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Random cat question !

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by winnie, May 17, 2005.

  1. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Ok so lets say you have a cat and you litterbox train it. This cat never has an accident, even if the box gets super gross at times, he still doesnt have any accidnets. Now lets say you take this cat with you in your room when you go to bed and shut the door. So the cat stays in your room all night and has no access to its litterbox. Will a cat hold it, or if it has no access to its box will it just go wherever.

    I know dogs hold it threw the night b/c we train them to. We dont train cats to go a certain times, we just train them to go in a box and give them unlimted access to it. So if the cat had no access for about 8 hours or so, would it have an accidnet or hold it until it had access?

  2. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    In my experience, they'll hold it untill they cant (barring any medical prob's they may have)

    EDITED TO ADD: Some times I can't wait 8 hours to 'go' so consider their smaller bladders and bowels
  3. Bente

    Bente New Member

    When I was a baby my parents had a cat that only went outside to do his buissness. One day they left to visit somefriends, thinking the cat was outside, when he really was sleeping under the couch... When they came home he had gone to poop - in the bathroom, next to the toilet (clever cat). The poor cat had held it in for so long that when he finaly let it out it spurted over the floor and walls! :-& So yes they hold it until they can't anymore...
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Usually what my cats have done on the odd occasion they are unable to get to the litterbox is, like Bentes cat, theyve gone in the bathroom....and used as much toilet paper as they can unravell to cover it up :shock:

    I think its 'payback'!!!
  5. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    My thought is I guess it depends on how bad they have to go.

    When we took care of cute little Scooter for a short time, my territorial Socks wouldn't let Scooter leave one of the bedrooms so poor Scooter went poopie on our bedroom rug one time while we were away.

    Another cat we had (he's in kitty heaven now) was ill during the end of his life and when he couldn't make it to the litter, he would try to make it to the bathtub and go in there.
  6. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I think they would hold it as long as they could. I have accidentally closed one of my cats in the guest room. As soon as I pay attention to the dogs and let the cat out, it usually runs to the litter box. Usually it's been several hours.

    A friend of mine accidentally closed her cat up in her son's captain's bed. He left for the weekend and discovered the cat a few days later. The cat made a bee-line for the litter box as soon as she was released.

    And I actually take Copper to the litterbox LOL. If he hasn't gone in a while (no clumps) I will take him in the bathroom with the boxes and tell him to "use your box". He will get in there and squeeze something out!
  7. nern

    nern New Member

    I think it would depend on the individual cat as well as how bad they have to go.
  8. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    Just make sure the cat goes to the bathroom before you put him in the room for the night and doesn't drink a boatload of water just before bed time. Then you should be alright. If anything, kitty might just "tell" you he needs out.
    My kitty does it with a beautiful, charming yowl and scratching on the door.
  9. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    If you must close your bedroom door, then I agree with Onix...have kitty go before you close her in the room with you. Any time I dig around/clean Boogers box, she'll hop right in and re-claim it by going. Give that a try.
  10. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    As everyone else said, i think it should be alright too. I actually have to do this with Vianne everyday becuz of our current living situation, she is not allowed to just roam around the house as she pleases. So everynight before bed while i'm brushing my teeth and getting ready, i take her to the bathroom with me so she can go and then back to my room and shut the door. Then she wakes me up in the morning when she's ready to go out, usually around 7:30 or 8am. I have to do this all day with her, so usually whenever i have to go, i just take her with me. Or if i am leaving the house for more than a couple hours, i just put her in the bathroom to go as she pleases. We've been doing it for several months with no issues at all. She will jump up to the door knob when she wants out if i forget, so its been working out fine.
  11. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    totally funny...

    well, one time when max was about six months...i was at my boyfriends house (now my x), and he left for work and closed the bedroom door. max was in there with me....

    :roll: well, as most of you know, max has had chronic diarrhea all his life...and that was NOT A GOOD SITUATION!!! lols...cause im sleeping, and i hear a far off sound...well, not that far off...he was on the bed. and sure enough...diarrhea all over the bed...then! he jumped down when i went "OMG!!!" and proceeded to finish on the carpeting. poor poor little maxie :shock: i felt so bad for him.

    had to get the carpet cleaners over asap. it was everywhere.... :p
  12. i_love_my_ollie

    i_love_my_ollie New Member

    my boyf brother has a cat (bout 3months diffrence with ollie n hes a black cat could be twins if there wasnt the gap!!) well they told me wen he was relly little my boyf brother was getting ready for work opened the wardrob and been a nosey cat (same as ollie) he jumped me boyfs bro didnt see and all day the poor little thing was in there and when they finaly came home they heard a cry they let him out and louis(their cat) jumped out just run to the litter box bless he held it in for bout 8hours needless to say they now check where he is before they go out!!
  13. smileywaveygirl

    smileywaveygirl New Member

    my cat only goes outside, she usually stays in overnight in one room and there's never been a problem. she's been shut in there overnight and then until late afternoon the next day because someone forgot to let her out (poor baby) and still waited until she was let out.
  14. vene

    vene New Member

    Arrg. I accidentally locked Rene in the utility room all day and night. :oops: :m13: We had a gas leak detected by an energy conservationist and within minutes, a National Fuel worker arrived to tighten the gas pipe. Unfortunately, Rene snuck inside undetected and she was there from 2:30PM-6:30AM. It's all my fault. :cry: The poor little girl had to relieve herself ontop of one of my son's toy boxes. I'm just thankful that the gas leak was fixed and she didn't have to breath the fumes all day and night. I'm going to have to search for her #2 even though I don't smell anything in that room. She didn't have to relieve herself in the morning nor was she hungry although she ate well after she played with Bente's cat swap toys. We were out all night and did not come home until 10PM so I neglicted to count meowmi heads. :( I'm such a terrible mommy! :cry: I would definitely not recommend enclosing cats in any rooms for any period of time. :0021:
  15. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    Sometimes they do sometimes they don't I think it really depends on how bad they have to go.
  16. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Don't you dare say that miss Moni! [-X All your kitties are lucky to have you as their mommy! I know, and so does everybody else here, that you take great care of all four. I understand that you feel bad, but everybody makes mistakes sometimes, that just life. I'm glad to hear Rene is playing with the toys I sendt though :D
  17. vene

    vene New Member

    Thanks Bente. Rene has forgiven me and was not traumatized too badly. She still follows me around the house and into the utility room where she was locked up. Your kitty toys rock! Rene has lost all the little furmice and she loves the feather fishing pole and Pumpkin the scrunchy one! :mrgreen:
  18. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Those dern little furry mice...they get lost so easily. Booger still loves them. Bente sent her some for our cat swap and Booger is addicted LOL

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