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Escape Kitty....what is he thinkin????

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by fridaylove, May 19, 2005.

  1. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    Hunter is a purely indoor kitty...but he always is looking out the windows scratching the windows ect. Well I've started taking him out back (we have a 12x10 or something backyard....yeah it's really really small)....when I have been watering my herbs and planters.
    He's been soo soo sooo good UNTILL....Saturday,
    he got this look in his eye...and was eyeing the fence (which is tall with points at the top)...anyway....I diverted him twice, warned him and THEN...the little devil made a jump for the fence, make it to to the top...I had to grab....yell....scream...and take him in threatening to never let him out again.

    For those of you with indoor fur kitties....do you ever let them out into a secure area????? I feel bad keeping him inside all the time, but I'd feel more badly if he got squished by a car on the city streets!!!
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    now and then I'll take mine out on a leash. I used to let my Missy out w/me when I was working outside until she disappeared for 3 days!!!!! No way is that happening again. And the cat I used to let outside has been missing for 3 years - don't even want to think about that.
    But about once a week my cats get turns going on the leash - Missy, Tilly then Zeus and they all just mill around waiting their turns LOL it's so funny cause they know the order now.
  3. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    As many here already know, I let my baby out on our enclosed front porch on a leash. She absolutely loves it. In fact, she's out there right now. I just check on her about every 10 min to make sure she's not tangled her leash around anything. She scratches at the door when she wants back in. She's in and out all day LOL
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    When I take Tiddy out he is on a leash and harness. Once when I had him on the top porch with me he tried to jump over the railing...I was incredibly grateful that he was attatched to a leash otherwise he could have been severely injured falling from the top porch.
    Maybe you could just put Hunter on a tie out in the center of the yard where he could explore a bit but would be far enough from the fence that he could'nt try to jump it.
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    Sounds like harness and leash training is in order. Rene is the same way. She is jealous when Milo goes outdoors. The sunroom is not enough for her. I'm going to harness train her. I just returned a harness that was too small for her and will try another type. We purchased a dog type. Is the figure 8 a better type? Good luck with Hunter! :mrgreen:
  6. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    I'm not sure about the figure 8 type as i've never tried it. Vianne has the small dog type that has the one circle around her neck and one around her middle with a strip connecting them on her chest and back. The only thing about her harness tho, is i can't use it to tie her up outside becuz it has one of those plastic clips to snap it closed and she knows how to open it by squeezing it with her teeth. If she's walking with me, she's fine tho. So if you wanna use it to tie up outside i'd look for the regular buckle type. Smart little buggers will probably figure it out sooner or later!! :mrgreen:
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm really afraid to tie up my cats outside unsupervised. Hubby lost a kitten when he was a small child. The poor baby was tied up on a balcony unsupervised and he went over the edge and got hung. :cry: I worry that even on the ground they can tangle themselves up somewhere and injure or choke themselves. :( I think walking them or supervising them while tied up is the way to go. Rene has already figured out how to get her little head out of the dog harness. :roll: Sometimes I wish she has a big fat head. :mrgreen:
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    I completely agree and just realized that my previous post might have implied unsupervised tie out. :oops: When I recommeded the tie out I meant while still being supervised.

    Twice now I've seen cats tied up to front porches left unsupervised. Not a very safe thing to do around here IMO.
  9. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    Thanks guys, I may check out a harness.
    Our back fence is pretty high soo I may let Hunter back out again, I pretty much follow him everywhere when we are out back. Believe me this is a super small patch of a backyard.
    Anyway...I'll check out a harness too, perhaps he'll do ok with that. I know he likes being outside.

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