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My dog keeps urinating on the carpet!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jomamaboss, May 26, 2005.

  1. Jomamaboss

    Jomamaboss New Member

    Can someone help me? My dog is 12 years old and keeps urinating in one spot on my carpet. I have cleaned and cleaned and used all kinds of products. We are vigilant about making sure he goes outside, but he keeps urinating in that one spot when we aren't looking. How do I stop him and how do I get rid of the odor?
  2. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    First of all, I would suggest a vet check to rule out a UTI or any other problem. Especially if this just started and he's always previously been really good about no accidents.

    Next, I would suggest you restrict him from that area until you can completely get rid of the smell. Use an enzymatic cleaner like Nature's Miracle to clean it up and you have to really, really soak it to get to the padding under the carpet. One poster (props to Delauk :wink: ) suggests using a big syringe and injecting the cleaner under carpet directly into the pad. Remember they can smell waaaaaaaaaay better than us and even if you can't smell it, he probably can. I personally hate carpet for this reason because I thought I had cleaned the heck out of my hallway carpet but when I finally pulled it up, I nearly passed out! All of my animals had obviously used it as their latrine. :x And if you use a carpet cleaner, do not use heat. It "sets" the urine smell.

    Good Luck!
  3. Jomamaboss

    Jomamaboss New Member

    Thanks for the info!

    I bought some Nature's Miracle and it seemed to be working until the dog found a way to get around the barrier I put up. So, I bought some more and we're trying it again. The problem now is, I think he's gone somewhere else because I get an odor every now and then and it's not coming from the spot I cleaned! What does a UTI do? Just make them have to go more often? Thanks for all your help!
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    UTI is a urinary tract infection, needs to be treated as they dont go away by themselves, frequent and usually small amounts of urine is passed, or some will 'hold it' as long as possible as its uncomfortable/painful when they do urinate, somtimes obvious blood is present, or urine just appears darker(like a dark yellow, orang or brown coloured), some lick themselves a lot more than usual....always better to get them checked out with the first sign.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    You can use a black light to find where he has been going on the carpet. Most pet stores sell them for this purpose.
  6. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    :lol: I could just imagine how my house would light up with a black light. Two female dogs, one female cat and one neutered male cat and everyone--except the female cat--has to mark! Ugh!!
  7. Mockingcat

    Mockingcat New Member

    Ditto here.... our dog took a little while to decide what was "home" after we brought her home from the shelter. Man, we spent about a month scrubbing everything in the house!

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