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question about a tooth problem

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by honeybears, Jun 2, 2005.

  1. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    okay a little background first, last week Wylie started not acting like her 24/7 frisbee self, its been over a week, she has been sluggish, almost like anything little activity exerts her, and drinking a lot of water

    She had similar symptoms this time last year, i took her to the vet, well they wanted to do xrays of her chest and heart and I said let me think about it, the next day she was attacked buy the coyotes and was put on antibiotics, she was herself in a few days, the vet thought then maybe she was just running a lowgrade illness the antibiotics clear up. this time of year we go for hikes and she drinks out of puddles so she could have gotten something from there

    so fastforward to now.

    same thing, I went to the vet yesterday,, he want to do xrays on chest and heart, I explained her similar symptoms, he didnt want to put her on antibiotics not know what he was treating.

    the last thing he check was her mouth, her fang tooth is all pink. cant remember what he called it, but said its caused by trauma. the blood gets down into the tooth. He knocked on it a few times but she didnt flinch. it doesnt looke likes its bothering It could very well be her problem, so then he did put her on antibiotics in case that is causing an infection

    he said if it gets worse, a root canal is recommened. I tiold my husband that and he said WHAT, I am not giving my dog a root canal, if it goes bad just pull it.

    So my question, does anyone have any experienc with this and do they heal on their own, or normally get worse?

    and one more thing, he siad he couldnt listen to her her heart since she was having a panic attack being at the vet. I think doing a heart xray is a little extreme and first they should wait until she is quiet to listen to heart to listen for abnormalities

  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Sorry to hear Wylie's not feeling good. How old is she again?
    I used to work for a board certified dental vet in Bev Hills, he did root canals on a regular basis, among other things like braces, false gold teeth (the norm for the Hollywierd crowd...no expense spared :? ) Personally I'd have my dogs tooth taken out, I always think that just a dental cleaning is painful enough (have you ever had a 'deep cleaning'....I hate to say it but it took 2 Vicodin and a good sized glass of Scotch to kill the pain last time I had that done)...From what I know, there is always the slight risk that the root canal wont work...that said its been 6 years since I worked for that vet and only done Er work since were we had no dental equipment apart from a couple of extractors and a mouth gag. I would talk to your vet, ask if they think there will be any disadvantages to losing that tooth altogether (I dont know of any) and then go from there, my older Whippet had a coupel of canines out, a few molars....didnt affect her chewing on her bones.....
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Delauk, my husband had a root amputated about 5 years ago and he is still in pain, the dentist wants to save it he says to just pull it. So thats thats what we would do with Wylie, if needed
    we think she is about 7, her teeth looke pretty good otherwise. I will try to remember to get a pic to show

    do you know what the vet is talking about ? it sounds like there is blood in the tooth giving it the pinkish color. I hope it mends on its own.

    Even though she didnt flinch when the vet tapped on it, I think it may bother her. because I have noticed the last few days she would drop her food and then eat it. I also had switched food that were bigger nuggets, and I thought that was why she was dropping it , but then not feeling well I switched her back thinking that could also be the problem ( was still mixng the 2) and she was still dropping her food this morning.
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    If its what Im thinking its a pulpitis, theres a link that Ive got in the Merck manual that gives you some information on it....but I would still check with your vet for the exact name....just in case its something else, if it is this, it will need some form of treatment or be pulled out.

    http://www.merckvetmanual.com/mvm/index ... /20809.htm
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    thanks! thats it, thats what the said and I was going to say something like pulpitas, but it sounded strange

    I wonder how they tell the difference between pupal hyperemia and pulpitis. I wonder if it could be hyperimia sinc he did say it may get better and the pulpitis doens according the the merck. he only looked in her mouth a second

    thanks so much for the link, I keep forgetting how good that merkc manual is
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I bet you could take her to a dental specialist, if you have some extra cash laying around. :shock:
  7. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    "if you have some extra cash laying around. "

    will haved to check the mattress :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    it never ends Jakes hot spot flared up agina this morning in the same spot :( I just dont know what to do

    so strange since the tick bite started the one int his location what 5 months ago it just keeps coming back and coming back.

    I am really thinking of nuking his body :? , its just to frustrating
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    *whispers* Homeopathy....

    Didn't I give you the e-mail of the woman I use? Did you send her an e-mail? You could just mail her and tell her what's going on and ask her if she thinks she can help.
  9. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Jimiya, yes, you did, I still have her # its time for me to call her, she slipped my mind
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Let me know how it goes.

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