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the good and the bad news....

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, May 21, 2005.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok, since my last post...a few things have happened...
    I'll start with the bad news first..

    We had to put Smokey down Wednesday night.

    Here's the story and for those of you that get angry at us...you don't know the story and please PM me for the whole information before making judgements. Thank you....

    Wednesday morning we had a Funeral to attend. So we got home around 1pm we let Smokey out for his exersize went through a training time, and just relaxed. Well, Granvel went to try on his new welding gloves and had his work shirt on...(thank God, this comes into play...)

    So I was on the porch folding clothes ( as some of you know, my shop has a built on garage that I keep my washer and dryer in)
    Well Granvel had leaned down picked something up, and turned around back to his truck...then Smokey trotted over to him so Granvel reached down to pet him...and Smoeky went into the most wild attack yet...He just wouldn't stop. Had Granvel not had his gloves and Shirt on (which he most always has on since he's a welder) Smokey would have done alot worse damage to him... Smokey got ahold of his right bicep just above the elbow and sunk his teeth in...
    Then turned and dashed for me..... Granvel screamed, I turned around and jumped up on the tableand put a laundry basket between us... While he was trying to get me Granvel ran in the shop and closed the door, and yelled at me through the wall he was getting the gun.

    Smokey jsut wouldn't stop. He was wild like some deep demon coming out in him. He seriously wanted to kill me or Granvel for absolutely no reason...

    Well, we had a problem, smokey is snapping at me, I'm on top the table, Granvels standing behind the door, and we're inclosed on concrete...
    Luckily I had some cans of cat food on the shelf I could reach so I opened one, threw it right by the door off the concrete... It took a few moments, but Smokey went to check it out and as soon as he went past the door off the concrete, Granvel shot him.

    We have NO idea why. For the past two months we thought he was really getting better... No growling sessions, no barking ....

    We had knoticed though that that afternoon Red Dog was EXTREMELY vocal. Everytime Smokey came near one of us, he went nuts as if he was trying to warn us....

    I dont' know. I think maybe the kick probably left worse damage than what we though. The vet seems to think that there was probably a clot, or bruise that busted and hit him just right to unleash the ravageness....
    But we can't autopsy to find out now...
    So him and Char are together again.

    The good news...well it hardly seems good now, not much does...but
    I got a new job as the Buisness Office manager of Shiner Nursing and Rehab. So I'm the new Head Honcho over here....

    Anyhow, Just so yall know why I'm somber...I have no children left.
    Red Dog knows how much I love him, but its not the same, ya know??
    And Boo Boo is there... but he's a calf, not a dog..and he's not loveable like they were......
  2. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Oh Sams, that's so sad. The whole thing with Smokey--not just how it ended. My heart goes out to you and your family. But congrats on the new job.
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    oh Sam, tha tis so sad, it soudnslike that kick really did it. well he is in doggy heaven and those ehad demons are gone.

    Are you still going to get a pup from Sarah?
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Yeah. I'm REALLY looking forward too it.

    I'll likely be bringing Precious home as well to train and finish showing.

    You can see Precious at sara's page: www.bantamkennles.com

    So I was going up there on the 19th and coming back with the dogs on the 22nd, but I'm thinking of postponing it until 24th and coming back the 26th
  5. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Oh sams I am so sorry for you. i know you love all your dogs (your real dogs and fosters). I am sorry it had to end like that.
  6. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    I'm very sorry to hear about Smokey. We all knew how much you did for him to try and get him over what happened.
  7. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Sams, you and Granvel have my deepest sympathy. It's a tough decision to make, but necessary. Two years ago the same thing happened to me with a Chow I rescued. She was always a fear biter, but then she went totally blind which caused her to attack me. She mutilated the calf of my leg. Animal Control had to come and get her with a catch pole.

    Of the whole ordeal, having Animal Control come and get her bothered me the most. She was so terrified. I wish we could have handled it the way you did. Swiftly and without any fear for the poor dog.

    It always seemed that Smokey hasn't really been the same since after Char died. Such a sad story. Now they can be together again like they were meant to be.
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    I am incredibley sorry to hear this Sams. {{{Hugs}}}
  9. Blueribbon

    Blueribbon New Member


    I'm so sorry for your loss. How is Granvel, was there much damage done to his arm? I know that Smokey is now in a better place where there will be no more pain ( if he was suffering from pain ) and I know that when the new pup comes all the hurt will be replaced with love.
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm so sorry, Sams! I know you did everything you could possibly do to try to help Smokey. I think losing Char and then getting kicked was just too much for him.

    I'm so sorry it had to happen the way it did. It must be so traumatic for you and Granvel! Is Granvel's arm okay?

    At least it was over fast for Smokey. He's with Char now and back to his old self. They'll be waiting for you.
  11. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    Oh sams I am so so sorry I know I have been gone for so long and what a way to come back. Smokey was such a beautiful dog and I hate it when things like this happen. At least he is in a better place
  12. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Thanks yall.

    Yall don't know how much yall mean to me. Its hard, and sad, but we get through it just like everything else.

    Yeah, Since Char died he never was the same, then the kick finished it. In a way I blame myself for not doing something the first time he showed signs. But I wanted to go therough all options first, as anyone would do with a sick child. But I guess the end was inevitable.

    Granvel is fine. His joint is a little sore and inflamed, but dog bites are just about the worst.... Those that have been bitten know how it is. They take forever to heal, and they are very painful.

    Thank yall again. Yall are wonderful!
  13. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    I'm so sorry Sams, that must be really hard. I'm glad Granvel's arm is ok and also that your getting a pup. Smokey is in a better place now. hugs to you.
  14. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Sams, you would have hated yourself if you didn't try everything you could first. This way, you have no doubts that he could have been helped. I think it's much better this way.
  15. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I guess your right. But now with Red gone... and Boo hurt... I don't know. Perhaps maybe something good will come along, but whatever it is it will be so worthless as compared to how BAD things have been. Know what I mean?

    Granvel is taking it very hard. But quietly and thats bothering me BIG TIME. he NEVER wants to voice his feelings, and its scaring me. Last night I made his favorite. Shishcabobs(however you spell it) and he only ate 2...usually he eats at least 5-8 of them.... He's a big eater yet never gains a pound!
    And he wouldn't even go see Boo. When I told him to go say hi to his buddy, he teared up a bit and said: "i can see him from here." Usually he plays with him, and roughhouses with him.. it really hurts to see him that way. I guess he's scared to get attached and something else happen.
  16. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'd just give him some time. If he still keeps everything inside and won't reach out emotionally, maybe you can find some counseling? It's hard with men - they never want to admit anything is wrong. But try some time, first. Let him work through it and start to heal. Just be there for him if he does want to talk, but don't pester him about it. If YOU need to talk and he won't (or can't) listen, find someone else to talk to or come talk to us!
  17. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Sam, I am so sorry to hear about Smokey. My thoughts are with you. Now he and Char are together again. Don't lose your hope, its a part of your spirit. Things will start to look up.

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