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  4. Live Spirulina

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Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by pcolachic, May 25, 2005.

  1. pcolachic

    pcolachic New Member

    I was leaving petsmart and sable jumped out of the buggy before I could grab her leash she was gone she ran into the neighborhood behind the store me and all the petsmart workers looked for an hour and a half but she was gone I left my # there called all the shelters and my vet and started putting up flyers and about an hour ago a guy called my from a tire shop he found her and called the vet and they gave him my number
    I went and picked her up she was so happy to see me I have no idea how she got to the tire shop I was so scared I thought I was never going to see her again I feel so bad I feel like such a horriable mommy :cry:
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    OMG, I am so glad you found her, was she running around with her leash in tow? luckily she didnt get hurt. thank god for ID #

    makes us realize it only takes a split second
  3. pcolachic

    pcolachic New Member

    yea and its a main part of town too theres a 4 lane hwy right there I had to turn my head cause I thought she was going to run out into it but she did cross it somehow cause where we found her was like two blocks away across the street I am so lucky I thought I was never going to see her again but everybody was so helpful I am so grateful to have her back I would have never forgiven myself for that we lost her at 11am and the man called us to get her at 5:00 that afternoon I was frantic we have a lot of fighters around here and that was one of my worse fears and the pound basicly told me they would put her down if I didnt get her Immedietly if they picked her up it was horriable
    like losing my own child ( I know that sounds stupid but thats what it felt like)
  4. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I am so happy you got her home safe! :eek: I know how you feel, its a terrible feeling when your dog is missing. I just had a dog stolen a couple weeks ago, I'm still thinking over all these questions of who took and why, what are they going to do with him, is he okay, will I recover him. Its a hard thing to deal with, these dogs are like children themselves, they are so humanlike and so loving, very dependent, but sometimes I think we depend on them as much as they depend on us. Its wonderful to hear you got her back and so quickly.

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