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Hand rearing kitten question..

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Ginny, May 31, 2005.

  1. Ginny

    Ginny New Member


    I have been hand rearing a kitten and am struggling with the weaning. This is the first time I've hand reared, and I have to say it's great, but the weaning is proving to be frustrating! I'm using dried food and am soaking it with some of the milk until it's nice and smooth and ready to be lapped up! But he's not having any of it! I've used a teaspoon to try and get some in his mouth, he's walked in it constantly but is still miaowing because he's hungry.

    There's no need to panic just yet, as I know it's early days. But any tips would certainly be welcome.

    Thanks. And I'd like to officially welcome Horation into our family, he's one of the best guys I've ever met!
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Usually when Ive starting weaning either kittens or puppies I mix the formula with canned food, the smell is stronger than dry, try warming it up a little first also (if you do it in the microwave leave it for a few minutes before offering to the kitty as it keeps cooking after its taken out.
    And just so you know, of all the pups and kitty's Ive hand raised...not one of them has got through this weaning period with 'clean feet'....they all seem to want to stand in it...and fall in it :D Just use a soft wet cloth to wipe the food off....unless they are cleaning themselves. Its not a big deal if the food dries on their hair but if it gets stuck on the skin it can cause some irritation.
  3. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I just wanted to say good luck! I hand raised Copper and it wasn't easy and I sure wish I had this forum back then! The vet's office gave me tips (except I found him on a long weekend) as soon as I got up there, but I had no idea what I was doing. The vet tech told me "bring him in if he makes it to 6 weeks" and the challenge was on! Not only did he make it, but he's HUGE lol.

    And I agree about warming up the formula/kitten food mixture. Copper wouldn't touch his "gruel" (as I called it) if it wasn't the precise temperature. He actually completely weaned himself by strolling over to the dog's bowl and helping himself lol. But he probably did think she was him Mom too because the dogs had to help me.

    How old is Horatio??
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    You could also try putting a tiny dab of the food on your pinky finger and putting it on his mouth or in his mouth if possible. Good luck!
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    I had a couple of kittens at 5 weeks old and they loved moist foods and KMR on the side and they came litter trained. They even chowed down dry kitten food in between breaks. I really don't have any advice except good luck!
  6. Ginny

    Ginny New Member

    Thanks for the replies. I've been persevering when I've had the time to sit with Horatio. He's had a couple of tastes of the biscuits mixed with his milk and swallowed it, but wasn't tempted back for more! I did try with canned kitten food, and he watched my old cat eating it but just cried for milk!!

    Bless him, I know it's going to take time and patience. He's such a fat dude, his belly is lovely and round and I can't stop kissing him and he can't stop kissing me.

    I'd like to stick to the food I'm trying if I can, as it's the only food my old cat can eat without being ill - if she has a diet of canned food she begins to vomit at every meal. I've tried it on my finger, but I'm finding the teaspoon a better way of getting it in his mouth when he miaows for his bottle!

    Next to my almost 13 year old cat he looks SO tiny, and I'm so proud of Cassie - she's accepting him so well. She's been an only cat since xmas, and got used to constant attention and now she's having to share my son and I.

    I'll keep trying! No-one has told me this is going to be easy! I keep the food to a warm temperature, so maybe it's a case of going over and over the same thing until he 'get's it'! No doubt eventually it'll happen when I least expect it - just like the rich animal loving guy who is going to turn up in my life when I least expect it!!! :wink:

    Thanks all. xx

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