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Rene got some feedback

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, May 25, 2005.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    on the mouth ulcers. Do you use plastic dishes? Most of the ones who answered my posts had cats get these due to using plastic dishes....and the cats who got them weren't meezers.
  2. Rene

    Rene New Member

    very intersting that plastic dishes would do this i use one of those things that you put a bunch of food in and it comes out as needed but yes it's plastic but when i give him can food (2 cans a day) i use my house plates. he is doing much much better his fur is comming back on his neck and back side he is the best kitty for meds i swear he didnt care that i shoved pills down his throat and he also doesnt care that i'm putting oitment in his eyes 3 times a day. He is also getting way more comfy around the house he is actually walking down the hall and stuff now he made to my room so far he is so cute and now he likes to sleep on the floor in front of the tv lol when the yorkies run up to him he just looks at them now.

    i will have to get a new food thing for him thanks for the info.
  3. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    This happened to Vianne a couple times when she was younger and i didnt know better. First when i had the Automatic plastic food and water dishes. I noticed that her lower lip looked swollen and the part of lip under her front incisors was pink and raw and she had developed some slight acne on her chin. It cleared up within days when i quite using the plastic water dish. And again with a metal water dish. I think if you aren't extremely careful about washing the water dishes a couple times a day that this can happen. She has cute matching ceramic dishes now :mrgreen: since i dont free feed anymore and i havent had any problems at all.
  4. Bente

    Bente New Member

    That's weird, I've never heard of that before... Thanks for the info :y_the_best:
    Kyrre used to have plastic dishes, but I bougt some in ceramic a while ago. Simply because they looked better :mrgreen:
  5. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I had never heard about that either. Luckily, Booger eats from porcelin bowls.
  6. i_love_my_ollie

    i_love_my_ollie New Member

    i now use ceramic i think thats wot they r (im having a bit of a dumb momment) its the stuff pepoles bowls r made of ne way he does seem to eat out of them beter than the plastic so im sickin with them
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    We've been using plastic water bowls and non of my kitties ever got mouth ulcers except for Pumpkin who caught a sick bird once and ate it. :shock: She's the only one that gets occassional flare ups. I like to keep my bowls clean at all times. This includes the stainless steel bowls that they eat out of.
  8. Rene

    Rene New Member

    its funny i put a plate with some food and sam ate off the plate i guess he knows that plastic is not good for him lol never bothered the other cats so now i have 2 things they eat out of lol
  9. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    I have a plastic dish for the kitties food (the dry food that is).

    I use desert plates for their wet food...and then regulary ceramic bowls for their water.

    I also give my cats distilled water over tap water. (except on days like today when I stupidly ran out thinking I had another galon in the pantry).
    I give the kitties distilled...mostly b/c it was suggested to use that when JezzyB was dx with CRF...it was also suggested to use ceramic bowls as well for their water particularly.
  10. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    i use ceramic for water, and stainless for food. they eat only dry food. ive tried wet, and max gets worse diarrhea. :shock: :roll:

    never had any problems with acne or ulcers. otis used to eat out of a plastic bowl...and i didnt even wash it as much as i wash my bowls now. he lived to almost twenty...never had acne or ulcers. but now...i wash everything twice a day.

    i wonder if its like acne with humans. some people get it...some dont... :0011:

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