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The price I pay for Idiots...

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, May 25, 2005.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Last night I got home around 6:40pm. I got out of my truck to open the gate, and I heard BooBoo my calf screaming...
    I dropped everything I had and ran to his pen.... A HUGE Rottwieler had him on the ground by his neck shaking him. Ihad a rake sitting near the pen so I grabbed it and hit him screaming and kicking and he let go and ran.... as soon as I turned my back there was another brown shaggy dog going for Boo.... I chased him off as well... Boo was bleeding from everywhere, the dogs had completely torn off his whole hind end...litterally.. theres no back to his legs, his butts gone, and his legs are jsut mangled.. he has HUGE holes in his neck and body... I didn't hear Red Dog, and that was bad...because his kennel is next to boos pen...
    I saw him laying with his body half hanging out of his kennel... his neck had been crushed.
    My kennels are bolted and wired together in a row. Boo apparently had busted through one, and got between them when the dogs got his hind end...thats where the most blood is. Red Dog must have been trying to help him, he's alwyas been soo protective of Boo...
    Apparently the whole town heard my screams, My mother in law lives two miles away and heard me and came running, and half the town showed up to help...

    The police got there and he was about to throw up.
    he confirmed that we had complained about the dog showing up and chasing the horses before and that 5 other complaints were made for him biting a kid, chasing my friend Jennifer who might I add is 9 months pregnant...and terrorizing other dogs. he killed a Schnauzer the other day...

    My horses apparently had been ran soo hard, their whole bodies were just white with foam sweat... they were heaving and obviously having trouble breathing from the exurtion and heat...I hosed them down and calmed them and they were ok. SA has a small wound on her left hind pastern from a bite, but she'll be fine.

    The vet got there right at 7:50 ( I know, I documented and took photos of EVERYTHING!!!!)

    He gave him a few shots and the meds just ran out holes in his little body...but there's nothing more he can do.

    I can post photos, but they are EXTREMELY graphic.

    I have to do aqua therapy on him 3 times a day with a waterhose, and soak him in a big tub and make him work his legs to keep the muscle tone (whats left of it anyway) up.
    Then he gets 10cc's 2X's a dayof pennacllian....

    Poor baby. He's wearing a pair of my sweat pants to keep dirt and stuff out of it and the flies... They are jsut swarming him.
    he looks silly in my pants, but with the extent of his injuries its all we could do.

    I'm sooo sick and tired of morons that won't take care of their animals. I mean I've been over to the guys house numerous times telling him to chain up the dog or kennel him.
    Last weekend, he sicked the dog on Granvel and his friend on MY PROPERTY!!!!! I mean how stupid can you be???

    So the officer issued a warrent for his arrest, and told him to shoot the dog or he would. The guy jsut said, oh, ok...and had to shoot him 3 times..

    The bad thing is. He will be criminally prosecuted for the injury and or death of the livestock injured. Thats Texas law, so he'll be posecuted for the injuries Boo has and if he dies... and my horses. I had the vet re check for pregnancy. So if they abort the babies, he'll have two more counts for the deaths of the unborn foals.

    I can't however get restitution for Red Dog....under Texas law. So I have to take him to civil court and sue that way. And believe me...I'll be suing for every damn penny the mans got!!!!

    OH and get this....his reason for not "dealing" with the dog before, he said his 2 yr old son liked the dog!!!!! OH thats just great. He's bitten kids before, and just Mutilated my calf and killed my dog!!!! not to meantion all the property damages he did, scattering trash over the 7 acres..breaking my kennels, running my horses through the fence...ect...

    I swear. I don't know what to do....Boo will hardly stand this morning. The vet was amazed I had him standing last night. But he said I did the right thing. I had him wrapped in blankets, and pressure to the biggest wounds, and bleeders, and kept him from going into shock.

    But the tendons that go from the hock to the hindquarters are gone...He'll never be a show bull. or breed. or anything other than a pet. He's a $5000.00 calf at 4 months of age, that is now worthless other than the love of my friggin life.....He was my son. I raised him from day one!!!! and now he's just about hamburger meat.

    This morning I forced him his bottle, and made him get up so I could douse him with fly spray and make sure the pants were on and covering everything....now, I'm just in shock. I had to come to work so Granvel's best friends wife and my mother in law are staying with him all day...

    I'm just here and everything is a buzz...a big fat blurr.... I just burried my dog, and I had to bury whats left.....My heart hurts soo bad yall... I just don't know what to do other than just cry, and cry....everyone here at work are just baffled, they try consoling me, but its just not right....

    I should be home with him. but when your the boss...you gotta be here no matter what.....
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    OMG Sam :cry: :cry: :cry:, you poor thing, and to have this happen right after smokey!. That is just horrible, I hope that guy rots in He$$ and justice is done, Poor Red dog and Boo,

    my prayers to Boo to make it thru his ordeal.
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I cant even imagine what your going through with this, any chance he'll get time in prison? I hope so and I hope he's there for a long time. Pity they cant shoot HIM.
  4. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    My heart if just breaking for you Sams :cry: . Talk about having a tough time i teared up reading this especially since you just lost Smokey. People are so ignorent and the animals always have to pay. What happened to the secon dog who went after Boo? Was he shot as well? Just wondering. Once again i am so so sorry . I know how you feel if you remember awhile back my Rhodesian Ridgeback Harley was killed by a neigbors dog aloud to run loose. People just make me so mad :( .
  5. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    :cry: Oh Sams, my heart goes out to you. I can only imagine the pain you're feeling.

    Hang in there!
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I'm going to leave work an hour early, seeing as how I came in 2 hrs late...

    the brown dog is still running around. Thats why we put Boo in Fort Knox... we put two strands of electric fence around his pen, plus reinforced it by putting a second pen around his pen...so nothings coming out and it damn sure aint goin in!!!
  7. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Sam I am so sorry for your losses. I hope BooBoo recovers,... I am having a hard time grasping the horror you and your poor animals have had to endure because of this jackass.

    Can't you under Texas law protect your livestock by any means nessascary (sp)? The brown dog is what I am asking about. I hate to really say it but I would have shot them both on sight after what you went through.
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh yeah. if he steps foot on my property. I can blast him orher away.

    Legally in Texas if anything is a threat to livestock, the owner has the right to eliminate the problem.
  9. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    That's what I thought.
    Really is the owner that needs punishment but one must protect the loved ones.
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    My thoughts entirely. I do not blame the dogs. However it is ENTIRELY the owners fault. After SEVERAL complaints to him and the law being called on him several times, you'd THINK he'd have figured it out and either A.) tie the dog up B.) penned him up or C.) saved everyone and protected his OWN child and had the dog euthanized.

    I mean. I had an agressive dog. Smokey. We did what we could, the first signs of agressiveness and we immediately with in seconds took control of the situation. And we protected the whole community by kenneling him and using an electric fence... when we figured out nothing more could be done..we took care of it.
  11. nern

    nern New Member

    OMG, how incredibely sad! I'm so sorry Sams...I know how you must be hurting right now. Lots of {{{{HUGS}}}}
  12. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    I have Duncan & Pepsi behind a six foot chain link, and Dowser in an electrified fenced yard. I would not want either to be able to cause anyone harm.
  13. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    :cry: OMG Sams. I am in tears here. That is just awful. My heart goes out to you and Boo and everyone involved. I agree, too bad you can't shoot the guy...Horrible, just horrible...
  14. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    oh sams :cry: i hope justice is done
  15. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    Oh Sam:
    I feel horrible for you. After all this time I have been on this forum, I feel like I know you in person. . My heart and my prayers go out to you.
    Goodness knows, this is horrible.
    You must try to concentrate on saving what you have left and getting the strength (thru friends, family, prayers etc) to move on. I know this is easier said than done. Time will help you heal.

    Please Please prosecute this idiot animal owner and make an example out of him so this does not happen again.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you now. I am always here for you to lean on!!!


  16. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I feel so sorry for you sams, you have been through way too much! I hope things get better.
  17. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Oh Sams, I am so sorry!! It's just one thing after another. Please keep us updated on the civil case as well as how everyone is doing. You have had so much horror in the last year - SOMETHING good must be coming soon, I hope!

    I'm rethinking wanting to move out to the country. Too many ignorant people. Maybe Alaska...
  18. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh and here's some really great news!! I lost my new job today!
    The lady that was training me quit, so there was no time or anyone to train me so they found somone who has been doing the same job at another location to come. And her assistant where she was working is going to take her spot...... So I'm unemployed AGAIN!!!!
    Im serious...I'm losin it here...
  19. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    Oh Sams, I'm so sorry. People are soooo stupid! To bad you can't blast the owner away...my personal opinion...

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