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  4. Live Spirulina

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Investigating the aquatic crime scene

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Trickster, May 23, 2005.

  1. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    1 mugger, lives among all my fish. Looks like just the rest of em, blends right in, you would never expect him! Thats why he is so hard to track down! YES, It is the whisker ripper.

    You see it all began on may 16, i had fully stalked my tank with
    1-Blue gourami
    2- albino cories-
    1- albino tetra
    1-kissing gourami
    1 - sword tail
    1- female betta

    All these fish live together fine
    Untill 1 day i came home to find
    My blue gourami missing his
    whiskers! SOMEONE BIT EM OFF! But who?

    Thats where the whole mystery began my 1st lead was when i got a tip from my betta that she saw a fish that was pretty pale messing with my gourami, so automatically i assumed my Albino Tetra, due to their aggressive nature. But after a hard interview I found out that he was to scared of the gourami to dare even get within an Inch radius, the tetra was intimidated by size! My next suspection was the 2 albino cories! But tht was ruled out immidiatly because they are only 1 inch long, and bottom feeders, and most calm and peacful fish i know (U can pet them and they wont run)

    Last suspect was my kissing Gourami which was technically white, with a hint of pink. I found out that when 1st entering the tank he had a divine intrest in my gouramis whiskers, all was chasing em, untill the blue gourami realized who he was dealing with and started chasing him! when ever the blue got near the pink would run, with that i had no evidence against him, there was 1 thing left to do

    I interigated him for days untill he finally cracked and sang like an African Dwarf Frog. He was sent to court, he was ordered to a month at aquarium services, with chance of parol, and he was forbidden to ever be in the same tank as the blue gourami.

    YEs a harsh punishment for a harsh crime, and thats how i solved the mystery of the Whikser Ripper

    Patricking Inglot P.I Private Investigator!

    BASED ON A TRUE STORY (Happened only 2 days ago, from this day which ever it may be)
  2. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    a kissing gourmai is to big for a 20 gal anyway it good that you got rid of it
  3. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    I know tht, it was only 4 1/2 inches so he was still small enough
  4. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    HEY! people, u can post ur comments about my great work u know ;)

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