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Expressing dogs anal glands?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by CDX2, Jun 1, 2005.

  1. CDX2

    CDX2 New Member

    I have a half pug half beagle that needs her glands expressed at least once a month. Is this common with pugs or beagles?? I usually have the groomer do it then she gets bathed right away and I do not have to deal with the Horrible smell. Any thoughts on this? Thanks
  2. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    We recently had a big discussion on this! :roll:

    Why does she HAVE to have her anal glands expresssed? Is it on the advice of the groomer alone, or a vet? Are they leaking, or getting impacted? It's not normal for any dog to have to have their anal sacs expressed monthly. IMO, if she's not under the care of a vet for this problem, she should be.

    My dogs used to have a problem with theirs (knock on wood) until I changed their food and they consequently had firmer stools. The vet didn't tell me this, I just kinda figured it out.
  3. lil96

    lil96 New Member

  4. CDX2

    CDX2 New Member

    I was taking her to the vet to have it done. This was their recommendation. But they charged to much so the groomer does include it in there price. The vet really did not have any suggestions I was thinking of taking her to a different vet.I did change her food from Nutro to Iams no difference. I found that info on the net that it worked for some dogs.
    She starts biting her back paws and chasing her tail that's when I know it is time If I wait to long she will be laying on me or the couch and YUCK that smell. She starts leaking.
  5. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Poor baby! I know that smell. :-& Brie used to leak too. I had her on Nutro and she improved (knock on wood again). Now they are on Natural Balance and their stools are much firmer. Maybe a better food with less fillers would help your dog too. ?? I think Iams has alot of fillers like corn and soy.

    Good Luck! Maybe someone else will post with more suggestions...
  6. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    One thing you can try to help anal gland problems is to add plain canned pumpkin or cooked sweet potato to the dog's diet. I've been giving my dogs a tablespoon full of pumpkin in their food every day, and no anal gland problems since.
  7. duckling

    duckling New Member

    Anal gland issues are pretty common with small breeds. Have you tried Wellness? It's a very high quality food (definitely a step up from Iams) and contains lots of fiber to firm up the stools. Just be sure not to overfeed; otherwise, you may have the opposite effect! My dog also tends to have anal gland problems, but he never had a problem while on Wellness Lamb.
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    From Nutro to Iams may well have been a step down, depending on which Nutro product you were using. Try something like Wellness, Natural Balance, Innova, Canidae, etc. Or just feed raw. :)
  9. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Because most vets aren't trained in nutrition. Vet schools typically teach ONE class, where the instructor is a representative of a pet food company. Any continuing education is also received from pet food companies. Go figure.

    CDX2 - I do not feed "BARF". I feed raw food, prey model. That means bones and raw meat and organs, in proportions as close as possible to real prey animals. No veggies or cooking meals or grinding bones or any of that nonsense.

    My sister doesn't like this idea because it is "gross." I think that's irresponsible. So what if it's gross? Would you rather your dogs be healthy and live longer, or would you rather protect your delicate sensibilities and not feed an appropriate food because it is "gross?" Our dogs depend on us to do what is right for THEM, not for US.

    If you won't feed raw, at least look for a more natural food without grains, corn, artificial preservatives or additives, etc.
  10. CDX2

    CDX2 New Member

    Thanks for all the suggestions. I will try the food change for sure!! My wife does not like the "BARF" Diet idea even though her boss does it with his dog. I will post the outcome for Droopy. If u want to see stinky but you can click on www. Thanks Again :mrgreen:
  11. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    She is soooooo cute!

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