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Pics VERY GRAPHIC - damages

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, May 26, 2005.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok guys. If your squimish don't look. But I want to educate EVERYONE here on what ignorance causes. So please do not take offence, become angry with me (I did not cause these injuries!! please read the thread "the price I pay for idiots").

    This is the damages caused by the Rottwieler and Brown dog Monday, May 23rd, 2005.
    Boo is doing ok. Very much in pain, and its going to take a LONG time for him to heal.
    I took these photos to present at my court hearing and trial. YES I am filing for the civil matters reguarding the property damages and Red Dog. Criminal proceedings are being handled through the Sheriffs Dpt, and he went to jail but was bailed out.

    Here are the photos. First of Boo:


    Red Dog (RIP)

    Kennel and Property Damage (knotice the trash scattered and broken kennels. The kennels were BOLTED together. The dogs even went through the electric fence perimiter at the bottoms of my kennels to keep the dogs from digging and breaking out.)
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    In the last pic. Thats my friend Jennifer holding Booo. We kept him wraped in blankets to keep him from going into shock. I had made a mistake and started picking stuff up...Like whats on top of the metal table in the back ground and bagging stuff up in big black trash bags, when it dawned on me not to touch anything!!! DUH...

    Anyhow...I"m going to take more photos Day to Day to show Boo's progress...

    IF he makes it and he proves he can still make LIVE sperm for AI breeding. His registered name is going to be: Boobacious!! Like the legendary bucking bull Bodacious....LOL..

    Anyhow. This morning he was VERY sore getting up as he was yesterday morning. We started the aqua therapy and washing the wounds with the waterhose. Its weird because the watter goes in one hole, and comes out many others... kinda gross.

    We use Vasaline around and in the wounds to keep the blow flies from attacking and laying eggs (maggots) in them. It works GREAT. They won't go near it!!! He wears pants to cover all the wounds, and a tee shirt. I'll post pics of him in his "attire". He looks silly, but it works!
    And I found a great new use for extra large maxi pads!!! I tape them to the inside of the pants where the wounds are located, and it keeps the blood and everything from making a mess!!!! whodathunkit!!!!

    But now that I lost my job, I'll be home 24-7 to take care of him.

    Both kennels will have to be replaced. I've started cleaning up the mess. And I couldn't figure out where all the stuffing came from....it was Red Dogs bed torn to shreds, and his sheets were in SMOKEY'S old pen!!!! Ugh...

    Anyhow. I've got a lot of cleaning up to do and medicating so I'll letcha go.

    I will find out Friday (hopefully) if the girls are ok, and weren't effected by the whole ordeal. If they abort the foals, that will be two more counts of criminal mischief caused by a canine running at large. And he'll be responcible for the two foals and next breedings....
  3. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    Wowo those dogs took no mercy on poor Boo I knew it was going to be bad but the pics show just had bad it really is. The Pictures of Red Dog made tears well up in my eyes. Im glad your going to hopefully get justice.
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Auspet will probably delete this thread. Though I hope not. People really need to understand what damages can be caused by their ignorance. This was in no way the dogs fault. Its in his instinct to take down prey. And Rotts are have STRONG prey drives.

    I think if I were a dog, I wouldn't know I did wrong. But the stupidowner should have KNOWN better. He thinks its a joke. Well, I printed out all the pics (Ihave a lot more) and blew them up all 8X10 so he can see REALLY good what his dog did.....
  5. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    I absolutly agree with you it is in no way the dogs fault of course and it could have all been avoided is he kepted his dog properly contained. It is in no way a joke and Im glad you blew up those pics like you said he needs to get a good look at what is dog did.
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    hopefully they will use those pics in prosecution, Sam you just lost your job you started last week? thats too bad,

    I cant believe a dog did that to a cow

  7. nern

    nern New Member

    Sams...those photos are devestating. :cry:
    I am so sorry for you and all you have lost.
  8. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Sams, that it just horrible. I feel like throwing up. And I totally agree it's the owner's fault. Although I find it a little hard to belive that 2 "domesticated" dogs would do that. I know that instinct and stuff kicks in, but geez. And I was also thinking about poor Boo all day. I bet he had no idea what was going on. Didn't he think he was a dog? And then to be mauled by dogs. :cry:
  9. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Those picture are just horrible.

    And the owner of the Rotti thinks its a joke :x ! I say let a dog attack him or his son and see how well he'd laugh it off! Honestly the ignorance of some people.

    I do agree that it is not the dogs fault, but it just goes to show what can happen when people don't want to realize what their dog is actually capable of and take precautionary measures.
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member


    Yeah. He thought he was a person. I've raised him since day one and he's been at my side since. He's always played with Red Dog... so he never had a reason to fear dogs.
  11. Blueribbon

    Blueribbon New Member

    OMG Sam,

    Our prayers are with you, take that bast*** for everything. Take his property, life saving take everything he doesn't deserve mercy. Give Boo boo lots of healing {{{{ HUGS }}}} for the three of us ( my daughter Rebecca, Daddy Kevin and myself mommy Linda aka blueribbon ). :love_y_t_much: :kiss_heart:

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