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perhaps a man can answer this for me...

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, May 19, 2005.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Why is it that some people of the male gender take pride in the state of their dog's reproductive organs? I hear young men at the park bragging about their intact male dogs, and I can't help but think there is something wrong with these people...
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member


    Id like to hear some responses to that too.
  3. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    I will ask a question first.
    Do you believe that any animal of male gender was designed to have there reproductive organs altered in order for them to live a full and happy life?

    I have 3 dogs, 2 male one female. The female was altered to save her life due to a tumor. One of the males was recently altered in hopes it might help to reduce aggressive behavior. The other male is not altered, and is just as happy and healthy as the altered male.
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    A happy dog is a neutered dog.
    I have just had one of my males fixed and he does not act any differently to when he had his nuts.

    I think its mostly young men that think noway you cant do that to a male dog he wont be a masculine dog if he dont have his testicles, Well reality check what about men that have lost there testicles due to medical reasons some men refuse artificial ones does that make them any less a man no i do not think so.

    Now all the men can jump on me i do not care i am male and i look at it he is not gonna mis them when there gone.

  5. maxkicker

    maxkicker New Member

    i dont know why anyone would brag about it honestly. but i personally would have a hard time looking my dog in the eye after i had him fixed and that has kept him from being neutered for awile now but i think i may have it done because im tearing down the house and i wont be able to watch the dogs very closely
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    The man in the apartment below me just finally neutered his dog after putting it off for 4yrs. He told me he cried when he took his previous dog to be neutered so I knew it was a personal issue. I think he was just thinking of himself going through the procedure and felt too guilty having it done to his dog.
  7. Mockingcat

    Mockingcat New Member

    I think it's just as bad with women and their pets "wanting" to have a litter. I don't think any animal really cares all that much if it has litters or is intact or isn't. Hell, my dog can barely focus for more than 10 minutes at the time on a bug, I doubt she's got any long-term reproductive goals. ;)
  8. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I remember a young man taking his rottie to the vet to be neutered....he was having a hard time letting go of the leash so the vet tech could take the dog to the "back room".
    I patted him on the shoulder and said "it's okay he doesn't mind losing his testicles don't give him human attributes, he'll be just fine and will live a longer healthier life" he did relax LOL
    Then there was the coworker's hubby who didn't want to get their lab pup neutered cause he just couldn't bring himself to "have the deed done"...I printed up all kinds of info on why it's healthier and makes for a happier dog. He had it done. The info had all kinds of stuff on like making it easier to keep the dog at home, etc.
    And the part of this that baffles me - why is it this only applies to dogs? Most people - be it male or female - don't seem to have a problem spaying/neutering cats...but it seems this is more common with a man and his dog. Is it cause the testicles are more visible?
    I don't get it either...they are just testicles - it's not like they are having their lungs or heart removed.
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I guess I'll just never get it. My husband doesn't get it either. When we were done having kids, he volunteered to go have a vasectomy. There was no fuss or melodramatic carrying on like a lot of men do. It would be silly for him to feel any less masculine just because he's shooting blanks now. :lol:

    Perhaps only the ones insecure in their own manhood need to relate their maleness to the presence or absence of testicles? And in the extreme case, they need to have not only their own testicles but those of their dog in order to feel secure? :shock:

    Oh, hey. I just remembered this. My mother had a hysterectomy when she was in her 40's for medical reasons. When she went for her surgery, they offered her counseling because apparently many women get all emotional about the procedure and think they are not really women anymore...? Whatever. She laughed at them and told them if it will make her stop being sick all the time, they can take out whatever they want. :)
  10. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    With these answers I have just read, all you men need to go run out and have your nuts cut off. It will make you much happier and healthier. Never mind that God created you, man and animal complete and intact. Just go have them removed so you don't get sick or be too agressive towards your fellow man/woman. Women you must go have your tubes tied and your uterus removed so it does not become cancerous. Then you will need to go on hormone therapy to correct this imbalance.

    If you want to argue about animal or human population issues, then here is the thought of the day.
    You don't have to let your animal/man create babies. It is up to the owner of the pet/organ to show enough responsibility to prevent this action from happening.

    I have had Duncan for 4 years and allowed him to mate once we got 4 great pups out of this deal. Dowser is 2.5 or 3 years now and has never been allowed to roam and reproduce. Pepsi was fixed @ 10 years old. Never had a single litter. You do not have to neuter or fix an animal to make them happy. If this was true then man would be in the same situation, as with any animal.
  11. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I'm not sure if it's the same with dogs as with cats and this is w/female cats but their soul purpose to going into heat is to reproduce..if not allowed to mate upon a heat it brings a cat's uterus 5% closer to developing pyrometria (may have spelled that wrong)...so next heat left w/out a mating jumps that to 10% closer.
    I have never heard of a woman developing pyrometria from the lack of "mating" and reproducing, yet it is highly and quite common in cats as well as dogs. Yes it can happen from letting a bitch over breed but it can also happen from lack of letting an unspayed bitch breed. So the only way to eliminate the possiblity of this happening is by spaying.
    Neutering...okay so you keep your male dog under your control - but you are one of few. Our local shelters if chucker block full of unneutered male dogs waiting to be adopted....and a good 1/2 of those are strays left unclaimed. Out of all those left-unclaimed stray unneutered dogs are there now unwanted puppies waiting to be weaned and taken to the shelter?
    Kudos for you keeping your dog under your control...but again dog owners like you are probably far and few between. And that's if you can 100% fully guarantee your dog isn't going anywhere if a bitch in heat is anywhere around. I personally wouldn't want to take a chance like that just to keep my dog "natural"....I had myself "fixed" and never regretted it or felt bothered by it. Best thing I ever did, the best choice I could have made for myself...and yes I'm willing to make that choice for my pets - cats/dogs, male/female.
    Animals don't view sex like we do....for them it's strictly for reproduction purposes. So hanging onto the gnads is kinda pointless...men think nothing of cropping tails and docking ears - but talk about removing the testicles and they freak out.
  12. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Actually I don't much agree on tail and ear cutting either. If they weren't born that way, then it was not meant to be that way. I have had 4 Pit type dogs in my life and never thought once to alter the appearance of any of them. One Dobie with full ears and a tail and he had nuts till he was 15 years old and passed on at 18.
    If I truely find a need for alteration then I consider it. But for my animal to have his nuts intact has no effect on my masculinity in any manner.
    If it's not broke then don't fix it.
  13. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    So let me see if i get this right, Becuae we know its kinder and safer to have out pets neutered and spayed then us as humans should do the same to stop us having kids,

    Well i guess most men have not seen a female animal with pyometra i have and lost a dog to it.

    Most people have not seen an animal suffering from ovarian cancers, mammary tumours, other uterine infections. Safest option is to remove it have a healthier and happier animal.

    Like Mary mentioned with each heat cycle comes closer the risk of these diseases.

    What about dogs that get testicular cancers yes they do get them just like humans would you rather his testicles be left and him suffer or do the kindest thing to remove them, Well i know for one the answer would be remove them.

    Intact dogs will and have done jumped out of upstairs window all because he could smell an inheat bitch 15miles or more away.
    The risk during animals having sex is not just to the female but the male himself due to infections the female maybe carrying.

    Neutering is the safest and best way to go.

    Intact animals have one thing on there mind and that is to reproduce.

    Congratulations that you can keep your dogs under control but never underestimate a male dog when he smells that bitch he will do anything to get out and find her.

    If i ever thought there was a chance of me getting someone pregnant i would have the snip without a second thought.
    My brother is 24years old and never wants kids and has had it done.
    My unlce got testicular cancer and he has always said not having testicles does not make him any less a man, He was even offered the chance to have artificial ones put in and he refused.

    Only people that are happy within themselves can cope with things like neutering male animals

  14. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Again someone is presuming that ALL intact animals will get an illness.

    Not ALL humans get the tonsils remove.
    Not ALL humans lose a kidney.
    Not ALL Humans get apendicitis
    Not ALL dogs get testicular cancer.
    Not ALL humans get indometriosis.
    Not ALL Dogs get pyometra.

    Not ALL humans are responsible enough to have a pet.
    Not ALL humans are responsible enough to care for there pet by ensuring they are medically sound and properly contained.

    Some people and or animals are genetically predisposed to cancer or illness. If this is the case then by all means take whatever precautions you see fit to make that being happier and healthier. But don't presume me or my dog must have an operation performed that is not needed, because you have been told or led to believe it to be true. You use the "Kinder Safer" quote that has been used as an advert by all the vets for years now but there is no proof behind that statement.
    Again genetic presdisposition is the ruling factor here.
  15. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Personally, I think I would be much happier without the physical and emotional rollercoaster that accompanies a monthly cycle. Have you ever observed a bitch in heat? They don't seem terribly happy to me.
  16. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    No one mentioned prostate problems :p

    Serioulsy though, in refernece to having cats neutered Ive had a quite a few men request heavy painkillers for their neutered cats....never...and I mean...not once... have I ever heard a guy ask for them for their spayed cats.

    Ive seen more than enough of the medical problems in not spaying or neutering but the biggest reason for having it done is the gross overpopulation problem with dogs and cats and the 100's of thousands....millions...that are killed every year because they mostly have nowhere to live...the video that a poster put in another thread a few days ago....in 1 shelter in Las Vegas, every year the euthanize between 25,000-35,000.
    If you ensure that your pet is not running loose then thats fine, and to be fair to DMikeM if a medical problem arises he'll take care of it then.
    On the other side of it, a friend of mine was dating a guy that has 2 male dogs, my friend is a trainer anf has worked around enough rescues, the guy argued with her one night that he should not have to get his males neutered even though he does allow them to 'roam' wherever they please, he has fencing up but leaves his gate open for them. He is of the belief that it is 'solely' the responsinility of the owners of the female dogs that should ensure their dogs are spayed as they are the ones that actually carry and give birth to the puppies....needless to say..THAT relationship didnt last long.

    And one other thing I didnt see mentioned (I might have missed it) according to the 3 animal control branches that I worked with in the last 5 years....and by all accounts the ones I had seen myself, the 'large' majority (no I dont have the exact figures) of stray or loose dogs brought into the hospital after either being hit by traffic or had been involved in a fight were intact males.
  17. pomlover

    pomlover New Member

    I am sure I will be slammed for this statement, but how can one put man/woman and dog in the same situation?? I have never seen a dog on birth control or put a condom on to prevent pregnancy!! Only man/woman do so there is NO comparison in the two.

    Dogs DO need to be fixed so they don't add to the unbelievable number of unwanted dogs euthanized in the world each and every day as well as for their own safety. (escaping and running into/through traffic just to get to the female in heat)
  18. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Ok then why is it ok to go ahead and spay a female animal yet its wrong to neuter a male.
    The only people that have a problem with neutering there male animals is there over sized ego.
    There attitude is the dog is not a masculine dog if he does not have his testicles hanging between his legs.

    Sorry its the same with a man its not his nuts that make him the man and no1 here is talking about chopping of his penis.
    What good is a male animals testicles to him if he is not used for breeding if he is not allowed out with females.

    The only thing his testicles are doing is hanging there pumping testosterone ( sp) around his body making him frustrated when he smells the scent of the inheat female.

    I have to add 99.99% of all female dogs will get pyometra, Uterine cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Mammary tumours, if kept intact and never bred from, even breeding from them increases the chances.

    Almost 80% of intact male dogs will at one point need to have his testicles removed anyway for one reason or another.What about the dogs that only have one testicle that does not look natural and yes it does happen like in humans the male is born with one testicle that is either trapped up in the scrotum or just never developed at all, Does this make them less of a male dog, or man.....

    Male dogs will i do not care what you say they will escape the house even if the window is only slightly open if the smell the scent from an in heat bitch.
  19. Mockingcat

    Mockingcat New Member

    Agreed. Whenever my dog puts some condoms in her purse before going out to play with her male friends, she'll remain unspayed. Until she can figure out that some random dog humping her means she's going to have puppies, I'd rather not have her deal with it.
  20. duckling

    duckling New Member

    I completely agree that many people anthropomorphize their pets -- it's wonderful to treat them as members of the family, know that they have emotional needs, etc. but I'll never understand why someone would think that that a male dog will be 'ashamed' if he's neutered or feel like an incomplete dog. It's definitely people who project their own ideas about masculinity and self-image on to their dogs. Most dogs adjust perfectly well to losing a leg, so I seriously doubt that they'd be at all bothered their testicles being removed. In fact, they don't even know what they're for, much less attach any kind of meaning to them. Less area of their genitals to lick? Oh, well. :lol:

    I still think that neutered pets are generally happier: they're not sexually frustrated, they're less likely to be challenged or initiate challenges at dog parks, and there's obvious medical benefits to having the procedure done. If the dog isn't going to be responsibly bred, there's no point in giving him urges and instincts that will never be useful.

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