have homes that will be seized and put to sleep due to breed ban legislation.

    If you are serious about wanting to breed to better the breed, then you need to do a LOT of research. You need to know your dog's bloodlines and the bloodlines of the dog you want to mate her with. You have to have health testing and be prepared to spend a wad of cash on the puppies and the mother if anything goes wrong. Your dog should be at LEAST 2 years old, so you have lots of time to do research.

    So, why do you think you want to breed?
  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I agree with all the answers youve had given.

    There was a post recently referring to how much it would cost to breed a dog...the rough figure I came up with and it was very underestimated, was almost $5000 including all the testing etc, thats if you going to do it properly, if your not prepared to spend that kind of money, were you probably wont make that money back on the pups then maybe you shouldnt be breeding.
    Not having a go at you just pointing out the reality of it.
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    That's a very, very good site. I'll see about adding it to the sticky about breeding.
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Ummmm. Don't read the "true stories" on that site unless you have a box of tissues handy. The one about Holly is the one that really got me. I could just picture the woman and her husband sitting in Holly's whelping box with her, crying and saying goodbye...

    I don't think I could ever breed a dog. If I lost the mom, I would never forgive myself. There are plenty of pups out there that need good homes.
  9. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    With all due respect,
    Don't breed that dog if you don't know the answer to that question!!!
  10. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I have a very strange feeling this person will either have already mated this dog or is planning too on the next heat cycle.

    I just hope they never feel the pain of losing there Dam aswell as her litters which in most cases does happen when things are not done properly, That said even when all the nessecary (sp) steps have been taken this can still happen.

    All we can do is pray they never take the breeding path.
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I bet they are not even checking back here. They asked for responses in e-mail. Apparently it is too much trouble to log back in to check for answers...

    Either it is a troll, or someone breeding pit bulls to fight or at least look mean for their friends. :cry:
  12. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I thought that too Jamiya. Why didn't he post this over on the pit forum?
  13. maxkicker

    maxkicker New Member

    i agree on the not to breed thing but someone should tell him though cause isnt 11 mos old really early my dog had alot of trouble with her first/last litter atleast tell this dude to wait till shes 2 if hes just has to breed her
  14. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    one of the posters did mention 2 years old is the youngest the dog should have a litter
  15. maxkicker

    maxkicker New Member

    very sry i completely missed that good deal then

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