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My Baby just had pups and her hair is falling out...HELP!

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by JustSomeGirl, May 18, 2005.

  1. JustSomeGirl

    JustSomeGirl New Member

    Okay, so I have an American Pit named Baby and she just had puppies with my bro's American Pit named Chopper. Everything was fine, she had eight puppies. Three white with brown spots, two chocolate, and five that are different shades of brown and red. The puppies aren't the problem. After she had them she wouldn't eat much for a few days but now she's eating with her old ferocity but her hair is falling out. We thought at first that it was just her winter coat falling out but I was looking at her today and the hair that is "growing back" is very thin and is barely even there. The only thing is it is her old color. After she moved outside her color dulled slightly, she was a bright beautiful red but now she's more of a dull tan color and that is the hair that's falling out. And it's falling off in patches. She also has kind of white flakes (dandruff i think) coming off when you rub her and her hair comes off like crazy. It like sticks to your hands. My mother is worried it is mange but i was reading up on it on the internet and i don't think it is b/c she's not scratching alot like all the sites say dogs do. But we are really worried about her. If anyone knows what is going on please HELP!!
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Was all tests and health checks done on both dogs before this breeding took place.
    When did she give birth?, Are you sure all puppies and placenta's were delivered? Did you have mother and litter checked over by the vet after she gave birth?

    This sounds like a hormonal problem and should be checked over by a vet.
    If it is hormonal she will need treatment as this can put the pups lives in jeopady.
    Do you know of any dogs from the bloodlines that has had this problem incase its heriditry, You will know this from the dogs pedigree you can trace any illnesses or other problems.

    If she has contracted the mange mite her and the puppies will need to be treated as this can be disasterous in puppies as on very rare occasions the hair does not grow back in.

    I would get her check over just incase.

  3. maxkicker

    maxkicker New Member

    my pit had pups awile back and her hair was falling out too the vet said it wasnt uncommon for first time mothers but (atleast with my dog) it was stress and the wrong food so we let buffy get away from the pups some took her for walks and stuff and it got much better .....you should still take her to the vet though because im no expert and you cant be too carefull .was this her first litter?
  4. JustSomeGirl

    JustSomeGirl New Member

    Baby's first litter of pups

    Yeah, this was her first litter. That part of the reason we were so worried about her. But the puppies are fine it's just her we are worried about.
  5. Mockingcat

    Mockingcat New Member

    Did you feed her on a puppy food before she gave birth?
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    It does sound hormonal and needs checking over to make sure nothing is underlying causing her problems.

    If her calcium levels have dropped this again can cause her body to react.

    Let us know how mum and pups are doing..


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