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I have to give Lucy back.

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by elizavixen, Jun 3, 2005.

  1. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    I'm bringing her back to the adoption place in about 30 mins. I feel really really bad about it. She is such a sweet dog, she just has issues that I can't deal with. I guess they will find a better place for her. Things were going great with her. I was so happy. Earlier today they were sitting together and it was so cute. I'm giving her back b/c just a few mins ago she attacked Indy. I have no idea what happened or why. There was no food involved or toys. She just started attacking him. All out attack. He was fighting back, which I have never seen him do. It took awhile but I was able to grab her and drag her outside. I gave it a few mins for them to calm down then I tried bringing her inside again and she went right after him again. I wrote about this before but before it was different, she would just bite him. This time they were going at it. I have never experienced a dog fight before. Luckily neither of them are hurt. I just can't deal with it b/c I leave them alone alot and I don't know what would have happened if I wasn't there. Maybe nothing, maybe they both could have been killed. I just can't worry about that. The shelter woman asked if she was really going for skin and honestly, I don't know. Indy doesn't have a scratch on him but how are you supposed to know for sure. I don't think it is her eyes (they are still a little funky) b/c they were getting along. I think something bad must have happened to her with another dog or something b/c she really gets super jealous. I don't want her to see Indy as her competition that she has to get rid of. Anyways, I'm just ranting b/c I'm upset. I really wanted to make it work with her. I don't have the resources to deal with an 80 lb dog attacking a 130 lb dog. I just hate whoever had her in the beginning. How can anyone abuse a dog? I just don't understand it. She is as sweet as she could be with people. Well...I have to go now. I just feel so guilty like I should give her another chance but I just can't risk that. Not knowing what triggered it???? Just that she has that inside her scares me.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Youve tried everything you could. Some dogs are just never okay around other dogs. I know she had gone through a lot when you got her and I was hoping that it was just the eye problem that was making her behave like this, Ive known that to be the sole reason for aggression in some dogs but now that her eyes are doing better but she is still being aggressive your right to be concerned, you have to make sure Indy is not suffering because of the aggression. Hopefully Lucy will get a great home maybe as the only dog in the house, sounds like that might be better for her.

    Sorry it didnt work out for you all.
  3. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    Thanks. I just got back from the place. She did the same thing to a dog there too. They let in another dog that she had previously gotten along great with and she just attacked him. I guess it was good that they know what I was talking about and that I am not crazy. They are a no-kill place so I'm sure they'll find a place for her. It is now in her record that she doesn't get along with other dogs though. I just feel like I've abandoned her. She's been through so much in her 7 mos it just makes me sad for her.
  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    oh poor Lucy, but it is for the best. she'll find another great home!
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Eliza, you did try, and its for the best, it does sound like she has big aggression issues that need to be resolved and not be around other dogs.
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm sorry to hear this Eliza.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm so sorry, Eliza. I don't know if you were here or not when it happened to me, but I went through this as well. Before we got Bonnie, we adopted the sweetest aussie ever from the shelter. He was smart and well-behaved and cuddly and beautiful. He and Nala got along fine. For one day. On the second day, he attacked her. The first two times were over resources. So I took everything out of the room and contacted the behavior people at the shelter and also a private behaviorist for help. They gave me ideas of what to do - rewarding them for good behavior, taking away high-value things, etc. I did everything they told me to. And then he attacked her again, for no reason. The scary part was, she would immediately back down but it didn't matter - HE WOULD NOT STOP.

    The last time, she was on the floor on her back yelping and yelping and crying and he was snarling and all over her. My husband was home and dragged him off her and put him outside. Poor Nala was okay, but terrified. I kept them separate rooms for the rest of the day. The next morning when I let Nala out of her crate (she sleeps in a crate in our bedroom), she creeped out on her belly. She paused at the doorway and peeked around the corner and carefully crept out into the hallway. It broke my heart. She was only 9 months old.

    I couldn't risk another fight and I couldn't risk Nala becoming a fearful dog, especially in her own home. She is a very submissive dog, but she is also very confident and outgoing. I didn't want that to change.

    I had to give him back. This dog had been adopted out twice before and returned as a stray both times. His owners didn't even have the guts to bring him back - they just let him run off and stay on the streets. I am sure that's where he learned to guard his stuff and be a bully in order to survive. But I was never told this by the shelter.

    At this point, I had him fenced in the kitchen and Nala fenced in the family room. The cats were locked in the finished basement for their own safety (just in case) and of course the mice were all closed in the bedrooms. I couldn't live like that. But I didn't want him going back to the shelter.

    I found a foster home for him, and he seemed to do okay with a larger pack of dogs, but he wasn't happy. They found a home for him, but he was returned yet again when they said he "bit" their 13-year-old son when the boy tried to make him get off the couch. I am positive he just nipped at the boy, being an aussie and all, but the kid was scared and they returned the dog to the shelter.

    He couldn't be in a shelter. He was destructive when he was there before, from separation anxiety and probably boredom. They ended up putting him down. I found out about it later - they didn't call me, to try to spare me the pain.

    This poor dog could have been the most wonderful pet if only the people who adopted him as a puppy had known what to do with him. He probably needed some firm guidance as many herding dogs do. Instead, they failed him. Aussie rescue refused to take him from the shelter because of the destructive issues. They said they would just put him down. I was shocked and appalled, since I thought the rescues worked with dogs like this to help them!!

    So anyway. Sorry for rambling on so long. But you did the right thing. You HAD to protect Indy. And your rescue sounds like a wonderful place and they will work with her and find her a good home where she can be the only dog. I wish there had been such a place here for my dog.

    Rest your heart. The right dog will come along when you least expect it.
  8. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    I would have taken the dog back too. You really gave it your best shot.
    As Deluk said Some dogs are not meant to be around other dogs.
    Sounds like Lucy needed to be the only pet in the house hold.

    One other thing that you did that really will help Lucy out was to be able to get her out of the shelter and into your home.
    Now because of you and your experiences with Lucy, the shelter can compile a nice spread sheet on Lucy and her future needs for a good home. Because of you and your experiences both good and bad, you really helped Lucy out and her future family out in the long run.

    Please know in your heart that you gave it your all and did the best thing.

    In my field of rescue, I rely on foster families to tell me as much info as possible on the dogs they care for and that really helps me permanantly place them into proper homes.

    Your experiences with Lucy were much more helpful than you realize.

  9. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    Thanks for the nice replies. I just bought another St. Bernard puppy the other day, or reserved one I should say(kind of quick I know but they are hard to find around here so I had to kind of jump at the chance). Picking her up on the 25th. She'll be 8 1/2 wks old (I learned my lesson after getting Indy at 5 1/2 wks) - he said I could get her this week but I was like "I'll wait." lol. Plus I'm going on vacation the week before that so I wouldn't have anywhere to put a little puppy. I feel kind of guilty for buying a dog but I am so partial to St. Bernards - which I why I was so excited about Lucy. but once the puppy gets settled in and bigger with all her shots, I'm going to think about fostering.
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Congrats!! I know how you feel about being guilty for buying a pup, but then again those pups deserve a good home, too! We of course will be wanting pictures when you get her. Just how much does an 8-week-old St. Bernard weigh anyway?? Will she be bigger than a breadbox? (LOL, sorry. A little insanity creeping in...)

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